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1、guidelines, and CPC disciplinary Ordinance, and advance leaders can go up or down several Ordinance, and party leaders selection appointments work Ordinance, file, deep understand nine a is strictly prohibited, and nine a are of general discipline spirit real; strongly maintenance General work of se

2、riousness, active create wind fresh are of general election environment, ensure general work successfully completed, To further strengthen the town leading bodies and cadres. By learning to think deeply, serious general importance and necessity of discipline had a more profound understanding. First

3、of all, it is an iron discipline. Central Government nine, nine is strictly prohibited ahead of serious general discipline, designated high tension line, which itself reflects the General work of the party committees at all levels to attach great importance to, the purpose of which is the clear comm

4、itment to implement effective measures, with selection and appointment on the fight against corruption, with General discipline General wind fresh and healthy. Secondly, this is prevention. Some typical cases, we can see, individual cadres in the General work of speculative personal votes-buying, vi

5、olations of general discipline, eventually paid a high price. Hengyang undermine the elections and canvassing illustrated, election bribery case in Nanchong disciplined, serious electoral necessity and importance of the discipline. And the general discipline of publicity to the public, widely report

6、ed, was early warning, early vaccination, telling officials what to do, what not to do, what to do and what not to do, and better education, warning cadres and constructing the discipline of defense in order to avoid similar problems. Also, is where the responsibility lies. Serious and important for

7、 general discipline, strong distribution team. As leading party cadres, lead, lead to the maintenance of general work discipline, this is an important political responsibility. Must be explicitly required discipline, jealous in honour, maintain your organizations image; promoting justice, play an ex

8、emplary role. Especially as the Township deputies, but also to give full play to their role, always in maintaining the general discipline of the front line, Jamie runs through the General wind down the whole process. (B) the general discipline of the serious, the correct treatment of advance and ret

9、reat left turn as a party member cadres, whether it is forward, back, left, is transferred, are the needs of your organization, your career needs and development needs. So, first with a broad mind to advance and retreat. Positions are undertaking jobs is to serve the people of power tools. Different

10、 positions for the partys cause, is important, equally important. For ability, and style you want applaud real comrades to important posts, for an energetic and promising young cadres into leading cheers for their advance and retreat left turn face, and at ease with that. Second is treated in a heal

11、thy state of mind, advance and retreat. While worldly matters take their turn, ancient, modern, to and fro. Metabolism of a cadre of succession, team, is to promote the career development of an objective need, there is no end of history. Every cadre should address squarely the nature, to think we al

12、so took over the former baton of leadership positions, regardless of the current position . For in-depth learning implement party of 18 big, and 18 session four in the, and v plenary spirit, implementation full strictly rule party requirements, solid grasp members team- 页面 1- 中央空调风管清洗市场分析与赢利模式探索 吴毓亭

13、 编者按:2007 年 1 月中下旬,国家体育总局训练局里的一些运 动员被流感袭击,多位运动员发病,这其中还有世界冠军。但奇怪的 是,即便训练局马上采取了对所有场馆、食堂和宿舍进行消毒,对患 病队员进行一一隔离的措施,仍然没能阻止流感在全局范围内的暴 发。为了找到确切答案,训练局向中国疾控中心发出了求助。医学专 家进行细致的调查后发现,训练局里四通八达的空调系统成了病毒传 播的通道。 随着夏季的到来,气温的升高,商场、宾馆、写字楼等公共场所 的空调又开始辛勤地工作起来,但谁也不会想到这些空调在带给人们 舒适的同时,也带来了健康隐患,未定期清洗的集中空调可能会传播 疾病。2007 年初,央视每周

14、质量报告在调查中发现,北京、上 海等地集中空调的清洗不足1%,健康隐患不容忽视。 据全国清洗行业信息中心的资料显示:目前国内中央空调的清洗 还只是众多从事清洗工作的专业公司中的一项业务。虽然我国登记在 册的清洗公司已有近万家,形成一定规模的也有 2000 多家,但是真 正以中央空调清洗为主业的还是空白。可是市场需求呢?无数的建筑 都有中央空调,都需要清洗,所以,未来的市场潜力非常大。那么, 中央空调风管清洗市场状况如何?进入这个市场需要注意哪些问 题?作为企业或者个人如何在这个市场获利,本文从以笔者的实战经 验对以上问题进行分析与解答,希望对业界能有所裨益 - 页面 2- 一、 现有市场分析:

15、 1. 市场特点: 中央空调风管清洗市场从 2003年发展至今,业内的企业对这个 市场都有共同的认识。借用一句政治课本里的话:前途是光明的,道 路是曲折的。也就是说:在宏观上市场潜力是巨大的,但在未来的两、 三年内,市场容量不会太大,发展的速度也不会太快,绝对不可能形 成所谓的井喷行情!这就使得投资者处于了两难的境地,如果现在投 资可以最大限度的完成市场占领,营销网络建设,自身技术与人力资 源的储备,但也要面临比较大的生存问题;可是,之后投资又失去了 市场占有、营销网络的建设以及自身发展的时间。当然,今后的成熟 市场也不会有现在市场的利润空间。 根据这个市场特点,在经营上如何解决市场慢热期的业务发展问 题,才是解决如何在中央空调清洗市场真正获利的关键问题。如果可 以做到在投资的前两至三年内,保证了自身获利能力,即有充足的利


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