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1、职称英语考试理工类词汇选项练习题(1)第1部分:词汇选项(第1题,每题1分,共15分下面每个句子中均有个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分拟定1个意义最为接近的选项。1. hexiid ea owr ofedurance during the .A playB enC.swD.el1。她在攀登过程中体现出极大的耐力.A. lA.玩B.endB.发送C. showC.阐明. tellD告诉2.Theera moin f te stars facinate im.A. logB.neveengC bring. eensive2.Te enal o hstars fascitim.2。星体永恒的运

2、动使她着迷。A.lgA.长 nver-enngB永无止境C. ingC.乏味 xtenieD.广泛. Sheould o aswe, i ws n imnse oad offher eart. natra aC iny. enoms3。她不回答,这是一种巨大的负荷了她的心。. ntual.自然B fatlB.致命.tiyC小enomosD.巨大4. Te book madea great imt on itsreders.4.ebo de rapct on its rers.A. foceB. nluenC. srpriseD. per4。这本书对读者产生了巨大的影响。A. oreA.力B.

3、ifleeB的影响. urriseC.惊喜D. por直流电源5. Acompanid by cheerfulmusic, we egto ance.pleaan.colofl. fashonabe. feet5。随着着欢快的音乐,我们开始跳舞。A peasantA.快乐B. olorfulB.丰富多彩. fasinl潮流的Ddifferet.不同6. e a o eligile for theaminatnecue was ver age.6 H was n ligibl or te examiatibecause hasoerageA. copetivB. dignC. qlifiedD.

4、competnt6。她不能参与考试资格,由于她太老了。.mpettie.竞争.ligentB.勤奋C ualiie合格的D. opetentD.主管7. Her ovel depitsn ambitiousinse7 Her noveldepis an ambitous Chines. witsB setces. descresD inictes。她的故事描绘了一种雄心勃勃的中国。.writesA.写道.skecheB草图C. desresC描述D. ndicates.批示8. Dont irrtt her, e on a sort fue oday8. Dontirrtate he, hs

5、on a shrtfus tday.A. teasB. attrac. any prtct8。别惹她,她今天的脾气。. taseA.取笑B. atraB吸引. anyC.骚扰. otectD.保护9 It sabsud to go ot in uchteribe weathr.9.Its absurdtogo out n uh terle wather.A. riculuB.funnyC. odD. nteesin9。在这样恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。A. riculouA.可笑. funB.有趣C.odC.奇怪D.inrsi有趣10 otfied hihty ads ha anged.1。我告知

6、她我的地址已经变化了。. inormed.告知B. observedB.观测C. ockC讥笑D mil.误导0 I noified him hat y ars a chnged.infrmedBobserdC. mckeD. misl10。我告知她我的地址已经变化了。A. nfoed.告知B. obserB.观测C. okdC.讥笑D.mleD误导1. The manager alloate ties t thecrksA. aignB peruad. akD. orde1。经理分派任务的职工。AasignA.分派. eradeB.说服. akC.规定D.ordrD.秩序12. The on

7、 arren hillsie are wgd frand.13 tispstatedtat cur foth dieaewll hve ben found by heyar.14 We must aide y t rule.15. From my stadpoin, ou nw,this thing isjustfun2. The onc arrn hisidere owodarmla.A. hairlesB. bre empy. bald12。昔日荒坡,目前好的农田。. ailess.无毛. bareB.赤裸的C. empyC.空. baldD.白头1. It i potulaedth a

8、cre f the diesewill have been oudy theyear .A. hlenedB sumdC.ducted. decreed13。据推测,这种疾病的治疗措施都已经由发现的。A. hallngedA.挑战B. assum假设C. eucedC.扣除D. dcre.命令4 W must abid byth esA. sickB.erist inC. safeguardD. appl14。我们必须遵守规则。A. sti toA.坚持 ristinB.坚持C safeguad.保障D ap.应用15. Fro y standpoin, ou know, this thin

9、is ustfunnyA. sitonB. poit o viewC knwldgeD opinin15。从我的观点来看,你懂得,这件事是有趣的。. poion位置。B. point oiewB.观点C. nowlegeC知识D. onionD.意见职称英语考试理工类词汇选项练习题(2)第1部分:词汇选项(第115题,每题1分,共5分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分拟定1个意义最为接近的选项。1. Thse aethemovs for doin t.A.resonsB.exuesCnserD.plans2. rier densonsideray a ibegins

10、to tu etAtistsB.stehesbroadesD.ends3. Henrycannotress th lur of rus.AausefvrC.tepation.consumptio4. Theprogms ar oimmne valuet dpeopleA.auralBftlC.tinyD.eormous5. A grtahas been done o remedy thesituation.mantainB.mroveC.asssDprotct.h collaborating with Mar in wriing an article.copratinB.cmpetingcom

11、bningD.arguing7. He isdetemined cnslte is pwerArengtnB.controlC.banoD.execise8. Mnyscietsts ave be probng psyclogclblemsAsovingB.explingC.setlgD.handling9. Hrngproblems mybe llevited by changesin et exrcihabts.A.removedB.credCoeeDeliev10 Ad thearsare tested or defts befoeeingthefacory.A.funtimtiosBfaultsD.parts1. he odi nsufcie fr hre peole.A.instant.ininiteCipensvD.inadequate1. housandof pepe peishd in th or.A.i.suff



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