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1、 Unit4 What can you do? Lets try Lets talk合肥市葛大店小学 沈 梅教学设计授课教材版本 人教版五年级上册单元名 Unit 4: What can you do?标 题 Lets try Lets talk年 级 Grade 5课 型 会话课设计思路本节课是一节会话课。教学的目的是教授给学生的话题单元的基本单词,短语和呈现本单元的话题情境。同时国家英语课程标准倡导学生在体验,参与,合作与交流的学习方式,发展综合语言运用能力。根据这个原则,本节课采取的主要是任务型教学,让学生通过在完成任务的过程中获得语言知识,习得语言技能,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。教学

2、目标1.能听、说、认读单词”party”, “next”和”wonderful”。2.能听懂、会说、运用句子“Well have an English party next Tuesday.”,“What can you do for the party, children?”,“I can do some kung fu.”。3.知道“well”是“wewill”的缩写形式。4.能完成“Lets try”部分的听力任务。5.鼓励学生展示自己的才艺,培养学生的自信心。教学重点、难点【教学重点难点】1.能听、说、认读单词”party”, “next”和”wonderful”。2.能听懂、会说、运

3、用句子“Well have an English party next Tuesday.”,“What can you do for the party, children?”,“I can do some kung fu.”。思维导图预热、导入环节1.问候2.通过chant练习引入今天的主题:I can.呈现环节老师所在学校每年评选好少年的活动。Mike,John,Zhang Peng作为学校的好少年,可以为英语派对做些什么,导入课文对话。拓展环节小组活动:争当好少年!小组长询问组员都会做些什么,组长领头作报告的形式展现,向全班同学展示自己。 (通过这这个活动,串起整节课的大情境,不仅达到增

4、进学生相互了解,公正评判,也使得学生会在真实的语境中运用句型) 总结1.与学生一起回顾本节课所学。2.情感教育:在校要做好学生,在家要当好孩子。 作业1.读绘本Sam can。 2.制作个人秀卡片。3.找寻班级里的好少年。 练习环节1机械性操练:首先听回答问题,然后跟读,再分角色表演对话。2. 趣味性操练:Mike,John,Zhang Peng作为学校的好少年会做很多事情,你会做些什么。教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm-up:Free talk:Good morning, everyone. Before the class, lets have a chant. Toda

5、y, Im your new teacherJane. Nice to meet you!Im from GeDadian Primary School. Therere some “Super Students” in my school every year. Theyre helpful at school and at home. Today, I want to introduce a “Super Student” to you. Look, he is coming.What can he do? He are also helpful.ChantNice to meet you

6、!He can 通过chant的形式,引出本单元的核心句型I can ,并进行操练。Presentation: Mike is a “Super Student”, too.Look at the picture, What can he do ?He will have an English party. What can he do for the party?Listen and tick. Answer.Listen and tick.进一步复习 I can 。从而导入Lets try。Practice:Lets talk学习。Mike can draw pictures for th

7、e English party. When is the English party? What can Zhang Peng and John do for the party? Listen and answer.Listen and say.Read in roles.You are so wonderful! Zhang Peng can sing English books. John can do some kung fu. What can you do? Listen and answer.Listen and say.Read together.Read in roles.I

8、 can 注意输出的第一遍应该是原音输出,培养学生按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话。带着问题去听能更好地理解对话。带入情境操练核心句型。ProductionZhang Peng, John and Mike are all “Super Students”. Do you want to be a “Super Student”? If you want to be a “Super Student”, you must can do many different things. Jason is a “Super Student”, he can play basketball, read

9、 books, draw pictures and sweep the floor.Now, please work in groups to show what you can do.For example.Work in groups of 4. The group leader asks.Act the dialogues.Make dialogues.Works in groups.Perform.组织学生创编并表演对话。Homework:1. Read the picture book.2. Make a postcard of yourself.(制作个人秀卡片。)3. Find the “Super Students” in your class. (寻找班级好少年。)英语学习要多挺多读多说多练。Blackboard design Unit 4 What can you do? What can you do? do some kung fu next I can sing English songs



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