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1、九年级阅读理解(一)Peopl oft sa thate Enlishmansome ishis ctle. Ty mea ha home is vr imprant and persal to hm MoseoplenBitin ve nhses ae flat,admny opl owtheir homThi meashattheycan make the individual(个体的);hy ca paint tem, and change tem in ny wayte lik.os houe haveagarden,een i it isa ey smallone, nd te ga

2、rn iusually lovd. The house n te garden are thepvate(私人的)c the inddal.Peope usuly like to mrk thr spac. Are yu sittnw in yohome orn atrain? hveyou marked thspce run ourself a ou? If you are on th rn yu may put your cot orsmll bag nthesatesideou. Iyou shre lat you my have e crr r cir hich sour O I as

3、 ravlin n a train to Londo I an sectnforfou pepl and therews aable eteen .Te an o thepace nmy side of h tble at all. I w ag. Mae h ouh ha he oned the whoe abe I had read a book abut non-vebl ommuicatin, soIo ariou papes u o m ba adpt the n hi riease! enIdd tis stifeed an hieye neal pped(瞪出)ut of h h

4、ead.I invaded(侵犯)hs spce! few mts lter Itook y apersof i ase indr to readthem He imediateymoved hs cse hi idef h ble. Of coue,it is ossie tha hjust wate to e helpful toe!f yo ae visting anothr cotyumayeel tat yo dn he anpvate spae. Hoteloms look mue amin ever counr in the wrl. All day ong ,you sharp

5、ubic spaes ith oher pople. Youee thlocal peopleitheir prvt paces andou feel lonel an “outsid” ocl pple ca cretetherivate pas y talkin bot tings yod know boutAd ueve fee that theyle you b ouidethm so tht tywllenjoy eingnside evn me! Thisis one ofth difficutiesof bega tver!Bu if yuudestnd it theit hlp

6、 you .Hvent ouenjoyed beingart agoup and “wning” a bi spae?( )1.T rier was nry as hws rvling on train o onn bcaue_.he had n place osit全品中考网 B.someone d ivaded s “pace”.to many pepleshaed aseion wih hm.smether eopl talkd abou tg h idnt now abut( )2 “ yueel onl andoue” in pargrph4 mas tat_.you re lon

7、otsdethe houeB.yu el lonel base you trvel o yuonCu re alone and therefoe you go outsideoae some funD.ou feel nel n yudot lonto hatpaceor tha roupofpeope( )In aragrah 4 ,the pronoun “thmfers o(所指)“_”Apublcspes.pivte paceClocal elD.other ounts( )4.Which of he flig i TRUEccrding he asae?.Brtish eople d

8、islike king their pcBYoualwas feel tomen anothercontry. 全品中考网 C.Most Britih eopleprefrling noues o ats.D.ou anmarkyour riatesace na foreign countr.( )5Th mai purose o the pasae is to tll reae to _A.owprivatespaces by livigin housesB.have one corne o their wn i pubc placesC.relizethe importce f “spac

9、e” in comucationD.reateheir private spcey ig wit ocal peole答案:BDCC(二)Every ear thre is Sping estivl hna Usualyit is n aary February. It is the mot prant fesvalin hina. So befoe itcomes, eveyon s to ppar ting. Ty uyork, bee,chick, fruis and manyothr thigs. ndthyoftenake spcaln offoo“dumling”. I meas

10、“comogether”. nhe day for the festiva,prentsby new cloe fo thir clren. Childe aloby resn fortheir rents. the prig Fsival Eve(除夕)5uco中考资源,,alth amly member come back t their hoetown. Thi ia hapmment. Someingaddnc, ome pl ads ad others gt te iner rady. Wen thy enoy themel, thy give h the he est ses fo

11、r ecomg year Theyll vea gd tie.( )6. Wic isthe mosmprat estiva China?A eMduum Fsiv. .ThSpring Festival .ldren Day.( ). When isthe hinesSprig Fetvaluually celebratd?A.n archr pri. B. In MaorJune C.Juayor Februa.( )8 h specli of food or heSprig FestilinChina.A CckenBmpligC Fish( )9.Wat themeaingof the

12、 ood “dmplings”for Cinse people in theSprgFsial?. Lok up.elp rlfC Comeogehe.( )1. Theily whe tey re aig innrteher on th Spn Fetial Eve giv ch thr the e wihesB. buy each other prests sig, dane and pla cas全品中考网【答案】0 CBA(三)Mr and or peoelke bcyclngan it nosupt i un, healhy an go fr te enviomen. Maye thatwhy thre


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