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1、形容词副词(二)课前检测1. He often works_ into the night, which moves us_. A. deep; deep B. deeply; deeply C. deep; deeply D. deeply; deep 2. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother. A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing 3. Hed like to sleep with the window at night. A. o

2、pen wide B. open widely C. wide open D. opened wide 4. When you drive home, you cant be _ careful. A. very B. too C. so D. only 5. In that case, there is nothing you can do _ than wait. A. more B. other C. better D. any 6. Such a problem is_ difficult for a primary school student _. A. so; to work B

3、. very too; to work out C. rather too; to work out D. quite too; to answer 7. Ive got _work to do on a _ cold day. A. much too; much too B. too much; too much C. too much; much too D. much too; too much 8. The boy was _slow to catch the bird. A. more B. too C. much D. far 9. I am _ to accept your wa

4、rm invitation. A. excited B. excite C. exciting D. excites 10. Wei Hua told me that Wu Dong was _ ill. A. terrible B. very terrible C. terribly D. too terribleKeys: CABBB CCBAC为什么要学两只狗在路上捡到一大块肉,争得不可开交,差点就要打起来。p3K中国儿童资源网一只狐狸看见了那块鲜肉,就开始转动脑筋,想把肉弄到手。p3K中国儿童资源网“你们不要为了一块肉而伤了和气嘛!”狐狸和善地劝解说,“要不我帮你们分肉吧,保证你们两个

5、人得到的肉大小相同。”狐狸说。p3K中国儿童资源网两只狗觉得狐狸的话很有道理,也很公平,于是就答应了。p3K中国儿童资源网第一次分出来的肉大小不一,有一块比另一块大。狐狸连忙说:“对不起,年纪大了,手容易抖,这样吧”说着它就在那大块上咬下一大块。一只狗抗议说:“不行,这块又比那块小了!”狐狸看了看说:“这好办!”然后又在多的那块上啃下一大块。狐狸就这样在两只狗的抗议下,左咬一块右咬一块,等它吃饱了肚皮,抹抹嘴巴,把剩下的两块肉递给两只狗。它说:“现在是一样大了,你们应该满意了,举手之劳,你们就不用多谢了,再见!” p3K中国儿童资源网那两块肉的确大小相等,但是只有拇指般大小了。这两只狗和狐狸到

6、底谁吃的肉最多呢?聪明的小朋友,你能看出这个故事和我们要学习的东西有什么关系吗?我们要学习什么呢?我要赶快学一、形容词、副词的等级概念1. 什么是比较级?你和你的同桌谁学习更好?你比他/她年龄大吗?你们两个谁起床比较早?由刚才的例子我们就可以理解比较级了:就是在两者之间进行比较,其中,像“A比B更”的表达方式称为比较级。2. 什么是最高级你们班谁学习最好?谁个子最高?谁是你最好的朋友?由刚才的例子我们就可以理解最高级了:最高级表示“最”的意思。比如“大”的最高级是“最大”。 最高级表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级。3. 谁有最高级?注意:只有形容词和副词才有等级的划分,如原级、比

7、较级和最高级。别的词性没有等级的划分。二、形容词、副词等级用法1. 形容词、副词的原级用法(1)常用来修饰形容词、副词原级的词:very,quite,so,too。如:He is too tired to walk on. 他太累了以至于不能再继续走了。My brother runs so fast that I cant follow him. 我弟弟跑得那么快以至于我跟不上他。我的句子: (2.)“as+形容词、副词原级+as”如:My handwriting is as beautiful as yours.I love music as much as Betty does.我的句子:

8、 (3) “not as/so+形容词、副词原级+as”如:She is not so busy as him.She doesnt dress so/as strangely as the other girls.我的句子: (4)形容词、副词原级+ enough +to do sth.如:He is old enough to go to school. 他年龄足够去上学了。Im old enough to handle my own affairs. 我已经长大了,可以处理我自己的事情。我的句子: (5)too +形容词、副词原级+ to do sth.如:He is too young

9、 to go to school. 他太小而不能去学校。The girl is too afraid to walk in the dark. 这个女孩太小而不敢在黑暗中行走。我的句子: (6)so +形容词、副词原级+ that 从句如:The man is so excited that he cant say a word. 这个男人太激动而说不出话来。He runs so fast that no man can catch up with him. 他跑得太快没有人能赶上他。我的句子: Exercise 1根据汉语意思完成下列各句。1. 这本书和那本书一样有趣。This book i

10、s that one.2. 我的书和汤姆的一样多。I have books Tom.3. 汤姆不像他哥哥那样擅长运动。Tom _ his brother.4. 我想英语和数学一样重要。I think English is _ math.5. 约翰和你的年龄不一样大。John is _you.6. 玛丽已经长大了,可以自己睡觉。Mary _ to sleep alone.7. 这个小男孩太矮了,摘不到苹果。The boy _ to pick the apples.8. 妈妈太开心了,她抱了我一下。My mother _ gave me a hug. Keys: 1. as interesting

11、 as; 2. as many as; 3. is not as good at sports as; 4. as important as; 5. not so old as; 6. is old enough to; 7. too short; 8. was so happy that she 2.形容词、副词的比较级、最高级用法(1)比较级和最高级的构成构成原级比较级最高级一般在词尾加-er,-estgreat, hardgreater, hardergreatest, hardest以字母e结尾只加-r,-stnice, widenicer, widernicest, widest以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写这一辅音字母后再加-er, -estbig, hotbigger, hotterbiggest, hottest以辅音字母+y结尾的词,将y变为i再加-er,-esthappy, earlyhappier, earlierhappiest, earliest在双音节和多音节词前加more或mostdifficult,difficultlymore difficult,more difficultlymost difficult,


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