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1、北京语言大学21春高级写作在线作业一满分答案1. Einstein had (genius).选择能代替括号里的选项A.skillB.abilityC.talentD.capacity参考答案:C2. 请在第_处填上正确答案。A.exitB.windowC.gateD.seat请在第_处填上正确答案。A.exitB.windowC.gateD.seat正确答案:A尽量不要坐在出口处的位置。3. Those people _ a general understanding of the present situation.A.lack ofB.are lacking ofC.lackD.are

2、in lack参考答案:C4. He tried to _ with the manager for has salary.A.evaluateB.objectC.bargainD.pause参考答案:C5. We are given the orders that the project ( ) before the end of next month.A.has to be drawn upB.be drawn upC.shall be drawn upD.will be drawn up参考答案:B6. He knows that I said it, ( )?A.didt IB.doe

3、s heC.did ID.doesnt he参考答案:D7. She often talks with a _ appearance but in fact she is always telling lies.A.tidyB.sincereC.worshipD.merry参考答案:B8. Its one thing to make a promise, but it is quite _ to carry it out.A.other thingB.the otherC.othersD.another参考答案:D9. AweaponBwholeCwaterDwonderAweaponBwho

4、leCwaterDwonder正确答案:B解析:辅音字母W在A、C、D三个单词中读/w/;而在B项中读/h/。10. The statistics _ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.A.provesB.is provingC.are provingD.prove参考答案:D11. She is a _ observer of slight differences in accents.A.commonB.peculiarC.subtleD.plentiful参考答案:C12

5、. A bill of lading is both a receipt for merchandise and a contract to deliver it as freight.A bill of lading is both a receipt for merchandise and a contract to deliver it as freight.正确13. ( ) hat is that?A.whosB.whoseC.whoD.whom参考答案:B14. Under good treatment, Linda is going to beginning to _and wi

6、ll soon recover.A.pick upB.pick outC.turn upD.show up参考答案:A15. The number of trees that _ cut down _ 3000 last year.A.were, wereB.was, wasC.was, wereD.were, was参考答案:D16. There is a fully _ health center on the ground floor of the main office building.A.equippedB.projectedC.providedD.installed参考答案:A1

7、7. stress选择能代替的选项( )A.emphasizeB.criticizeC.recognizeD.realize参考答案:A18. His sister like&39;s painting and _ my sister.A.nor doesB.so doC.so doesD.so参考答案:C19. ( ) thoughts are ( ) best.A.Second/B.The second/C.Second theD.The secondthe参考答案:A20. What did you ( ) my book? I cant find it.A.do aboutB.do w

8、ithC.leaveD.put参考答案:B21. Here is the dessert. ( )?A.Do you like someB.Would you like someC.Do you like thatD.Would you like that参考答案:B22. Alan is a good football player and never breaks _.A.legalB.regulationsC.limitationD.agreement参考答案:B23. Your _ in teaching is different from mine.A.altitudeB.appro

9、achC.fuelD.lump参考答案:B24. Grace _ tears when she heard the sad news.A.broke inB.broke intoC.broke offD.broke through参考答案:B25. I ( ) you how to do it; why didnt you ask me?A.could showB.would showC.could have shownD.showed参考答案:C26. I wonder how this place has ( ) for a four-star hotel.A.goneB.settledC

10、.passedD.taken参考答案:C27. It is ( ) that the opinions of students from different backgrounds converge.A.at this pointB.hereC.from this pointD.in this point参考答案:B28. To my surprise, Ill spend the night_ in the ladys room.A.lockingB.to lockC.being lockedD.locked参考答案:D29. Susan is very hardworking, but h

11、er pay is not _ for her work.A.enough goodB.good enoughC.as good enoughD.good as enough参考答案:B30. He wouldn&39;t take advice, and now he has _ difficulties.A.got ontoB.get alongC.got onD.got into参考答案:D31. She turned_early to work this morning.A. inB. onC. upShe turned_early to work this morning.A. in

12、B. onC. up参考答案:C32. offend 选择能代替的选项( )A.botherB.hurtC.annoyD.excite参考答案:B33. The bacteria are ( ) small to be seen without a microscope.A.far tooB.far andC.so farD.as far and参考答案:A34. The manager spoke highly of such _ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.A.virtueB.featuresC.p

13、ropertiesD.characteristics参考答案:A35. The views held by the two parties are so widely apart that it is difficult for them to reach (an end) of their argument.选择能代替括号里的选项A.a stopB.a negotiationC.a conclusionD.a completion参考答案:C36. Excuse me, Madame. I wonder if this bus goes to the East Lake. -_. You should take a Bus No.521.A.Sure, it doesB.No, it isntC.Oh, sorry. Im afraid notD.What a pity! Its not true参考答案:C37. He made a request _ immediate help.A.atB.forC.onD.by参考答案:B38. One day I _ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college



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