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1、人教版八年级下册英语第五单元基础知识点总结短语归纳(学生必背内容)1.waitfor等候例句展示:You should wait for me a minute. 你应该等我一分钟。2.lookfor寻找例句展示:He is looking for his pencil. 他正在寻找他的铅笔。3.gooff(闹钟)发出响声例句展示:My alarm didnt go off this morning.我的闹钟几年早上没有响。4.takeashower洗淋浴例句展示:We should take a shower every day in summer.夏天我们应该每天洗澡。5.pickup接电

2、话例句展示:As a rule,every teacher shouldnt pick up the phone in class.按照规定,所有的老师不应该在课堂上接电话。6.makesure务必;确保例句展示:You should make sure that she is safe.你应该确保她很安全。7.havefun玩得开心例句展示:May you have fun.祝你玩得开心。8.fallasleep进人梦乡;睡着例句展示:He didnt fall asleep yesterday.昨天晚上他没有睡着。 9.diedown逐渐变弱;逐渐消失例句展示:The wind gradu

3、ally died down yesterday.昨天风逐渐减弱。10.wakeup醒来;叫醒例句展示:You should wake up at six every morning.你应该每天早上六点把我叫醒。11.inamess凌乱不堪;乱七八糟例句展示:His room is always in a mess.他的房间总是凌乱不堪。12.intimesofdifficulty在困难时期例句展示:Our country was in times of difficulty in the past.在过去,我们国家处于困难时期。13.takephotos拍照;照相例句展示:You shoul

4、dnt take photos in the park.你不应该在这个花园里拍照。14.playthepiano弹钢琴例句展示:I like play the piano.我喜欢弹钢琴。15.turnon打开例句展示:Please turn on the radio.请打开收音机。16.listentotheradio听收音机例句展示:You may listen to the radio after school.放学后你可以听听收音机。17.havealook看一看例句展示:You may come here and have a look at my house.你可以来这里看看我的房子

5、。18.getto到达例句展示:Did you get there by train yesterday?昨天你是乘火车到达那里吗?19.becauseof因为例句展示:Because of the rain I was late for school yesterday.因为下雨,昨天我上学迟到了。20.makeonesway前往;费力地前进例句展示:They make their way to the coast.他们前往海岸。21.insilence沉默;无声例句展示:We ate our lunch in silence yesterday.昨天我们默默地吃午饭。22.takedown

6、拆除;往下拽;记录例句展示:You should take down the notes when your teacher tell you to.当老师告诉你的时候,你应该做笔记。23.atfist首先;最初例句展示:At first,I should thank my parents because they give me the life.首先我应该感谢我的父母,他们给了我生命。24.tellthetuth说实话例句展示:You should tell the truth.你应该告诉我实话。25.point out指出例句展示:The teacher always points ou

7、t the important point.老师总是指出重点。26.goaway离去例句展示:You should go away and come here again tomorrow.你应该离开明天再来。27.threetimesaweek每周三次例句展示:You should go there three times a week.你应该每周去那里三次。28.callout大声呼叫例句展示:You should call out her name at that time.那是你应该大声喊出她的名字。29.havemeaningtosb.对某人有(特殊的)意义例句展示:It have

8、the meaning to me.他对我有特殊的意义.30.withnolightoutside外面没有光亮例句展示:With no light outside,I cant see anything.外面没有光,我什么都看不见。31.feellike感觉像是.例句展示:I feel like I was a bird.我感觉我像是一只小鸟。32.be apart.把.折断/分开例句展示:We will never be apart.我们再也不分开了。33.eachother互相例句展示:We should help each other.我们应该相互帮助。34.bythesideofthe

9、road在路边例句展示:We should stop our car by the side of the road.我们应该把车停在路边。35.walkby路过例句展示:When I walked by the river,she is fishing.当我路过河边的时候,她正在钓鱼。36.therest of其余的.剩下的例句展示:Some students are eating the noodles,the rest of students are drinking the tea.一些学生正在吃面条,剩下的在喝茶。37.aswell也例句展示:I am going to London

10、 and my sister going to as well.我要去伦敦我妹妹也去。用法归纳1.bebusydoingsth.忙于做某事例句展示:He is busy looking after his son.他正在忙着照看他的儿子。2.seesb./sth.doingsth.看见某人/某物正在做某事例句展示:When I passed by Dales room,I saw him reading the book.当我经过戴尔的房间时,我看见他正在读书。3.begin/starttodosth.开始做某事例句展示:I began to go shopping with a bag two years ago.两年前我都开始带着包购物了。4.trytodosth.尽力做某事例句展示:I try to be on time when I meet my friends.见我朋友的时候,我尽力按时。5.Its+adj.+todosth.做某事是.的。例句展示:Its very important to be on time when you meet your friends.和朋友见面守时是非常重要的。6.havetrouble(in)doingsth.做某事有困难或麻烦例句展示:I have trouble in learning English.我在学习英语方面有困难。



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