冀教版七年级英语上册 Lesson 13 Body Parts导学案2【精校版】

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1、冀教版精品英语资料(精校版)Lesson 13 Body Parts 科目English课题Lesson 13 Body Parts 课型New lesson学 习 目 标知识与能力:单词 part ,feeling,robot,camera,smell,finger,player,homework ,Robin 短语 1.play with 2. make noodles 3. do ones homework 4 have fun 5.talk with 6. a football player 7. speak English过程与方法: 自主学习、合作探究、讨论练习情感态度和价值观:激

2、情投入,大胆展示,为团队增光添彩。重点:1. They are also my cameras. 2 . Can you do my homework for me,Robin?3. Do you want to play with me? 4. but I can make noodles for you. 难点:句型的准确理解和灵活运用。学法指导:阅读理解对话,在文中勾画出生词、短语和句型,完成预习自测题目。将预习中不能解决的问题标出来。知识链接 学习流程一【预习指导】I英汉互译。talk with the mouth _ 一位足球运动员_ 3说汉语 _ 4. 和某人玩 5make noo

3、dles _ 6. 做作业_.运用反义词填空1.She has long hair and _ legs2.My desk is small, your desk is _.3.I am tall, you are _.4.Put your right hand in. Take your right hand _.二【互动探究,合作求解】 探究一:They are also my cameras.他们也是我的照相机。also是副词,意为“也”,用于实意动词之前,系动词或助动词之后。同义词too 需放在句尾。例如: I also get to school early every day. =

4、I get to school early every day,too. 我也每天很早到校。 【火眼精金】用 also / too 填空1.He is _ an American student. 2.I want to go shopping with you,_.探究二: Can you do my homework for me,Robin?罗滨,你能为我做作业吗? 一Sorry。I cant do your homework抱歉,我不能做你的作业。 (1)此句式的用法你是否了解呢?这是请求帮助时的用语。其中can是情态动词,后接动词原形,意为“能”。肯定回答常用:Sure!Of cou

5、rse!否定回答为:Sorry!I cant等回答。 一Can you help me?你能帮我吗? 一Sorry,I cantI must do this first对不起,我不能帮你。我得先做这件事。(2)do ones homework 做家庭作业ones可以用物主代词或名词所有格代替。如:do my homework do his homework do Jennys homework 【火眼精金】1. Tom you your homework? ACan;help;with BDoes;helps;with CCan;help;doing DDoes;to help;do 2.We

6、 can do _homework with pencils.Aus Bour Cme Dmy 探究三: Do you want to play with me? 你想和我一起玩吗?Play作玩讲时,可用作不及物动词,如:play with sb 和某人玩耍。Play with sth玩弄某物。Do you like to play with us?你喜欢和我们一起玩吗?He often plays with dolls.他经常玩洋娃娃。Play 若是指“从事某项体育活动”或“演奏某种乐器”时,则为及物动词。如:play basketball, play the guitar.【火眼精金】1.

7、I like to play _my doy.Ain Bat Cwith Dto2. Mr.Wang often plays_ his childen in the park.Aabout Bin Cat Dwith 3. Mike often plays _ football. Aa Ban C/ Dthe探究四:but I can make noodles for you. 但是我可以给你做面条。make sth for sb.意为“为某人制作某物”。也可以说make sb sth.例如:I want to make a card for Mum for her birthday. sth

8、 sb=I want to make Mum a card for her birthday. sb sth【火眼精金】1. He often make cards _his brother.Ato Bfor C/ Din2. My father often makes me kites.(句型转换) My father often _ _ _ me. 探究五: I can smell with my nose. 我能用鼻子闻。 smell意为“闻,嗅”例如:What can you smell?你能闻到什么?【拓展】(1)smell 还可做连系动词,意为“闻起来”,后接形容词作表语。The

9、flowers smell good. 花闻起来很香(2)smell还可以作名词,意为“气味”。What a nice smell! 多想的味道啊!【火眼精金】1.你能用鼻子闻一下吗?Can you _ _ your nose?2.那些玫瑰好问极了。Those roses _ good。3.多么难闻的味道啊!What a _ _ ! 该句中的with用作介词,意为“用”,表示方式,作状语。例如:The robot can write with his small hands.这个机器人能用她的小手写字。With 还意为“和一起“,表示伴随。例如:Do you want to go shoppi

10、ng with me?你想和我一起去购物吗?【火眼精金】1.Look! The boy can write _his left hand.Ato Bfor Cwith Din2.Tom can make a plane _paper.Ain Bfor Cwith Dto3.Please come _ me, class!Afor Bwith Cto Din三课堂检测: 知识点一:with的用法 1My mother usually cooks gas or electricity Afor Bfrom Cwith Don 知识点二:speak的用法 2Tom comes from the US

11、AHe English Aspeaks Bsays C. talks Dtells 知识点三:can引导疑问句的用法 3-Can you cook?(给出肯定答语) , , 4Alice can swim(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) swim? , ,she .知识点四:四作业I根据汉语及首字母提示,填写单词。 1There are many P of our body 2LookThats a (机器人) 31 want to buy a (照相机) 4We can s with our noses 5You can write with your ten f 6Jenny is a go

12、od basketball P 用has / have填空。 1I _ two sistersThey are very beautiful 2Tom and Jane _ a big house in the city. 3Lily _ a pair of purple gloves. 4Everyone _his or her dream(梦想) 5He _ long legs and short nose. 阅读短文,选择正确答案. Hello,boys and girlsLook at me! Im a robotMy name is RobIm your good friendThi

13、s is myheadThis is my faceAnd here is my noseTheseare my eyesI can see with my eyesI have a mouthI can talk with my mouthI have two handsI can work with my handsI have twolegsI can walk with my legsSome of my brothers are very bigThey can do many things for you. If you are interested in US,please work hard at your lesson. 1The robot has two Ahands Bfaces Cheads Dnoses 2The robot has Ano eye Ba mouth C.a ear Dno hand


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