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1、nit I mor outoin tha mysister听力部分(共20分) I 听句子, 从A, B, C, 中找出你所听到的单词。(分) 1. My bok s _than Dik. A. older B. ceperCneer D. unnier 2.What areyou_r, girls A. leaigB.waitingC. cling laugin3 Nanyis_gir,I thnk A. otgigB. theic C. intresting D.inelletal 4. The Bown fmil live in the_houe. A.pposite nxt C big

2、 D. bright.Helhs e mre _than te. epesive B.popula C.terrile D. beauifl .听对话,根据你所听到的对话,在下列句子的空白处填写一个适当的词。(分) . Te gir tikMicel is _ hanJmes. 2. Jae_ in a esterd. e girl thinks Tina is_girl.4 Thegirltinkscars seate s _. . he girl thn Jimis ore _ thany.III.听对话,从你听到的五组对话中找出与所给插图意思相同的选项。(5分) IV.听短文,根据其内容

3、,在每个空白处填写一个适当的词(词首字母已给出)。(5分) 1 Lilymhsam_tehe.2. Liy i an o_ girl. . Lly is gd t playing he g_. Ly friens lays ask her o heir tdy _. 5. Lily asa lo o f_. 笔试部分(共分) I.词汇。(20分) A)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. enjoy_(tll)joke. . stothe_(kid)ar rylovely3She likes tohav friend wo are_ (ieenc) fro er. 4. Pleas tll

4、e is_(mportnt). 5.Tom is muh_(uiet)ta his frinds. ) 根据句意及所给首字母在空格上填上相应的单词。(分) 1.H ofn aks _his amily ad e ays lovhis we nd cren very muc. 2Her nt is a oman w_l,backhr. . -W_do you cmehere for To ae ameein. 4. A turkey s m_igger thn a hcen 5 Hei not funn, and he isaways ver s_.C)根据释义及首字母提示, 完成下列单词。(1

5、0分) c_: qiet; n excited; nohowing far 2. p_: faoreby any people; well like 3.v_: opinion; da 4b_: th to; he one and also the oer 5.o_: aing; dfferen II单项选择。(10分). Ybagi smallr thn_.A hB.is C himD. their . Lucy _ofthetwo.A. quiet B. qietes C. quiter D.te quter3.Thank yo_me about ths.Its vy knd_yo.o t

6、eling, fr B. for el, f .bout tllig,for D. fortelig,o . Thi wacis_than that e.A mrchae .much cheap Cmore hea . muc heape 5. She has a en i oof rhand, but ws that i her_hn eB.anote C.the terD hr II.根据要求改写句子。(12分,每空1分) 1.hey both tudyery hard (同义句转换) _ _ _stdy ery ar. . cancll herfr ore oatio.(对划线部分提问)

7、 _canoucallr_ 3.r Green has orngsh bo. Mree asix Englshbooks. (根据这两个句子完成下面的句子)r Greenhas_Engish ooks_ MrGren 4Seveis yogr tan ay oter b in his class (同义句转换) S _ _in hi las. 5. heouht teheaest bie. (对划线部分提问)_ _did tey bu?I 补全对话(在对话空白处填上一个词或短语,使对话完整)。(10分) A:Liig_1mfien. Shes lite_2_outgoin han B: Myf

8、rind ndI are the_3_ We4_ quit. A: ou_h sae:_6_, Im a ltaller_7_he. A: What_8_Lucs frendB:ucs frndi_rm e_1_ucmre athti tha her. V. 完形填空。(10分)用方框内所给词的适当形式完成短文。 lw, nimal, home, the,c, pae, stay,el, run, knd, bs nyle le_1_.Childen like anils_2_. Usully e can only e dogs, as,ducks or hikens around us. W

9、e_3_see other anmals such as elepants, iges, aa oronkeys On Sunday, _4_oentke_5_children o he zoo How app the chilrre!They_6_from e paco aothe Tganimalsall_7_ofoodfood to ea Thy_there one houraftrohr. Te dot wnt tgo9_. hilden_1_have a od time n teo. I 阅读理解。(18分,每空3分) e know hsn, the earh ad he oon r

10、e n te univrseWe seehsun in theayimeand themoon inthenigh. Te sun much iggerta the,a the ert is biggeth the mon. su ite biest andemn is the smalest. Theet goesroun the dyan ight. t goes t 30 kilometrs aseco. The on i our satellite(卫星).It s al ur neibor It gesr e earh al th time. The monges t 8 kilme

11、trsaecod. Temooncatgivt light oheattelf, adnhing c lie it. Mnlivenhe earth. It igoing roundisef all he time. The earthiv us lies,o, wer ando nWe mut ge on wellwithi.根据短文内容,补全下面句子(每空一词)。 1. Te sun is the b_ofthree. 2.The_ is bigger an themoo,but s_han theun. 3 The m_ goeoudth er. 4We cn seethe moon in the _. 5ut ge o w_ withthe eah参考答案: 听力部分录音原文与参考答案: I. 1. My ook s newer tDicks. 2 Wat are yulaghin fr, girls 3.Nancy is n athleti irl, tnk. 4. he



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