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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑提分专练(八).完形填空(2019南京高三模拟)Weve all done it. Run upstairs to get your keys, but _1_ what youre looking for once you get to the bedroom.Open the fridge door and _2_ the middle shelf, only to realize that we cant remember why we opened the fridge _3_. Or wait for a moment to interrupt a f

2、riend to find that the _4_ issue that made us want to interrupt has now _5_ from our minds just as we come to speak: “What did I want to say?”We ask a(n) _6_ audience, who all think “how should we know”_7_ these errors can be embarrassing, they are also _8_. Its known as the “Doorway Effect”, and it

3、 reveals some important _9_ of how our minds are organized. Understanding this might help us appreciate those temporary _10_ of forgetfulness as more than just a(n) _11_ (although they will still be annoying)As we move _12_ our days, our attention shifts between these _13_ from our goals and ambitio

4、ns, to plans and strategies, and to the lowest levels, our concrete actions. When things are going _14_, often in familiar situations, we keep our attention on what we want and how we do it seems to take care of itself. If youre a skilled driver, then you manage the gears, indicators and wheels _15_

5、, and your attention is probably _16_ the less routine business of navigating the traffic or _17_ to your passengers. When things are less routine we have to shift our attention to the _18_ of what were doing, taking our minds off the bigger picture for a moment. Hence the conversation _19_ as the d

6、river gets to a tricky junction (交叉路口 ), or the engine starts to make a funny sound.The Doorway Effect occurs when our attention moves between levels, and it reflects the _20_ of our memories even memories for what we were about to do on the environment were in.语篇解读:我们每个人都曾有过上楼去拿钥匙,但是到了楼上却忘了自己的初衷;打开

7、冰箱门,伸手探向中间那一层,却忘记自己究竟为什么要打开冰箱等类似的情形。这是非常普遍的现象,被称之为“门口效应”。1A.rememberBforgetCdiscover Dfind解析:选B文章第一段举了三个例子来引出“门口效应”这一现象,根据下文的“we cant remember”可知,此处指当你跑去楼上拿钥匙时,你却忘记(forget)要找什么。remember意为“记得;回忆起”;discover意为“发现;发觉”;find意为“发现;找到”。2A.reach for Bget overCstand by Dset aside解析:选A本句继续讲“门口效应”的例子:打开冰箱门时竟然忘了

8、为什么要打开冰箱。reach for意为“伸手(以碰触)”,符合语境。get over意为“从(疾病)中康复过来;完成(某事)”;stand by意为“袖手旁观”;set aside意为“留出;拨出(时间、金钱等);对置之不理”。3A.at once Bfor the first timeCabove all Din the first place解析:选D根据语境及设空前的“we cant remember”可知,此处指打开冰箱后却忘记起初为什么要打开冰箱。in the first place意为“起初;一开始”,符合语境。at once意为“立刻;马上”;for the first tim

9、e意为“第一次”;above all意为“最重要的是”。4A.related BtrivialCmemorable Dburning解析:选D本句讲述第三个“门口效应”的例子:当我们急于打断朋友,却忘记了什么急事使我们这样。burning意为“迫在眉睫的”,符合语境。故选D项。related意为“有关的;相关的”;trivial意为“微不足道的”;memorable意为“值得纪念的”。5A.changed BoccurredCdisappeared Dreserved解析:选C结合上文中出现的“cant remember”及空后的“from our minds just as we come

10、to speak:What did I want to say?” 可知,当我们想说时,迫在眉睫的事情却从我们的脑海里消失了(disappeared)。change意为“变化;改变;转变”;occur意为“发生”;reserve意为“预订;保留”。6A.excited BconfusedCunexpected Ddepressed解析:选B我们本来打断朋友想说什么,但是却反过来问听者“我刚才想说什么来着?”,再结合空后的“who all thinkhow should we know”可知,这让听者非常困惑。excited意为“兴奋的;激动的”;confused意为“困惑的;糊涂的”;unex

11、pected 意为“想不到的;意外的”;depressed意为“沮丧的;消沉的”。故选B项。7A.Unless BSinceCAlthough DBut解析:选C由文章第一段所举的例子可知,尽管(Although)生活中的这些错误会让我们感觉很尴尬,但这样的例子还是很常见。根据语境可知,设空处表让步,故选C项。8A.common BstrangeCrare Dsignificant解析:选A解析见上题。strange意为“奇怪的;不同寻常的”;rare意为“罕见的;稀有的”;significant意为“重要的;重大的”。9A.issues BfeaturesCaspects Dpurposes

12、解析:选B根据空前的“reveals”及空后的“how our minds are organized”可知,此处指“门口效应”揭示出了我们的思维是如何组织起来的一些重要特征。issue意为“问题;议题”;aspect意为“方面”;purpose意为“目的”。10A.periods BmomentsCattitudes Dmemories解析:选B根据文章第一段所举的例子可知,“门口效应”产生的这种失忆是暂时的现象。moment意为“片刻;瞬间”,符合语境。故选B项。period意为“时期”;attitude意为“态度”;memory意为“记忆;回忆”。11A.depression Bpuzz

13、leCannoyance Dsurprise解析:选C根据空后括号里的“although they will still be annoying”可知,此处指人由于失忆而感到烦恼(annoyance)。故选C项。depression意为“沮丧;萧条”;puzzle意为“谜;困惑;难题”;surprise意为“惊喜;惊讶”。12A.in BtowardCby Dthrough解析:选D根据空后的“our days”可知,此处指在我们度过每一天的过程中。through指“自始至终;在整个期间”,符合语境。故选D项。13A.gaps BlinesCminds Dlevels解析:选D根据空后的“fr

14、om our goals and ambitions,to plans and strategies, and to the lowest levels, our concrete actions”可知,此处指我们的注意力在不同层次(levels)间不断转换。根据本句中的lowest levels及最后一段中的between levels可知答案为D项。14A.directly BwellCstraight Daway解析:选B根据设空后的“often in familiar situations, we keep our attention on what we want and how w

15、e do it seems to take care of itself”可知,当处于熟悉的状况时,我们的注意力会集中于我们想做的事情上。这些时候往往是事情按部就班、顺利发展的时候,故选B项。15A.automatically BflexiblyCregularly Dpersonally解析:选A根据上文的“take care of itself”及设空后对司机开车的描述可知,此处指熟练的司机能够自动操控汽车。automatically意为“自动地”;flexibly意为“有弹性地;灵活地”;regularly意为“有规律地;定期地”;personally意为“亲自地”。根据语境可知选A项。16A.stuck up Bheld upCcaught up in Dtaken up解析:选C根据空前的“take care of itself”, “skilled”及空后的“the less routine business of navigating the traffic .”可知,此处指司机把精力集中于其他一些与驾驶不相关



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