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1、Book 6 Module 2 Fantasy Literature的教学设计课题名称:Book 6 Module 2 Fantasy LiteraturePeriod 1-Introduction and Reading教材版本:外研版 授课时间:45分钟一、学生分析所任教班级是高二(1)班,一个物理实验班,共有54人,其中女生19人,男生35人。在英语学习方面,两极分化比较大,其中也有部分学生来自于农村或平行班,相对内向,语音语调不准,英语基础较弱,不敢大胆开口说。但大部分学生对英语学习的热情很高,有一定的英语基础和较强的表现欲和表达能力。能积极参与课堂的活动,思维活跃,配合老师的教学,师

2、生关系融洽。在课堂教学中,努力激发学生参与教学活动的热情,积极思考,相互讨论,共同协作。二、教材分析本课时所教的是外研版高二上学期使用的选修六Module2 Fantasy Literature 中Introduction and Reading部分的内容,是本模块的第一课时。Introduction中的内容都围绕Philip Pullman的小说His Dark Materials展开。第一项内容简介Philip Pullman的His Dark Materials,借此引出话题a fantasy story;第二项内容学习短文中的生词和短语;第三项内容是对Philip Pullman的Hi

3、s Dark Materials以及其他的fantasy stories 进行深入讨论。Reading and Vocabulary是一篇题为The Cat That Vanished的fantasy story。故事选自于Philip Pullmans second book named The Subtle Knife in the His Dark Material trilogy。通过阅读此短文,学生可进一步理解fantasy story的含义。课文设置了四个活动。第一和第四个活动考查学生对短文的理解程度;第二和第三个活动考查学生对文中词句的掌握和理解。三、教学目标题材内容和学习目的:

4、本模块的主题是幻想小说。本课时是介绍和阅读课文节选自著名幻想小说His Dark Materials。要求学生掌握相关词汇,培养阅读文学作品的阅读技巧和叙述故事的技能,并提高对幻想小说和电影的鉴赏力。语言知识目标: Teaching Points: (教学重点)1. to get the students to participate actively in the discussion of some questions related to the story.2. to learn some useful expressions related to the story to under

5、stand and appreciate the vivid description.Important words and expressions:(重点掌握的词汇和表达)fantasy, hero, heroine, a series of, play a role, philosophical, rub ones head against., pad, keep ones eyes on, investigate, profoundly, alien, shudder语言技能目标:能听懂课文,理解文中有关故事情节的信息。 在阅读中能识别新学词汇,短语并推断其意义;正确理解His Dark

6、 Materials 和 The Cat That Vanished 的节选内容;在阅读过程中能根据文字表面意思对其深层含义做出正确合理的推断。能积极参与小说情节和特点的讨论,陈述自己的观点和理由。能够构思和续写小说。情感目标: 通过阅读幻想小说和观看幻想电影提高素养,愉悦自我。学习策略方面:学会选择题材、风格、难易水平都适合自己的英语课外读物,并通过制定和实施课外阅读计划不断提高自己的英语阅读水平和阅读英语文学作品的能力和鉴赏力。文化意识方面:了解英美国家较流行的幻想小说和电影系列,初步学会欣赏幻想小说,拓宽知识面,提高文学素养。四、教学策略 本课时主要以阅读教学为主线,以任务型教学模式培养

7、学生的阅读理解策略。主要分为两类活动:一类活动的任务是扩大输入、阅读欣赏;这类活动以读为主,配一定量的题目,可以检查对教材的一般理解程度。另一类活动的任务是针对性地训练阅读技巧。这些技巧包括预测所读内容、抓主题大意、抓特定细节、根据上下文猜词义、推断隐含意义、辨识语段过程等。此外在阅读的基础上,贯穿听、说、写综合技能的培养。针对学生阅读理解障碍,在教学中遵循“循序渐进”的原则,进行知识的输入、技能的培养,和文化意识的渗透,及良好学习策略的指导。本课时采用多媒体教学,给予学生更直观的感受,也加快教学的节奏。课前从网上或其它一些媒体下载与本课时内容Philip Pullman 和His Dark

8、Materials相关的图片和资料。五、教学过程I Organization for classII Teaching of the new lessonPre-task:Get to know Philip Pullman and His Dark Materials,which is the background knowledge of the Reading Part.Activity 1: Introduction- Lead in.T: Have you ever read any fantasy novels or watched any fantasy films? What

9、do you think of them?S: (students may talk about Harry Potter or the Lord of the Ring and so on.)1) Northern Lights2) The Subtle Knife 3) The Amber SpyglassT: Give a brief introduction about Philip Pullman and His Dark Materials by showing the picture of the Trilogy of His Dark Materials.设计目的:做好阅读前的

10、导入工作,即激活。通过问题引出本单元学习的话题fantasy literature。通过学生所熟悉的Harry Potter 和the Lord of the Ring 三部曲引出本课时的主题Philip Pullman 和他所创作的三部曲。用图片展示,激发学生的学习兴趣。Activity 2: Introduction-Read the passage to catch the informationAuthorPhilip PullmanTitleHis Dark MaterialsHeroWill HeroineLyra WhyIts an exciting and philosophi

11、cal novel.Typefantasy Introduction-Read and underline the words and phrases that show it is a fantasy story.Lyras scientist father makes it possible to enter other worlds.a war that could destroy the universe.witches, talking bears and other strange creatures.设计目的:短篇文章的阅读,训练学生的快速查读能力。Activity 3: Rev

12、ision of the introduction.Ask the students to fill in the blanks,using the words learned in the passage.Phillip Pullman, who is one of the famous _, wrote many _, including the story His Dark Materials which is _ _ _ books. It is said that the story will _ _ _ films in future.Generally speaking, the

13、re is a _ and _ in one film. And both of them _ _ _ _ _ a film.设计目的:把新词汇的学习和掌握放在语篇当中来训练,增强学生的语篇意识,并了解词汇的用法和词性,词形变化。让学生在用中学,在学中用。While-task: Read “The Cat That Vanished”to train the students deeper understanding of the passage. Teach them how to read between the lines and read beyond the lines.Activi

14、ty 1: Reading-Lead in -The Cat That Vanished which is an extract from The Subtle Knife. T: I have got good news to share with you. This December a blockbuster named “The Golden Compass” will be put on in the cinema. It is the first one of the trilogy “His Dark Materials.”Then teacher play the traile

15、r of this movie and ask some questions according to the video.设计目的: 播放三部曲的第一部影片的预告片,一则激起学生的学习兴趣,二则为本课时课文的学习交代一个前奏和背景.,加深对阅读对象背景的了解,同时也可放松读前的紧张心理。Activity 2: Reading-Reading SkillLearning to learnThere is some language in the passage which is above your present level of English. The activities are designed to help you understand the main ideas. Try not to worry is you dont understand every word of the passage. This is how most people read literary passages.设计目的:这是个阅读文学作品的学习方法的指导。在阅读中遇到很多的新单词怎么办


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