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1、最新教学资料人教版英语Unit 1Exercise 4(建议用时:25分钟).完形填空It was Mothers Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my fiveyearold son,Tenyson.As we were _1_ ,we realized that only minutes earlier an _2_ woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground._3_ was with her,but there was b

2、lood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock._4_,a lot of people stopped to help out._5_ we were walking towards the scene,Tenyson became very _6_ about what had happened to the elderly couple.He _7_ to me,“Mom,its not much fun falling over in front of _8_.”Seeing that there wa

3、s a flower stall (摊位) at the front of the supermarket,he added,“Why shouldnt we _9_ the lady a flower?It will make her feel better.”I was _10_ that hed come up with this _11_idea.So we went over and told the flower seller _12_ we wanted.“Just take it,”she replied.“I _13_ take your money for such a w

4、onderful _14_ .”By now medical staff had arrived,and were _15_ the injured woman. We gave the flower to the womans husband and I told him it was _16_ my son.At that,the old man started crying and said,“Thank you very much.”He then turned to me,“You have a _17_ son.Happy Mothers Day to you.”The man b

5、ent down and gave his wife the flower,telling her who it was from._18_ being badly hurt,the old lady looked up at Tenyson with _19_ in her eyes and gave him a little _20_.语篇解读本文叙述了母亲节这天一个五岁的孩子献花给一位摔倒受伤的老人的故事,感人至深。1.A.leaving B.drivingC.movingD.stopping解析:联系下文句意可知我们要离开时,有人受伤了。leave离开,符合句意。drive驾驶;mov

6、e移动; stop停止。答案:A2.A.injured B.religiousC.honestD.elderly解析:由下文the elderly couple提示可知D项正确。答案:D3.A.Her husband B.My sonC.The crowdD.The seller解析:由下文可知是一对老夫妇,因此陪在身边的应该是她的丈夫。答案:A4.A.Specially B.ParticularlyC.InterestinglyD.Fortunately解析:由下一句话可知,老人摔倒后,很多人停下来帮忙,故为fortunately 幸运的;specially专门地;particularly尤

7、其、特别;interestingly有趣的是。答案:D5.A.If B.SinceC.WhileD.Unless解析:句意:正当我们向事故地点走去时,while当时候,符合句意。if如果;since自以来;unless除非。答案:C6.A.independent B.curiousC.angryD.worried解析:由下文可知孩子想安慰老人,故他担心老人。become worried about变得对担心;independent独立的;curious好奇的;angry生气的。答案:D7.A.admired B.saidC.liedD.gained解析:从后面的引号可知是孩子说的话,故said

8、正确。admire赞美,钦佩;lie说谎;gain获得;得到。答案:B8.A.no one B.someoneC.everyoneD.anyone解析:由上下句意可知老人在超市门口摔倒,故在公共场合,在所有人面前。everyone每个人、所有人;no one没人;someone某人;anyone任何人。答案:C9.A.lend B.bringC.leaveD.buy解析:由上文there was a flower stall有一个卖花的摊位可知去买花。buy买;lend借;bring带来;leave离开。答案:D10.A.amazed B.shockedC.puzzledD.concerned

9、解析:对于五岁的孩子提出这样一个想法,母亲感到惊讶。amazed感到惊讶的;shocked震惊的;puzzled困惑的;concerned担心的。答案:A11.A.wise B.sweetC.beautifulD.crazy解析:sweet甜的,令人愉快的;wise明智的;beautiful漂亮的;crazy疯狂的,结合语境可知“令人愉快的”最合适。答案:B12.A.which B.whenC.whatD.whether解析:what引导宾语从句,且在从句中充当宾语。答案:C13.A.must not B.cantC.may notD.neednt解析:由下文可知孩子买花是一件wonderfu

10、l的事情,故店主是不会收钱的。cant 不能,做不到;must not 禁止;may not或许不;neednt没有必要。答案:B14.A.scene B.habitC.flowerD.deed解析:由上下文可知小孩买花是善举,故用deed行为、行动;scene场景;habit习惯;flower花。答案:D15.A.checking out B.looking afterC.operating onD.dressing up解析:由前一句可知医疗队已经到达,可推知在照看老人。look after照料;check out核实;operate on动手术;dress up穿上盛装,打扮。答案:B1

11、6.A.from B.toC.withD.about解析:由句意可知花是儿子送的。from表示出处,来自。答案:A17.A.respectful B.cheerfulC.successfulD.wonderful解析:由老人表示感谢可知老人是赞扬儿子,故用wonderful极好的;respectful尊重的;cheerful快乐的;successful成功的。答案:D18.A.Out of B.Regardless ofC.Thanks toD.As to解析:由句意可知老人不顾自己的重伤,依然充满爱意地看着孩子。regardless of不管、不顾;out of出于;thanks to幸亏;

12、as to关于。答案:B19.A.love B.hopeC.pityD.pain解析:由上文可知老人被孩子的行为感动了,故“充满爱意”最合适。love爱;hope希望;pity可惜;pain痛苦。答案:A20.A.idea B.moneyC.smileD.comfort解析:and连接并列的含义,由前面的love可推知smile合适。idea想法;money钱;comfort安慰。答案:C.短文改错The day,May 16th,is my younger brothers birthday.This afternoon I went to the shopping center downt

13、own,and buy a present for him.Then I took the subway train to home.Seating on the train,I thought my brother would be very happy when he saw a present.At the next station,an old lady with two heavy bag got on the train and stood in front of me.She looked tiring.I hesitated for a moment,but then offe

14、red my seat to him.The old lady thanked me a lot and sat down.Seeing her smile,I felt happily.I will always ready to help others in the future.答案:The day,May 16th,is my younger brothers birthday.This afternoon I went to the shopping center downtown,and a present for him.Then I took the subway train

15、to home. on the train,I thought my brother would be very happy when he saw present.At the next station,an old lady with two heavy got on the train and stood in front of me.She looked .I hesitated for a moment, then offered my seat to .The old lady thanked me a lot and sat down.Seeing her smile,I felt .I will always ready to help others in the future.



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