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1、英语教学设计 (九年级:杨丽仙)Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks Section B (3a-3b)一 教学目标:1.掌握动词短语:run out of, fix up, give away.2.阅读训练。二教学重点:短文3a中的重点短语及句型。三教学难点:重点短语的运用。四教学过程:Step 1. Warm-up.Step 2. Rewiew and lead-in.Step 3. Show the learning aims. (出示学习目标)Step 4. Pre-learning. (课前预习)1. Finish Learning plan

2、: Part 1.Tranlate the phrasal verbs,then check the answers in groups.2. Read 3a, underline all the phrasal verbs and learn the meaning.3. Finish 3b,make a note of the things that Jimmy did to solve his problem. Step 5. Exchange and show. (交流与展示)1. Discuss 3b in groups and show the answers.2. Practice reading.Step 6. Do exercise. (练习与反馈)1. Do the learning plan:Part 2.Fill in the blanks in 3a, then check the answers.2. Do the learning plan:Part 3.Choose the right answers, then check the answers.Step 7. Summary. (小结)


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