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1、2019年黑龙江省龙东地区中考英语真题试卷及解析(word 版)第一部分 语言知识运用(共计65分).I . Multiple choice Choose the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence (本题共20分,每小题1分).1. My cousin bought useful book for me , but Ive read book before.A. a; theB. an; aC. an; the2. My uncle has a new restaurant, but its

2、a little far. Really? Manyi House is more convenient than.A. Noodles ; hisB. Noodle ; heC. Noodle ; his3. The apartment has floors and Mr. Green lives on the floor.A. twelfth ; twelfthB. twelve ; twelfthC. twelfth ; twelve4. I lost my textbook and I couldnt find anywhere. Here are some. Just take, p

3、lease.A. it ; oneB. it; itC. one; it5. Look! A boy is drawing the bridge which is the river.A. over; onB. over; aboveC. on ; over6. of the couple likes playing the instruments. But of them can play the violinwell.A. Either ; bothB. Both ; eitherC. Either; neither7. We should keep the windows in orde

4、r to let the fresh air in.A. openedB. openingC. open8. - Mom , may I go to the party with my friends tonight?Yes, you. But you be back by 10 : 00 pm.A. can ; mayB. must ; have toC. may ; must9. Sam, your postcards are everywhere. Will you please them ?OK, mum.Ill do it right now.A. put; awayB. take;

5、 awayC. send; away10. 一 do you go to see your grandparents, Frank?Once a week.A. How soonB. How oftenC. How long11. Although our teacher isnt in the classroom, we can still study.A. quietB. quietlyC. quite12. exciting the speech about the Belt and Road”(一带一路)was!A. HowB. WhatC. What an13. Your partn

6、er always gets up early on school days. Hes seldom been late for school, ?A. isnt heB. is heC. has he14. Betty, I am not good at English. Could you help me, please?Sure. Ill do what I can you improve your English.C. helpingA. helpB. to help15. Excuse me. Do you know? Sorry, I dont know, either.A. wh

7、en will the examination beginB. how can I get to the airportC. whats wrong with the mobile phone16. Would you mind repeating what you said , Diana ?A. No,of course notB. No, I wouldntC. Good idea17. Hurry up, you will miss the flight. There is time left.A. or; littleB. and; a littleC. or; a little18

8、. Many teachers from cities to the west provinces of our country to help the poor students there next year.A. will sendB. are sentC. will be sent19.I came back home yesterday, my mother was looking a magazine.A. While ; throughB. When ; throughC. When; around20. Which sign means that we cant turn ri

9、ght?A.B.n . Close test. Choose the best answer to complete the passage (本题共 15 分,每小题 1 分). The story Here Comes the Wolf“ tells us that we must be honestBeing honest will make other people believe in you, which will provide you with good luck and 21you chances.Once a man 22 Thomas, with a large wood

10、en axe (斧子),went deep into the woods to 23 trees every day. After 24 hard all day long, Thomas was so thirsty, so he decided 25 a drink. He walked towards the 26 of the water, and through the trees he saw a waterfall falling into a deep river. Thomas put his wooden axe down to get a drink. Suddenly,

11、 his axe fell into the deep river. And Thomas didnt know 27 to swim. He was just going to give up when a sprite (精灵) swam up out of the river. Im a water sprite. Is this gold axe 28 ?” she asked, No, I had a simple axe made 29 wood. Thomas answered. The water sprite jumped back into the 30 .It wasnt

12、 long before she 31 . Is this your wooden axe? ” Thomas looked at the axe and smiled 32 it was surely his. Yes. Thats mine. The sprite gave the axe to Thomas and laughed, You are a very honest man. I will give you the _33axe as a gift.”Being honest, youll find 34 easier to work with others, people w

13、ill be friendly to you and support you. In one way, if life is a long journey, honesty will be the backpack 35 should be taken along the way. Lets pick up our backpack” honesty, and start the wonderful journey.()21. A. giveB.gaveC. gives()22. A. is namedB.was namedC. named()23. A. cut upB.cut downC.

14、 cut off()24. A. workB.workedC. working()25. A. to getB. gettingC.get()26. A. voiceB. noiseC.sound()27. A. howB. whereC.when()28. A. mineB. hisC.yours()29. A. ofB. fromC.by()30. A. woodsB. waterfallC.river()31. A. returnedB. refusedC.remained()32. A. so thatB. althoughC.because()33. A. sameB. goldC.

15、wooden()34. A. thatB. itC.them()35. A. whatB. whoC.which出.Vocabulary Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given. Only one wordfor each blank (本题共10分,每小题1分).36. Using too many plastic products is ( harm) to our environment.37. The High Speed Rail is one of the newest (invent) in China.38. The passenger felt much (hungry) than the others after the long journey.39. Family members always get together to enjoy (



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