【精校版】江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf Section B(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版

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【精校版】江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf Section B(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版_第1页
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【精校版】江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf Section B(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版_第3页
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《【精校版】江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf Section B(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【精校版】江西省八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf Section B(3a4)导学案 人教新目标版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf Section B(3a-4)3.如何对动物表述观点。【重难点预测】1.如何提高的阅读理解和写作能力。2.掌握句型,根据自己的情况,发表对宠物的看法。【新知导学】What do you think is the best pet for a 6-year-old child?I think a dog is a good pet for a 6-year-old child.Really? I dont agree. Dogs are too difficult to take care of.

2、How about a goldfish? .【自主预习】1.请同学们先认真阅读学习目标,然后仔细研读课本P64,看完后将所学到的东西进行归纳,画出重要知识点,用红笔做好疑难标记。2.试着读一读单词表中本课时的新单词(或词组),将不会的单词圈出来,然后通过听磁带或求助于其他等方式将单词读准、读熟。3.你能翻译下列单词和词组吗?pot-bellied pig_ the trendiest kind of pet_make the best pets_ life with a pig_make her a special pig house_ have enough time to do_some

3、times noisy at night_ sleep all day_cheaper than rabbit or cat_ easy to take care of_good company_ can be noisy_4.翻译下列句子。1)时下最时髦的宠物是大腹便便的猪。_2)她太大了,不能睡在屋子里。_3)有一头猪的生活总是不完美的。_4)我没有足够的时间跟她待在一起。_【合作探究】任务1:细读3a,回答下列问题。1)Who has a pot- bellied pig as a pet ?_2)What is the trendiest kind of pet these days

4、?_3)What does the pig do every night?_4)What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping such a pet ?_任务2:根据所学词组,用上述问题所提供的信息,关上书复述3a。任务3:模仿3a,来写一篇小短文。3b给了你足够的提示,相信你一定能行。_任务4:小组合作,谈论在公寓里养宠物的利弊,填写书上的表格,并写成短文汇报出来。_考点聚焦give away 赠送,分发 give up 放弃,停止 give off 放出,释放 give in 屈服 give out分发,用完 give back 归

5、还rather than “胜于,而不是。”用于连接两个平行结构,包括名词、代词、形容词、动词甚至是一个句子。如:He cried rather than smiled.相关词组:would rather than或wouldrather than或preferrather than 宁愿而不愿 如:He would rather die than give up smoking. 练一练:单项选择( )1. We prefer to sing at the party rather than _.A. dance B. dancing C. to dance D. danced( )2.What about playing football this afternoon, Tom? I would rather _ at home than _ football. Its too hot today.A. stay; playing B. stay; play C. to stay; to play D. to stay; playing【学案整理】_Section B ( 3a4)练一练:1. A 2. B


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