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1、沪教版七(下)unit 5 water短语:brush ones teeth 刷牙 be on 开着的 be off 关着的 pour into 倒入,倾入 pour down 倾泻 turn on = switch on 打开 turn off = switch off 关掉be angry with sb 对某人生气 carry-to-搬到,带到 clean up sth = make sth clean 净化 not -until 直到-才 look around 到处看go back to = return to 回到come out of 从-出来 in the first plac

2、e = in the beginning = at first 开始,首先remember to do 记得去做某事remember not to do 记得不要去做某事forget to do 忘记去做某事forget doing 忘记做过某事talk to sb 对某人说话 talk with sb 与某人交谈be covered with 用-覆盖in fact 事实上 for example 例如 语法点1. Few & littlefew: 用于修饰可数名词。a few 有一点点,表示肯定,few几乎没有了,表示否定。little:修饰不可数名词。a little, 有一点点,表肯定

3、,little几乎没有,表否定。Few of us study English. 我们中很少有人学习英语。We have few books. 我们几乎没有书。I have a little money with me. 我身上带着一点钱。There is little water in the cup. 杯子里几乎没有水。2. exercise 名词: 当exercise用于“广义上的锻炼”,如“锻炼,训练”时,它被当作不可数名词在用。如:take exercise ,do exercise锻炼身体 take more exercise多锻炼当exercise用于“体操”或“练习(题)”时或

4、“习题和练习”讲时是可数名词,要用复数形式。 如:do morning exercises(做早操),do eye exercises(做眼保健操),do English exercises(做英语练习)。 动词:运动,训练 实行,履行Eg: You dont exercise enough. 你锻炼不够 A doctor should learn how to exercise patience to his clients. 医生应该学习怎么样对他的病人有耐心。exercise和sport的区别: exercise指增进健康的活动。 Sport指以娱乐为主的运动竞技3. TurnTurn

5、on: 打开 (水源,煤气,电灯,收音机等)Turn off: 关上Turn up: 调大,开大(音量)Turn down: 关小,调低(音量)Turn on the radio Turn off the light动词 + 副词 : 接名词的话,名词放在中间和副词后面都可以 接代词的话,就只能放在中间Turn the computer on Turn on the computer Turn it on 4.Sound 系动词 听起来; 名词 声音系动词“听起来”接形容词做表语The argument sounds great. 那个观点听起来很棒。 5.bring, take, get,

6、carrybring: 带来, 从远处带到说话的地方take:带走,从说话的地方带到别的地方去get:取来,从别的地方把某物取到说话的地方carry:提,搬,扛Please bring your homework to school. He can take the flowers to his room. Who can get me some water? Can you carry the heavy box?6.Remember remember to do sth : 记得要做某事 (记得的事情还没有做)remember doing sth :记得做过某事 (记得的事情做了)He r

7、emembered to tell her about it. 他想起来了要告诉她这件事了。 (还没有告诉)He remembered telling her about it. 他记得告诉过她这件事了。 (已经告诉了)forget to do sth : 忘记做某事 (事情还没有做)forget doing sth :忘记做过某事(事情做了)I forgot to tell her about it. (还没有告诉)I forgot telling her about it. (已经告诉了)7.hear 和 listen to 的区别hear 着重听的结果Listen to 着重听的动作,过

8、程 I listened carefully but I heard nothing. 8.Pour down: 倾泻 Pour into: 倒入,倾入Water was pouring into the sink. The rain is pouring down.9.Be on : 开着的 Be off: 关着的,关掉的-How strange!-The tap is on but there is no one here. 10.Clean up sth= make sth clean 净化, 把-弄干净His mother is cleaning him up11.How many 和

9、 how much How many: 意为 多少, 用来询问可数名词的数量,后接可数名词复数How much: 多少, 用来询问不可数名词的数量的,其后接不可数名词; 还可以用来提问价格, -多少钱How many girls are there in your class. How many storybooks do you have ?How much meat do we need to make dumplings? How much milk does the boy drink every day? How much is the computer? 12.Much too ;

10、 too much/ too many (看末尾词就行)Too much/ many 太多 Much too 太-The coat is much too large for me . We have too much homework to do every day. There are too many books on the shelf. 13.enough修饰形容词,放在形容词的后面。修饰名词,放在名词的前面。 We dont have enough water to drink. The book is easy enough for you to read. He runs fa

11、st enough to catch up with the other runners. 14. lie lie,lay,lain,指躺着,lie,lied,lied,指说谎。lay,laid,laid,指下蛋So we decide not to lie.但是我决定不去说谎。The child likes to lie by his mother.孩子喜欢躺在母亲身边。15. 1. Its +形容词 +of sb+动词不定式这一句型表示“某人(做某事)”。常用形容词有:good, kind, nice, polite, clever, foolish, lazy, careful, car

12、eless, right, wrong等,来说明“人”的性质或特征。eg. Its very kind of you to help me. 你能帮助我真是太好了。Its foolish of you to make such mistake. 你真傻啊,竟然犯这种错误。 2. Its +形容词+(for sb.) +动词不定式 这一句型表示“做某事对某人来说”。常用形容词有:difficult, easy, hard, dangerous, safe, useful, pleasant, interesting, impossible等,来说明动词不定式的性质、特征。 e.g. It is

13、impossible for a child to answer the question. 小孩子不可能回答出这个问题。 Its dangerous for you to swim alone. 你自己一个人去游泳很危险。16.Show sb sth = show sth to sb 给某人展示某物I showed the table to them. I showed them the table. 单元语法:可数名词和不可数名词分类一名词:名词是所有事物的名称,包括人、物及抽象概念。名词分为普通名词和专有名词两大类二分类名词专有名词表示具体的人或事物、地点、机构、团体、国家、节日等名称的

14、词如:John Donghu Park越秀公园 the Changjiang River 珠江 the Great Wall 长城 the United Nations 联合国 China 中国 Australia 澳大利亚 Monday 星期一 January 一月Childrens Day 儿童节普通名词个体名词在表示某类人或东西中的个体。如:dog狗、car小汽车、worker工人、book书。集体名词表示若干个体组成的集合体的总称。如:class班、family家、team队。物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物。如:fire火、tea茶。抽象名词表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念。如:work工作。名词的数:可数名词和不可数名词名词可数名词:一般包括个体名词、集体名词。不可数名词:一般包括物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词。单数复数一、 可数名词复数可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,表示一个人或事物用单数,表示一个以上的人或事物用复数。如:1 可数名词的复数形式构成及读音一般名词复数构成法构成法例词一般情况下,在名词单数形式的词尾加sbook-books, day-days, jobs以s, x,,ch,sh,结尾的名词,在词尾加esclass-classes, box-boxes, match-matches, wish- wishes



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