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1、Section C I. Material analysis本节课是第五单元话题三的第三课时,主要活动是1a,2和3。通过预测Hu Bin的有关信息,判断句子的真假,然后阅读文章验证预测,训练学生读前预测的能力。还将通过阅读有关Hu Bin的学校生活的新闻及海报,然后写一则新闻或做一份海报或写一封信来展示自己的校园生活。语音板块通过朗读单词并根据发音划出对应的字母组合的方式,进一步巩固字母组合的发音规则。最后通过朗读小诗,巩固本单元所学字母组合的发音,并引导学生关注节奏。本课的阅读活动,教师应引导学生结合教学挂图、判断句子对错等活动进行读前猜测,以便帮助学生扫除后面阅读活动的障碍,同时也使得学

2、生的阅读更有目的性。II. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读和拼写下列词汇:study, outdoor, activity, attention, between, stamp, Saturday, from.to, night, sound 能够在阅读活动与写作汇报中,用一般现在时描述校园生活; 能够就“校园生活的海报、新闻”等话题进行交流与信息输出,如: (1) Attention, please! (2) There is a soccer game between Class One and Class Two on

3、the playground at 5:00 this afternoon. (3) Do you want to see different kinds of stamps? (4) Come to the Stamp Show in the school hall. .2.Skill aims 能听懂有关学校课程安排的叙述; 能在口头表达中做到发音清晰,语音语调准确、节奏合适; 能正确朗读句子,注意语音语调和节奏;能够读懂有关介绍校园生活的文章并根据要求进行学习活动; 能正确书写与本话题有关的校园生活的短文。3.Emotional aims能通过谈论校园生活,增进同学之间的了解,培养学生对

4、校园生活的热爱之情;能结合游戏、表演等灵活多样的课堂活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。III. The key points and difficult points 1.在阅读活动与写作汇报中,学会用一般现在时描述校园生活; 2.就“校园生活的海报、新闻”等话题进行交流与信息输出。IV. Learning strategies1.逐步养成拼读单词的习惯;2.能逐步养成对内容进行预测的阅读习惯;3.能反思自己的学习习惯,并根据自己的情况进行改进。V.Teaching aids 录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternS

5、tudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (5 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. The whole class work.3.Group work.1. Focus their attention on the teacher. 2. Look at some photos about the school activities. Then answer the teachers questions. e.g.T:What are the names of these activities?S:Swimming

6、.T:What do you think of them?S:They had a good time.3. Have a group competition. The teacher says a word about the days of a week. First, try to say the word before the day. Then, try to say the word after the day as quickly as you can. The group which can say the most words correctly will be the wi

7、nner in this group competition.The teacher says the phrases which describe the subjects and the students try to guess the words of subjects as quickly as you can. The group which can say the most words correctly will be the winner in this group competition.1.Get students ready for learning.2. Show s

8、ome photos about school activities to arouse the students interests. 3.Organize group competitions to revise the words about the days of a week and subjects.Presentation (10 minutes)1. The whole class work and individual work.2. Individual work and pair work.1. Do 1a. Look at the pictures in 1a and

9、say what Hu Bin does. Answer the teachers questions, “What kind of outdoor activity does he do in Picture 2 and Picture 3?”Answer the teachers questions. Learn some new words.T: What subjects do you study?S1:We study Chinese, math, English.T: Which subject do you like best?S1: .T:What do you usually

10、 do at school?S1:.T: What do you think of your school life?S1:.Then look at the pictures in 1a again. Read the statements before reading the material. Try to guess True or False before reading.2. Read the passage in 1a individually. Circle True or False. Then check your answers with your partner.1.P

11、resent new words in the context. Predict the reading material before reading.2.Help the students check their answers while reading.Consolidation (10 minutes)1. Individual work and pair work.2.Individual work and pair work.1. Try to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Then discuss with your pa

12、rtner and some students, and tell your ideas to the whole class.2. Do 1b. Read 1a again and fill in the blanks in 1b individually. Check your answers with your partner. Then the whole class check the answers.1.Help the students learn to use their own words to summarize the main idea. 2.Help the stud

13、ents learn to find key information while reading.Practice(10 minutes)1. Pair work.2. The whole class work and individual work.3. Individual work and pair work.4. Individual work and pair work.5.The whole class work and pair work.1. Try to retell the passage in your own words with the help of the key

14、 words:8:00 a.m., 4, 2, favorite subject, speak English, P.E. and music, math, difficult and boring.2. Answer the teachers questions to get some information about news and posters.T: What kind of outdoor activities do you usually do after school?S1: I often play basketball.S2: I often listen to musi

15、c.S3: I usually see a movie with my good friends.T:Do you play soccer on Saturday?Do you collect stamps?Do you see a movie on Friday night?.3. Do 2. Look at the news and posters in 2. Try to guess the content in them. Then read the news and posters about Hu Bins interesting school life and fill in the blanks in the following



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