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1、word读一读 sheep /Jl:p/ 绵羊/J7+/i:/+/p/Jl:p/ bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂/b/+/i:/bi:/ green /gri:n/ 绿色/gr/+/i:/+/n/gri:n/ tree /tri:/ 树/tr/+/i:/tri:/ A sheep meets a bee under a green tree.一只绵羊在一棵绿树下遇见了一只蜜蜂。常见字母与字母组合esecret/_si:krst/秘密evening/_i:vmg/夜晚ski /ski:/ 滑雪machine /m3_Jl:n/ 机器magazine /,masg3zi:n/ 杂志 ee need/ni

2、:d/需要agree/3_gri:/同意teenager/ ti:neid33(r)/青少年 ea eat/i:t/吃season/si:zn/季节seashell/si:Jel/贝壳 ie believe/bfli:v/相信field田地niece/ni:s/侄女 ey key/ki:/钥匙keyboard Aki:b3:d/键盘短语、句子 speak Chinese 说中文 leave me alone不要打扰我 free tea免费的茶水 a piece of meat 一块肉 deep sleep MM keep a secret保守秘密 She is as busy as a bee

3、.她很忙。 Its not a big deal.没什么大不了的。 Read after me.跟我读。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见知己。 / Y曰常交际对话What can you see in the canteen?你能看到食堂里有什么?y I can see a piece of meat.&我能看到-块肉。绕令I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰激凌!Do you agree, if you are free, to e to tea wit

4、h me by the sea?如果你有空,来海边和我一起喝茶,你同意吗?Y找不同找出画线局部读音不同的单词,并把标号填人题前括号。l.()A. seatB. seeD. evening| 2.()A. seatC. sweaterD. mean1 3.()A. breadB. meatC. teaD. eat4.()A. greatC. cheap5_()A. sheepB. beC. bread6.()A. seeB. meetC. greenD. eraserKa .9 dsV VDZ Q:奪爱He knows most who speaks least.大智假设愚。007V读一读big

5、/big/ 大的/b/+/i/+/g/Tbig/fish/fiJ7 鱼/f/+/i/+/J7/fiJ7,live/hv/ 居住,生活/l/+/i/+/v/liv/witch/witJ7 女巫/w/+/i/+/tJ7-/witJ7A big fish doesnt wish to live with a witch一条大鱼不希望和女巫住在一起。V常见字母与字母组合e forest / fonst/ 森林expensive /ik spensiv/ 昂贵的i if/if/ 如果piic /_pikmk/ 野餐medicine /medisn/ 药ubusy Abizi/ 忙碌的minute分钟bu

6、siness /biznss/ 商业ycopy /ktpi/ 抄写pany /ikAmpom/ 公司ey money/mAm/钱honey/hAm/蜂蜜journey/d33:m/旅行短语、句子 a big city 个大城市 a big bridge 座大桥 miss it错过它 magic tricks 魔术 pocket money 零花钱 capital city 首都 Sit down,please请坐。 Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐! What a pity!真可惜。008A fall into a pit,a gain in your wit吃一堑,长一智。y曰常交际

7、对话K Whafs your hobby?你的爱好是什么?I like listening to music and having a piic.我喜欢听音乐、外出野炊。V绕令Will you e in? He9s swimming in the river with Tim.你进来吗?他正在和蒂姆在河里游泳。I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish.我希望梦想着你梦想中的梦想。|找不同找出画线局部读音不同的单词,并把标号填入题前括号。l.()A. bigB. sixC. niceD. miss2.()A. babyB. manyC. goodbyeD.

8、 strawberry3.()A. fishB. findC. giveD. little4.()A. giveB. rightC. EnglishD. picture5.()A. thisB. sitC. niceD. fitIt is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。9V读一读wet/wet/ 湿的/w/+/e/+/t/wet/ smell/smel/ 闻/sm/+/e/+/l/smel/ egg/eg/ 鸡蛋/Wg,/eg/ desk/desk/ 桌子/d/+/e/+/sk/desk/The wet pet smelled the fresh egg

9、 on the desk.湿漉漉的宠物闻了闻桌上那枚新鲜的鸡蛋。y常见字母与字母组合e bed /bed/ 床menu /_menju:/ 菜单develop /di_vebp/ 开展 aany /_ em/任何的,所有的many A mem/许多的ea deaf/def 聋的headache/_hedeik/头痛headmaster/,hedma:st3(r)/校长ai said/sed/说,讲say的过去式、过去分词 ie friend /frend/ 朋友friendly A frendli/ 友好的friendship /Trendjip/ 友情,友谊K短语、句子 very well

10、很好 Go ahead! get ready准备好去吧!说吧! left leg 左腿 Better late than never. second lesson弟一节课迟做总比小做好。 get ahead 进步 Lets go and get some fresh air. best friend最好的朋友我们去呼吸点新鲜空气吧。010Health is better than wealth.健康胜过财富。Y曰常交际对话Whereas my red pen?我的红色钢笔在哪里?暮Its on the left desk.在左边的桌子上。绕口令The eggs he sells every d

11、ay are better than the ones everybody else sells.他每天卖的鸡蛋比其他人卖的都要好。Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday so Fred5s fresh bread is ready already.特德昨天给弗雷德送去了十只母鸡,所以弗雷德的新鲜面包已经准备好了。找不同找出画线局部读音不同的单词,并把标号填人题前括号。l.()A. penB. greatC. deskD. leg2.()A. spellB. dressC. secretD. desk3.()A. manyB. getC. anyD. hat4.()A

12、. redB. deskC. henD. me5.()A. redB. bedC. meD. letapa DZ 8 1 :奪#Experience is the mother of wisdom.经验是智慧之母。011 a happy family快乐的家庭 national flag 国旗 animal stamps 动物邮票1於短语、句子 a bad habit 坏毛病 catch a cat抓住一只猫 that sad man那个伤心的男人 In fact,its a map of China.事实上,这是一幅中国地图。 Sally has a bad cough.萨莉咳嗽得厉害。 M

13、ary came back at last.玛丽最后回来了。读一读fat/fet/ 胖的/f/+/as/+/t/fast/cat/kaet/ 猫/k/+/a2/+/t/k祀t/hat/hast/ 帽子/h/+/ae/+/t/hset/sad/sasd/ 悲哀的/s/+/2e/+/d/saed/A fat cat with a bad hat is sad.戴着一顶破帽子的肥猫很不开心。Y常见字母与字母组合a mad /maed/ 疯狂的daddy /daedi / 爸爸 character/k2er3kt3(r)/ 特征CHINA中国邮政:012Handsome is he who does

14、handsomely.行为漂亮才算美。发音小窍门嘴大,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扃平形,舌尖抵下齿。Y曰常交际对话 Where is Jack?P杰克在哪儿?;y He is at the back of the snack bar.I#他在小輔的后排。绕令The cat is eating a fat rat on the mat.这只猫正在垫子上吃一只肥老鼠。That lad was sad because his dad died in a bad accident.那位小伙子非常悲伤,因为他的爸爸在一场严重的事故中丧生了。V找不同I找出画线局部读音不同的单词,并把标号填入题前括号。l.()A. mapB. stampC. faceD. cat2_()A. handB. cakeC. mapD. bag3.()A. manyB. animalC. appleD. man4.()A. takeB. bad



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