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1、摘要迄今为止,国有企业改革经历了放劝让利、承包经营责任制 、股份制试点等几个阶段,目前,国有企业改革已进入攻坚阶段,建立现代企业制度成为目前国有企业改革的主体思路。有人认为国有企业改革最大的困难在于产权不明晰、责任不明确,因此,改革的关键就是要实现国有企业的民营化。但是我认为,国有企业的改革成功与否、国有企业的运作是否有效并不在于国有企业的产权是否明晰,而在于国有企业的经营管理者是否具有优秀的管理才能。因为,就是实现国有企业的民营化,如果缺乏优秀的经营管理人才,不懂得如何去成功运作企业,最终仍然实现不了国有企业改革是为了提高资源的配置效率和促进国有资产保值增值的目的。因此,中国目前缺乏的是优秀

2、的管理人才、真正的企业家。 所谓企业家,就是在市场经济浪潮中治理出来的一群着特定修养和气质的人物。他们的职业便是把土地、资本、劳动力、技能等生产要素集合起来,对某种事业作有计划、有组织、讲求效率的风险经营。他们通过创新,满足社会未来需求,取得合理利润和良好的社会效益。为了事业,他们力求做有意义的冒险、梦想和创造,而不寻求安稳;为了别人,他们宁愿向生活战,寻求达到目的后的激动,而不愿过有保障的平淡生活,追求个人毫无生气的平静;为了希望,他们挺胸直立、骄傲而无所畏惧,投入实践,寻求企业扩张的冲动;为了创新,他们不会在任何一位经营权威或管理大师面前顺服,但他们能像小学生一样认真吸收经营权威、管理大师

3、总结出来的真理、规律。那么,作为一个企业家,究竟应该具备哪些修养,才能在今天这个瞬息万变、日新月异的社会战场上纵横捭阖捷足先登呢? 大学礼记中有一句话:“欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身。”假如这里把“治国”、 “齐家”比着是治理好一个企业,那么“修身”就是指企业家自身的修身养性了。因此,从前面的一句话可以看出,企业家要成功地经营治理好一个企业,首先必须通过“修身”来不断完善自己。关键词:企业家 修养 知识经济AbstractSo far, the reform of state-owned enterprises had put advised contracted respons

4、ibility system, the profits, several stages, such as stock pilot at present, state-owned enterprises reform has entered the crucial stage, the establishment of a modern enterprise system become the main ideas of the reform of state-owned enterprises. Some people think that the state-owned enterprise

5、 reform the biggest difficulty lies in the property rights are not clear, the responsibility is not clear, therefore, the reform of the key is to realize the privatization of state-owned enterprises. But I think, the reform of the state-owned enterprises success, state-owned enterprise whether the o

6、peration of effective of the state-owned enterprise property right is not clear, but in whether the state-owned enterprise business managers are excellent ability of management. Because, is to realize the privatization of state-owned enterprises, if the lack of good management talent, dont know how

7、to successful operation enterprise, finally still not achieve the state-owned enterprise reform is in order to improve the resource allocation efficiency and to promote the purpose of state owned assets. Therefore, China currently lack is excellent management personnel, the real entrepreneurs. The s

8、o-called entrepreneurs, is in a market economy in the tide of governance came out of a group of the specific accomplishment and qualitative characters. Their career is the land, capital, and labor, skills and other production elements together, to a cause for plans and organizations, stress efficien

9、cy of risk management. They through innovation, meet the social requirements, and get a reasonable future profits and good social benefits. In order to cause, they tried to make sense of adventure, dream and creation, and seek not safe; For others, they would rather fight to life, to achieve the goa

10、l of seeking after excited, but not to have the security of the normal life, the pursuit of individual lifeless serenity; In order to hope, they hold out a bosom upright and proud and fearless, into practice, seek the impulse of the enterprise expansion; In order to innovation, they will not in any

11、a management authority or management before the master, but can they like to pupils as carefully as the business authority, management gurus absorption of truth, concluded a rule. Then, as an entrepreneur, actually should have what accomplishment, can this fast changing with each passing day, today

12、the society on the battlefield and form? The university has a words: ceremonies.from the desire for the feeling emigre, its first home together; to all its home, the first to repair the body. If the rule, here is the helps than good governance, an enterprise so cultivate ones morality is refers to e

13、ntrepreneurs own cultivate ones morality raises a gender. Therefore, the previous words can see, entrepreneurs to have successfully management good a enterprise, must first through the cultivate ones morality to constantly improve themselves.Key words:entrepreneurs accomplishment knowledge economy目

14、录内容摘要1关键字1Abstract2序言51、企业家概述51.1企业家的定义51.2企业家的重要作用61.3企业家角色的转换62、 企业家的修养内容62.1 企业家的最基本修养62.2 企业家的修养体系83、中国当代企业家的道德修养83.1当今时代培养高素质企业家的重要性83.2知识经济时代企业家修养的特殊性93.3当代中国企业家如何加强自身修养10结论11参考文献12致 谢12序言企业伦理学界认定:21世纪企业文化建设就运行机制而言,就是要在企业行为上“有效确立经济准则、法律规则与道德准则三位一体的完整运行机制。”其中的道德准则对企业发展所起的独到作用,并非一般意义上的对前两个运行系统的补充和调节,而是对企业在“资本与市场之外的超乎功利的存在”与发展的导向。企业伦理机制在企业发展中的基础性、导向性作用,越来越凸出了。有感于学术界的既有成果和中外众多企业文化建设正反两方面经验,企业文化建设的基础是企业伦理道德的重构,而企业伦理道德重构的核心是企业家的道德修养。在这个浮躁的年代,有太多的人急功近利,已


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