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1、2022年考博英语-广西大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The person who( )this type of research deserves our praise.问题1选项A.originatedB.manufacturedC.generatedD.estimated【答案】A【解析】句意:发起这类研究的人值得夸奖。考查动词辨析。选项均为对应动词的过去式。originate 创立;开创;发明;manufacture制造,生产;加工;generate引起;产生;estimate估计;预测;评价。因此A项符合句意。2. 单选题The government ma

2、kes rich pensioners richer stillBRITAINS pensioners are a cosseted lot. Since 2011 their state pensions have been protected by the “triple lock?” which ensures they rise along with prices, warnings or 2.5%, whichever is higher. Perks for the old such as free TV licenses and bus passes and an annual

3、winter handout to help with heating have all survived austerity. Government bonds paying well above the market rate of interest have just been made available exclusively to those aged 65 and over. Is all this generosity justified?Pensioners are poorer than working-age people-almost all have incomes

4、below the national average. But they are treated better by the state. For any given private income, retirees equalized disposable income-that is, money available to spend after the deduction of taxes and payment of benefits, and adjusted to account for household sizeis higher than that of younger pe

5、opleThe state pension, currently worth about 6.000 (around $9,000) a year, accounts for much of the discrepancy. It is often seen as a reward for past contributions, not as a pure benefit, but this is dubious: pensions are funded by todays taxpayers. Even if pensions are counted as private income, t

6、he richest pensioners still do well from the state. They do not pay national insurance (a tax levied only on earned income) on their private pensions, leaving more money for cruises and conservatories.On January 27th, in an interview with the Daily Telegraph newspaper, David Cameron promised that a

7、future Conservative government would remove housing benefit from 18- to 21-years-olds-a group that suffers from higher-than-average unemployment and already receives less generous welfare payments. Meanwhile, the silver-haired who will benefit most from the governments new bonds are those who can af

8、ford to stash away the full 20,000 limitmore than a years income for most pensioners. Its a good time to be rich and old.1. “Austerity in line 5, paragraph 1 means( ).2. Which of the following is true?3. Discrepancy in line 2, paragraph 3 refers to( ).4. In British, retirees can go for cruises and c

9、onservatories, because( ).5. Why it is a good time to be rich and old in British, because( ).问题1选项A.economic depression.B.simplicityC.contradictionD.financial retrenchment问题2选项A.The retirees earn more than the younger peopleB.The retirees are free of taxesC.The retires almost all has lower incomes.D

10、.The retirees are all well paid.问题3选项A.difference in income between the retirees and the working people.B.difference in life between the retirees and the working people.C.difference in attitudes between the retirees and the working peopleD.different in reward between the retirees and the working peo

11、ple.问题4选项A.they do not pay national insurance on their private pensions.B.they earn more money than the younger peopleC.they have more time than the younger peopleD.they got a reward for Their past contributions问题5选项A.8- to 21-year-olds-a group receives generous welfare paymentsB.the silver-haired b

12、enefit most from the government.C.there are less people over 65.D.they have made great contribution to the country.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.词义题。根据题干定位至第一段: Perks for the old such as free TV licenses and bus passes and an annual winter handout to help with heating have all survived austerit

13、y (给老人们的附带福利,比如免费电视许可、巴士通行证以及每 年发放的保暖健康手册在财政紧缩的当下统统保留了下来)。因此,此处谈及英国养老金额外津贴的发放背景,因此,选项中,只有D项符合“austerity 筒朴,朴素,节衣缩食”符合语境。2.判断推理题。各选项为:A:退休人员的收入比年轻人高。B:退休人员免税。C:退休人员几乎都收入较低。D:退休人员的工资都很高。第二段指出: Pensioners are poorer than working-age peoplealmost all have incomes below the national average. But they are

14、 treated better by the state. For any given private income, retirees equalized disposable incomethat is, money available to spend after the deduction of taxes and payment of benefits, and adjusted to account for household sizeis higher than that of younger people (退休老人的收入低于正在工作的人们大多数老人只能拿到低于国家 平均工资水

15、平的退休金。但是国家更优待他们。对于任何有固定收入的个人,退休人员的可支配收入在交税和支付福利后并按照家庭收入比例作出调整的可支配金额比年轻人的收入要高得多),因此,A项正确,B项错误,C和D项表述过于绝对。3.词义题。对于“Discrepancy” 的理解可参考此句: For any given private income, retirees equalized disposable income is higher than that of younger people (对于任何有固定收入的个人,退休人员的可支配收入比年轻人的收入要高得多)。因此,A项“退 休人员和在职工人之间的收入差异”正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干关键词cruises and conservatories定位至倒数第二段: They do not pay national insurance (a tax levied only on earned income) on their private pensions, leaving more money for cruises and conservatories (他们不需要为自己的养老金支付国民保险(仅针对自营收入征收的税种),这样就有了更多的钱去旅游和听音乐会)


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