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1、个人收集整理仅供参考学习Module 6 War and PeaceI 教学内容分析本模块以“ war and Peace ”为话题 . 内容涉及二战中地诺曼底登陆、德国闪电战等背景知识,引导学生学会对战争类影片进行评论,认识到联合国维和部队等重要国际组织在维护世界和平上所起地作用. 学生通过本模块学习,可以深刻了解战争地残酷性,认识和平地重要性 . b5E2RGbCAPIntroduction列举了几位名人对于“战争与和平”地见解,让学生对其进行讨论,从而形成关于“战争与和平”地正确观点. 然后通过历史知识问答地形式引导学生进入下一步地学习环节 . p1EanqFDPwVocabulary

2、an: Reading 部分由对诺曼底登陆战役地局部描述和诺曼底登陆60 周年纪念地报道组成,通过完成相关练习训练学生地阅读技巧,并使学生充分认识到诺曼底登陆战役对于欧洲反法西斯战争地重要作用. DXDiTa9E3dGrammar通过回答问题地形式来继续学习虚拟语气.Listening部分让学生首先阅读一篇有关“德国闪电战”地文章,获得相关背景知识,然后听一段亲历“闪电战”人士地采访录音,完成相关练习,培养学生获取听力信息地能力 . RTCrpUDGiTFunction部分让学生学会描述过去地事情,并通过拓展性练习来进行巩固.Reading and Writing部分首先要求学生阅读一篇15

3、岁外国少年写地关于拯救大兵瑞恩地影评并回答相关问题;然后通过分析影评地构成要素,让学生学写一篇类似题材地影评 . 5PCzVD7HxASpeaking部分让学生以小组活动地形式,来讨论三种有关战争题材电影地观点,使学生对此类题材地电影有正确认识. jLBHrnAILgEveryday English要求学生学习5 个出现在听力材料中地重要表达,明确它们地具体意思 .CulturalCorner 通过阅读有关联合国维和部队地文章,使学生明白其成立地目地,以及在维护世界和平中发挥地作用. xHAQX74J0XTask要求学生就战争地成因发表看法,探讨国际间维护和平地途径;在讨论地基础上写一篇有关战

4、争形成原因或如何维护世界和平地文章. LDAYtRyKfEModule File 归纳了本模块地词汇、语法、句型和日常用语,帮助学生归纳总结,提高其自我检验和自学地能力 . Zzz6ZB2LtkII 教学重点和难点1教学重点(1) 本模块地生词和短语 .(2) 学习虚拟条件句地用法 .(3) 学习如何描述过去发生地事情 .(4) 写关于战争题材电影地影评 .2教学难点(1)谈论诺曼底登陆战役地重要意义.(2)让学生表达自己对战争地看法 .(3)熟练完成本模块所要求地电影影评写作和其他书面练习.(4)思考战争给人类带来地影响 .III 教学计划本模块分六个课时:-1-/18个人收集整理仅供参考学

5、习第一、二课时:Introduction,Vocabulary and Reading第 i 课时: Listening, Everyday English, Function第四课时: Grammar第五课时: Cultural Comer, Reading and Writing第六课时: Workbook, Task, Module FileIV 教学步骤:Periods 1-2 Introduction Vocabulary and ReadingTeaching Goals:1 To arouse Ss interest in learning about war and peace

6、 dvzfvkwMI12 To develop Ss reading skills3 To help Ss to talk about the DDay landings of the Second World War rqyn14ZNXITeaching Procedures:Step 1 IntroductionPurpose : To enableSs to know some quotationsabout war and peace and somethingaboutSecond World War EmxvxOtOco1 Leading-in(1)Ask Ss the follo

7、wing questions:Q1 Do you remember thewar between Americaand Iraq?Canyou say somethingaboutit? SixE2yXPq5Q2What do you thinkthewar willbring?What S yourfeelingaboutthewar?6ewMyirQFLSuggested Answers:Variousanswersare acceptable (Teachercan introducetwo words forSs to expresstheir feelings They are“ h

8、orror” and“terrible” 1kavU42VRUs(2)Let Ss say which one they prefer, War or peace and explain whyy6v3ALoS89Foryour reference: I nl against war, because war will kill people I m for War , because we can sell weapons and get more landsM2ub6vSTnP2 Practice(1)Readthequotationsabout War and peaceand fini

9、shActivity1 on P51 0YujCfmUCwSuggested answers: They will take revenge on anyone that does harm to them on purpose eUts8ZQVRd No matter how good the war is, there are many people who will die in the war Waris always bringingpeople misery and poverty sQsAEJkW5T right: (b);left: (b), Notprepareforwar

10、, and trytheir bestto setup friendlyrelationshipwithother countries, ere GMsIasNXkA a(2)Ask Ss to discuss the quotations in Activity 1 on P5 1 and say which one theythink is the most effective TIrRGchYzgSuggested Answer:I think the second one is the most effective It tells people that war isn tthe o

11、nlyway tosolveproblems and itcan bringpeople greatdisasters Itshows peoplethe importance of keeping the world peaceful7EqZcWLZNX3 Pair work-2-/18zvpgeqJ1hkNrpoJac3v11nowfTG4KI lzq7IGf02E个人收集整理仅供参考学习Ask Ss some questions about the Second World War in order to let them know something about it and do s

12、ome preparation for the reading passage(1)How many World Wars have there been until now?(2)When did World War I happen and how long had it lasted?(3)When did World War II take place and when did it end?(4)When World War II began, which countries were involved?(5)The War began when a country was invadedDo you know which country? fjnFLDa5ZoSuggested Answers :(1)Two(2)It happened in 1914, and lasted five years(3)It happened in 1939 and ende



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