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1、模拟试卷(五)及参考答案云南民族大学考试试卷参考答案及评分标准课程名称 国际贸易学(双语) 专业班级 题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分 . Multiple Choice (20%, 120) 1. When a nation requires fewer resources than another nation to produce a product, the nation is said to have a (an): a. Absolute advantage in the production of the product b. Comparative advantage in t

2、he production of the product c. Lower marginal rate of transformation for the product d. Lower opportunity cost of producing the product2. Concerning international trade restrictions, which of the following is false? Trade restrictions: a. Limit specialization and the division of labor b. Reduce the

3、 volume of trade and the gains from trade c. Cause nations to produce inside their production possibilities curves d. May result in a country producing some of the product of its comparative disadvantage 3. International trade in goods and services is sometimes used as a substitute for all of the fo

4、llowing except: a. International movements of capital b. International movements of labor c. Domestic production of the same goods and services d. Domestic production of different goods and services 4. A term-of-trade index that equals 90 indicates that compared to the base year: a. It requires a gr

5、eater output of domestic goods to obtain the same amount of foreign goods b. It requires a lesser amount of domestic goods to obtain the same amount of foreign goods c. The price of exports has fallen from $100 to $90 d. The price of imports has fallen from $100 to $90 5. If Japanese workers receive

6、 lower wages in the production of autos than do American workers: a. Japan will have a comparative advantage in the production of autos b. Japan will have an absolute advantage in the production of autos c. Production costs will be lower in Japan than in the U.S. d. Production costs could be lower i

7、n the U.S. if American labor productivity is higher than the Japanese 6. Which of the following is a long-run theory, emphasizing changes in the trading position of a nation over a number of years? a. Theory of factor endowments b. Comparative advantage theory c. Theory of the product cycle d. Overl

8、apping demand theory7. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory explains comparative advantage as the result of differences in countries: a. Economies of large-scale production b. Relative abundance of various resources c. Relative costs of labor d. Research and development 8. The principal benefit of tariff prot

9、ection goes to: a. Domestic consumers of the good produced b. Domestic producers of the good produced c. Foreign producers of the good produced d. Foreign consumers of the good produced9. Import quotas tend to lead to all of the following except: a. Domestic producers of the imported good being harm

10、ed b. Domestic consumers of the imported good being harmed c. Prices increasing in the importing country d. Prices falling in the exporting country10. The Uruguay Round of trade negotiations lowered: a. Trade sanctions levied against South Africa b. Trade sanctions levied against the Soviet Union c.

11、 Tariffs, but not nontariff trade barriers d. Tariffs as well as nontariff trade barriers11. The World Trade Organization provides for all of the following except: a. The usage of the normal-trade-relation (most-favored-nation) clause b. Assistance in the settlement of trade disagreements c. Multila

12、teral tariff reductions d. Bilateral tariff reductions12. To help developing nations strengthen their international competitiveness, many industrial nations have granted nonreciprocal tariff reductions to developing nations under the: a. International commodity agreements program b. Multilateral con

13、tract program c. Generalized system of preferences program d. Export-led growth program13. Suppose that Canada has domestic firms that could supply its entire market for radios at a price of $50, while U.S. firms could supply radios at $40 and Mexico at $30. Suppose that Canada initially has a 50 pe

14、rcent tariff on imports of radios and then forms a free trade area with the United States. As a result, Canada realizes: a. Trade creation, no trade diversion, and overall welfare gains b. Trade creation, no trade diversion, and overall welfare losses c. Trade diversion, no trade creation, and poten

15、tial overall welfare losses d. Trade diversion, trade creation, and potential overall welfare gains14. Which of the following represents the stage where economic integration is most complete? a. Economic union b. Customs union c. Monetary union d. Common market15. Trade analysis involving multinational enterprises differs from our conventional trade analysis in that multinational enterprise anal



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