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1、Pep6 unit 4 Read and write 试课稿Step 1 Warming-up and revision1. Sing the song: “ Whenis your birthday?”T:first, lets sing the song: “ Whenis your birthday?”T: ok, now can you tell me who can you see in the song?Ss: Sarah and Zhang Peng.T: Yes, Sarah and Zhang Peng. So when is Sara birthday? Ss: It so

2、n January f. what about Zhang Peng? When is his birthday? Ss: Good. His birthday is on August 5th.2. Ask and answer:thT: and my birthday is on April 6th. When is your birthday? Can you tell me?Ss: My birthday is thT: You please. Oh, your birthday is onJanuary12 . What about you? When is your birthda

3、y? Your birthday is on August 7th.T: now Please look at the pictures, I have many baby animals for you. When are their birthdays? Look, when is the baby duck sbirthday? Ss: ItsonItson March 3rd. what about the baby dog? June 1t0h.thWhen is the baby sheepsbirthday? Itson July 7th.Step 2 Presentation

4、and practice1. Lead-inT: Each baby animal has its own name, now lets listen to a song“the baby animal song”.T: What animals do you see? Can you remember?S: I see theYou see the horse, cow, cat, sheep,pig, dog and so on.T: We can see many animals and baby animals. We call the baby dog puppy. We call

5、the baby sheep lamb. We call the baby cat kitten. Puppy will grow up into dog. Lamb will grow up into sheep. Kitten will grow up into cats. Today, our topic is about growing. See how they grow.Lets enjoy some pictures.T: How did you grow? First, you were small babies. Me, too. Look at this baby. Who

6、 is it? Can you guess?She is Sarah. How did Sarah grow? In 2019, she was 10 years old. Now it is 2019, she is 12.2. Pre-reading(1) T: Sarah likes animals very much. She has a cat. The cat has two babies. How do we call baby cats?S: Kittens.T: Yes, kittens. Read after me, kitten, kittens. Sarah likes

7、kittens very much. So she keepsdiaries and photosabout them.(2) T : look, These are Sarahs diaries. Read after me, diary. Can you read the dates on them?th st th rdS: April 15 , April 21 , April 26 , May 3 .Task 1:look, these are photos, can you choose the photo for each diary.Lets check:You have a

8、try. Yes, photo A is for April 21st. Photo B is for April 15 th. Photo C is for May 3rd. Photo D is for April 26th.3. While-reading(1)The first diary April 15thT: Now lets learn the diaries. Look at the first photo, Whats the date? S: April 15th.thT: Yes, on April 15 , what are the kittens like? Can

9、 you guess? Are they?Oh, are they small? Maybe. Are they cute? Maybe- Now liste n and find the an swer.Ok , who find the answer? What are they like?On April15th, they are pink. What else? They are young. Yes, they re pink because theyre very young.And what can they do or cantdo?Oh, They cantsee. Do

10、you know why?Great, because theyre too young, their eyes are closed. So they still cantseey read after me,stilly what does still mean? Can you choose the answer ?Yes , still mea ns. A 仍然.Now lets read this diary together.(3) Task 2:T: What are they like then? And what can they do? Listen and find ou

11、t how kittens grow from their appearanee从外貌上)tha. On April 21th: what are they like? Please listen.thSo on April 21th: how old are the kittens? Yes, six days old. what are they like from their appearance? Who find the answer?Yes, they have white fur. So what color are they now? they are white.What d

12、oes“fur ”mean? look, animals have fur. People have hair.thb. then what about April 26 th, let s listen . what are they like? Who find the answer? who find the key sentences?Yes, their eyes are open. They are blue. So what color are their eyes? Yes ,blue. So we can say they haveblue eyes. Can they se

13、e now? of course they can.rdc. On May 3 : what are they like? Can you guess? Are they-.?Great , maybe they have/ are -(发挥想象)(4)Task 3: read and find out how kittens grow from their abilities(从行为、水平上) T: these are all from appearance, what about abilities? On April 1t5h, they cantsee. What about Apri

14、l 21st? please read and find out how they grow from their abilities,circle the key words, work in pairs and fill in the blank.T: Now, lets check the answers. On April 21st, what can they do? Who knows?Oh, they can make noises . yes, they can make noises, when do they make noises? Yes, when they are

15、hungry. So what does make noises mean? Listen, cats make noises like this. Now, read after me, make noises. And here when means at that time.Can they see on April 21st? No, they still cantsee. So they cantsee on April 21st.thWhat about April 26th, what can they do? Who find the answer? You please. They can see. Why? Their eyes are open. What they catndo? Can you guess?Ss: Can they ?T: I don th ink so./Maybe they can .so maybe they cawalk/run.rdOn march 3 , what can they do? This group please. Oh, they can walk andplay. They can play with Robin. And what they cantdo? Who can guess?Ss: Maybe



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