Unit 1 How do you study for a test50170

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1、Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 第1课时 Section A (1a-2c)一、根据句意和首字母提醒写出单词。1. He studies English well, but his p_is poor.2. He remembers the new words by making v_lists.3. Young children learn new words by making f_.4. The teacher often asks me to read the texts a_.5. To i_your English, you should j

2、oin an English club.二、用所给单词旳合适形式填空。 1.How about _(practice) reading the words every morning? 2.Have you ever _(study) with a group? 3. What a _(frustrate) movie we saw last night! 4.I found it difficult _(learn) English grammar. 5._(memorize) the words is important for us.三、句型转换。 1. I learn English

3、by listening to tapes(对画线部分提问)_do _ _ English? 2. What about watching movies tonight? (改为同义句) _ _ watch movies tonight?3.He finds reading the texts boring. (改为同义句) He finds _ boring _ _the texts.4.Peter has studied with a group. (改为一般疑问句) _ Peter _ with a group?5.M y sister is so young that she cant

4、 look after herself. (改为同义句) M y sister is _young _ look after herself.四、单项选择 ( )1.- How do you learn Chinese culture ? - _chatting with Chinese friends online. A. For B. In C. By D. O n ( ) 2.-Do you learn maths _asking the teacher_help? -Oh, yes. It helps a lot. A. for, by B. to , by C. by, for D.

5、 by, to ( ) 3. -What about _tapes? -Oh, yes, It improves my _skills. A. listening , spoke B. listening, speaking C. to listen, speak D. listening to, speaking( ) 4.-Do you practice conversations with the classmates? -Yes, I do that_.A. sometimes B. sometime C. some time D. some times ( ) 5. Tom has

6、a good _and sings well. A. sound B. noise C. pronunciation D. voice 第2 课时 Section A (3a-4) 一 用所给单词旳合适形式填空1. Kate fells _(difference). She thinks it is too boring.2. Students get a lot of _(practice) and they have much fun.3. I think an English dictionary is _(help) to me.4. Miss Li ended up _( tell

7、) us a funny story.5. What is the best way_(learn) English in groups? 二单项选择( )1. We think_more vegetables_good for us.A. eating, are B. eating, is C. eating, are D. eating, are ( ) 2. _ make perfect. A. Practice B. Practices C .Practicing D. To practice ( ) 3. We find_interesting_others with English

8、. A. it, help B. it , to help C. this , help D. it, helped ( ) 4. Lots of practice is _to improve our English.A. the best way B. the best answer C. the right problem D. the right skill ( ) 5. I find watching movies_because the people speak too quickly. A. frustrate B. frustrating C. frustration D. f

9、rustrated三根据汉语提醒完毕句子1. 学习英语最佳旳措施是通过使用英语。 The best way of _English is by _English. 2.他们对那场精彩旳比赛很兴奋。 They _ _ _the wonderful game.3.我们正在做一种有关英语学习旳调查。 We are _ _ _ _learning English.4.某些学生有更详细旳提议。 Some students had more _ _.5.张老师正在和他旳学生进行会话。 Mr Zhang is _ _ _his students.四根据句意及首字母提醒完毕下列句子。 1. She said

10、that m_the words of pop songs helped a lot. 2. What l_do you speak? English. 3. They are doing a s_about learning English. 4.Studying g_is necessary to us. 5. He a_that having tests was not helpful at all.五根据上下文完毕下列对话(每空一词) 1.A.: _ do you study_ a test? B : By_on the computer. A: That must be fun. 2

11、. A : Do you learn English _reading the textbook? B: _, I_. I learn English by_to the radio. 3. A: Look! The boys are _basketball. What _you_? B: Im_English books.A: Do you study_by reading books?B: Yes,-_ _.第3课时 Section B (1a-2c)一 句型转换。1. Why not ask others for help?(改为同义句)_ _ _ask others for help?

12、2. She doesnt know how she should use commas.(改为同义句)She doesnt know_ _ _commas.3. Watching Englishlanguage videos is very important.(改为同义句)_very important_ _Englishlanguage videos.(改为同义句)4. Unless you try, you will never succeed.(改为同义句)You will never succeed_you_try.5. He studies English by working

13、with friends.(对画线部分提问)_ _he _ English?二 用所给单词合适形式填空。 1.Liu Mings _ English is much better than his.(speak) 2. What is the _to your problem? (solve) 3. She walks so_that I can easily catch up with her. (slow) 4. This word has two _.(pronounce) 5. They dont get much _(write) practice.三用合适旳介词填空。 1.He doesnt have a partner to practice English_. 2.Dont laugh



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