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1、仁爱版英语七年级下册翻译及写作1他喜欢听音乐。He enjoys music.2我不再是个小孩子了。Im not a child .3我看了一小会电视。I watched TV for a .4她十点差一刻睡觉。She goes to bed at about a ten.5他正在寻找他的笔。He is his pen.6瞧!他们正在等公共汽车。Look !They are a bus .7他穿上外套出去了。He his coat and went out.8冰箱里有少量的蔬菜。There are vegetables in the fridge.9瓶子里有少量的牛奶。There is mil

2、k in the bottle.10他昨天下午带他妈妈参观了他的学校。He his mother his school yesterday afternoon.11我从周一到周五上学。I go to school Monday Friday.12感谢你们的辛勤劳动。Thank you for your 13紧邻我的卧室有个书房There is a study my bedroom.15靠近我的家有许多商店和餐馆。There are many shops and restaurants my home.16超市在银行对面。17The suppermarket is the bank.18我看见他

3、走过了桥。I saw him the bridge. 19公共汽车站离我家不远。The bus stop is not my home.20把你的东西收好。 your things.21Mr Jackson住在银行和超市之间。Mr Jackson lives a bank a supermarket.22沿着这条路走直到你到达北四环路。 this rood you get to Beisihuan Road.23然后你应该换乘二路车。Then you should to the NO.2bus.24这些孩子们正在谈论我们喜欢的运动。The children are their fanorite

4、 sports.25你会跳迪斯科马?Can you disco?26康康擅长踢足球。Kangkang is playing soccer.27Jane 擅长弹吉他。Jane in playing the guiter.27不要对你的父母撒谎。Dont you parents.28他默默许了个愿并且一口气把蜡烛吹灭了He a silent and the candles in one breath 29他直到十点才睡觉。He go to bed ten oclock 30你最好带上雨伞。 take an umbtella.31不要上学迟到。Dont be school.32我天天打扫卫生I do

5、 every day.33你能帮我查明火车什么时候到吗?Can you help me when the train will arrive?34天气突然下雨,但是稍后可能再转晴。It rains suddenly ,but it may get fine again.35北京天气怎么样?Whats the in Beijing? Is the in Beijing?我希望和我的爷爷奶奶团聚。I hope to with my grandparents.36你不准用手指指向任何人。You mustnt anybody with your fingers.37人们应该遵守交通规则。People

6、must obey 38在上学的晚上不要熬夜到太晚。Dont too late on school nights.39海南的天气和北京的不同。The weather in Hainan is that in Beijing.40他感觉很累因为他一整晚上没睡觉。He felt tired because he all night.41这本书一定是玛丽的。This book Marys .42他们手工制作的这些卡片。They made the cards 43他妈妈正忙着做饭。Her mother is .44有很多老人正在那里There are many old people 45有一个钱包正躺

7、着地上There is a purse the ground.46稍后我将叫人去检查 Later on ,I will someone to it .书面表达 1介绍一下你的学校生活。 2介绍一下汤姆的学校生活。 3有的人喜欢住在农村有的人喜欢住在城市,你喜欢住在哪里,写一篇 70词左右的短文说说你喜欢住那里的理由。 4下周日是你妈妈的生日,你打算怎么庆祝呢?(70词左右) 5写一篇短文介绍你的个人情况兴趣爱好、能力及擅长什么。(70词左右) 6以My birthday party 为题写写自己难忘的生日聚会。 7.以my favorite festival 为题写一篇短文 8.以my favorite season 为题写一篇短文。 9给你的笔友写封信介绍你过端午节的情况。 10以My family为题写一篇短文


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