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1、有关感恩节英语演讲稿三篇通过对演讲稿语言的推究可以提高语言的.表现力,增加语言的感染力。在现在的社会生活中,在许多状况下我们须要用到演讲稿,你写演讲稿时总是没有新意?以下是我为大家整理的感恩节英语演讲稿篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。感恩节英语演讲稿 篇 B gratful fo frindsIt i celebrtig ay I gt n toch wih Mcael whom I haeee ling cntact forone year It is reallic I ws seaig onine aimlely esterdaywen anidea tuck me uddenly:s

2、in Ben can find ut m seret b eyig in my name in he erhengines, hy cn I do o, eth? ntended to findot somethin abuBen in reve i h firta,but soon extndm me lit toa widr tgr.Itws hen thtI recaled Micaesuddenl.Wehave lost cct since or las orespndence inmy snir 3. e mnionedto me nhis aslete th he ws prepa

3、ring fring t K t urthe hs ductn., shefully, a o busy t rly his mal h. When Ias rcmenddt ZJU ad on hefinalfreeom, I thught e hadalready been in U s I had no idea we to wrtehim. sed otnk that we wod eve mt again. owv,whenI browsed tentrisabout him,Ifonout exctedly t he sill n P.RC.! ithou momen heiaon

4、,Ia upstairs to y om and found out m old dres bo angoe, is hoeo wa sill hre.fter3 times callig with noanswerrpies,Ievenually ot hi nte phone. He was oresprsedthanI cl magneth whe I sed fohs hp nohe as onervou to remee i. :PHeh.Le isenjle in momtssch like s.dfried met aai surprisiny, o a roae esuped

5、toexprssougratitude o therso TasgivgDy. Hoever,we ould feel raitude veryay. God hastwo delngs, on in han, adte oter inaeeand thnkful hert eratef to othes is a way howourlov.Inou aily lf, we often rcive p rom ourparens, frds, coeagueand rgs.Peap t is a ltte thn,pick up thepe yu rop, itaheavy bx for y

6、ou o fer youa et in th us.We oud be thankfu them orwhatver tey ae doe. The ore ov you give, the molve you eceive.感恩节英语演讲稿 篇2 Nearly 15 years , ioneof he dakestyearsf ounaio istry, Presiet AbrhamLinc stasde th last Tusdain oembras d f hanksgvng merica was pli bCivilWar. BtLincoln sa in hisit hankgvn

7、ereetht iicut tmes ae t evn moreprpriat fr or esings to be (d Iqote), gratefly acknowlegd as wth onehart and one vo bythholeAmeric pole. Thiwek, the cano ce together ith fmiliesand fiends tocary on ts dtinctlymericn tradiion. We avethasfoloveones ad for our atng pde iur commnte and ourconr.W tk cmfr

8、t in god mmoies hie ookingfowardtepmiseof cane. But this Thanksivng lso take plc at a te of grat til o ou pepl. Aross th cunt,there ee empty sas t the e, as bavAericans continu tosei hars way from he ouninsof Aghitto the deserfraq.W onor angiv thanksorther sacrifice, d stnd b te famlis hoendue thi a

9、bsenc wit sh iand reslve. thoe, wace neconoic crsis hisoi propotins Meandmore Ameians r wored bout losng ajoormakingtir mtgagepament orkrsare wondering i nex months ycheckwi a next monthsbills Retires ar wacigth savns dpa,andstudents r strugng h th cst o iion. ts gint tak ond mmdi tin cofot ths cisi

10、s.Thats why Im cmmited to foging a w eing frmthe mment ke office asPresde of th nid Saes Earlertiswe, I nuncedmy economic team. Thtentedand deiteroup s alreadadat work crafting n EoomRecery Pan t wll crete orsave .5 milio new jobs, whle mking te etents we need t llong-ermecnoc growh astabiity. But t

11、hi Thanksgiving,wre einded that the nal ofureconomy nt ome frm policiesnd plns aone. I willake th ard ork,nnvtion,servce, n streth o theAeianpeople. veseen this trengthfirstan ovr mny mot wkes who are redy to powe nw idustries, and farmer and scietsts who ca anew ources of engy; i teherswo tay lat a

12、fe col, d paents h putitat er hour reading o thei ds; in ungAmeias enlisig meof, senioswho ot he tie,and eicprograms tat ing hoe to th holess Its a testamet toour natonl charactr tatso manyAmericas took time out his Thansgvi o hl ed he ungry and cae o the eey. nWedneday, I visita food bank t ant Claus rih in Chicago. Anthe, asisomy comunities aross Americ, olks ptein time ad resouesto ive a lift erneigbos i



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