Unit 6meet my family

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《Unit 6meet my family》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 6meet my family(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、二一四学年第一学期英语 学科备课表 (注:主备教师不需要写个人教学特色补白,补白教师必须补充个人教学特色才可使用。)教学内容(课题)Unit 6meet my familypart a lets learn 共(6)教时主备教师第(1)教时补白教师课型new授课时间(12)月(3)日 周(2)第(3)节课本课时教学目标的达成度1.能听、说、认读单词:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother.2.能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。3.了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗教学重点听说认读四会单词:family parents uncle aunt baby broth

2、er教学难点理解parents uncle aunt baby brother等词的含义课前准备1PPT2.教材相配套的录音带教学预案(一) 热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1、播放第二册学生用书Unit 2Father and mother的歌曲,让孩子边唱边表演。2、教师出示单词卡片,孩子抢答。教师在黑板上画出family tree,请孩子把father mother等贴在family tree相对应的位置上,大声读一读。3、教师出示课件(自己的家庭照片),用This is my. She/He is. 实行介绍和描述。4、孩子把自己的照片放在投影上,尝试用This is my

3、. She/He is. 实行介绍和描述。(二) 表现新课 (Presentation)1、教师出示课件说:“Do you know this is my family? 教师把family这个单词贴在黑板上family tree的顶端。 教师:I have a big family. How many people in my family? 学生回答。再问:How many people in your family.鼓励孩子回答。 This is my mother. This is my father. They are my parents. 教师带读,学生练词。教师把parents

4、贴在family tree上相对应的位置。 教师指自己的家庭成员说:“This is my uncle. This is my aunt 。”并把两个单词贴在family tree上,说:“My uncle is my fathers or mothers brother. My aunt is my fathers or my mothers sister.”2、播放配套课件:教师说:“This is Amys family. How many people in Amys family. Who are they? ”指课件中的单词认读。3、教师分别出示Amy的家庭成员的照片,让孩子说说单

5、词。让孩子扮演Amy。其他孩子表演Amy的家庭成员,孩子用“This is my.” 介绍家庭成员。4、进行Group work的练习,先让一个孩子拿着自己的家庭照片放在投影上,介绍和描述家庭成员。孩子仿照例子在小组中互相介绍。 然后学生到前面介绍。(三)趣味操练 (Practice)1、Listen to a song Come and see my family 2、听一听,画一画学生相互描述自己的家庭成员,同组同学根据描述画出来。看看描述的是否准确。(四) 扩展性活动(Add-activities) 边看视频边学唱Come and see my family 目标检测 1. 圈出你所听到

6、的单词(1) A. father B. mother C. uncle(2) A. family B. baby brother C. brother (3) A. uncle B. aunt C. sister2.选词填空。A. parents B. uncle C. aunt D. family E. baby brother(1)My father and mother is my ( ).(2) My fathers brother is my ( ).(3)This is a picture of my ( ), my mother 、my father and me.(4)My mothers sister is my ( ).(5)Look! He is my ( ), a clever(聪明的) boy. 目标达成情况 个人教学特色补白板书设计family parents uncle aunt baby brother教后反思(字数不少于200字)


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