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1、中关村蓝星科技大厦暖卫施工方案Novo Nordisk (China) Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd Second Phase expansionProject诺和诺德(中国)制药有限公司二期厂房扩建工程室内埋地给排水工程施工方案Indoor In-ground Plumbing work method江苏省建工集团有限公司Jiangsu Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd2009年7月2日1、工程概况2、编制依据3、施工工艺程序4、施工方法、技术措施5、质量保证措施、质量通病及治理6、主要施工机具一览表7、劳动力计划&管道质量共

2、检点表9、安全技术措施及HSE管理1、工程概况 Overview1.1工程简述:本工程主要由工业污水管、雨水管、生活污水管、生活生产给水管道、 消防给水管道组成,全线总长约1400多MThis project mainly con sists of sewage pipe, rain watewr pipe, fire water supply pipe, thetotal le ngth is about 1400m.1. 2主要工程实物量一览表名称规 格spe材质数量 quantity柔性机制排水铸铁管 flexibledrain age cast iron pipeDN50DN200铸铁

3、管约 2100 m钢丝网骨架HDPE塑料复合 管 HDPE plastic compo und pipeDN150DN250HDPE管约 100 m2 编制依据 compose basis2. 1 施工图 HG49Z-1-42022. 2金属管道工程施工验收及硬聚氯乙烯管道施工及验收规范施工外还应遵照图 纸设计和现场实际要求。Drawi ng HG49Z-1-4202, natio nal code and site situati on3施工工艺程序 procedure3. 1 室内给排水管施工in terior plumbi ng pipes work3. 2根据现场实际情况,安时完成给排

4、水施工进度计划,在土建没有完成回填土的 情况下,室内地埋排水管道,材质机制柔性铸铁管先行安装地埋管线。3. 3安装施工方法,根据现场实际情况,确保管线在先行安装施工完以后,土建回 填土的时候是管线完好无损,建议在安设计要求安装完管线以后增设固定支架,在 梁的下方有管线时候采用固定支架,没有梁的地方采用(木桩.或铁桩.用铁丝捆绑管 材见附图二种形式)固定支架,采用这样的措施是在土建回填土的时候,已安装完的管线不左右晃动,裂开,确保管线完好无损。定位放线管沟开挖、标高控制、管段预制 防夯实 标高一测量一管道安装一吊架安装一试压(灌水)开口封堵分层回填Set out-pipes tre nch ex

5、cavati on, elevati oncon trol,pipefabrication-anti-crossion-tamping-elevati on measure-pipeli nes install- han gers install-pressure try (water filling)- ope nings seal- backfill layer by layer::地梁? 10胀栓铸铁排水管5#角铁U形卡埋地铸铁排水管梁下支架固定示意图压实土埋地铸铁排水管无梁处支架固定示意图4 施工方法、技术措施 con structi on method and tech ni cal

6、 measure4.1施工前准备 preparation4.2认真阅读招标文件及招标施工图,若发现有不清楚、错误的地方在澄清会及设计 交底会上及时提出,以保证施工图的准确性、施工的顺利进行。Prior to workcomme nee, study carefully con structi on draw in g, ide ntify in correct or un clear parts and put forward in clarification meeting so as to assure drawing accurate and smooth con structi on.

7、4.3施工以前先调查研究,并掌握管道沿线的情况,防止影响施工的正常进行,做到 有备而战。到现场去考察地形,看其实际地形与设计地面标高的相差,拿到原地貌 分布的一手资料。观察现场的建筑物是否在管线的敷设上方,需要拆除的联系甲方 进行现场调解。仔细阅读工程的地质报告、水文地质资料,以选择有效地施工方法, 避免因地质不明而造成施工的延误工期。现场的“三通一平”施工条件是否具备, 现场排水条件有无,以定进料的运输和雨季的排水等问题。观察现场的施工用电、 用水供应点,以确定现场临设的建设点。Make site inv estigati on prior to site work, be clear of

8、 pipe line situatio n. Read carefully for site geological report and docume nts so as to adopt effective work method. Con structi on site observation electricity, water supply points, to determine the site for the construction of temporary point44根据以前的准备工作,选择进场设备及配套设备、材料,见主要施工机械与设备一览表。Prepared in ac

9、cordanee with previous work, select equipment and ancillary equipme nt approach, materials, see the followi ng mai n list of con structi on mach in ery a nd equipme nt4.5按照国家的相关法律、法规的相关规定对有关人员进行安全培训和技能考核,考 试合格者才能进入施工现场,特殊工种必须持证上岗。In accorda nee with the releva nt n atio nal laws and regulati ons of

10、the releva nt provisi ons of the safety of the personnel training and skills assessment,qualified ones can enter construction site, special types of work must be certified.4.6积极地响应建设单位的现场交桩,我方将对临时水准点和管道轴线设置点报与甲 方,并采取保护措施和校核。4.7针对所发图纸对合格施工人员进行技术交底,使操作者掌握设计规定的有关规 程、规范、施工技术要求,加强质量意识。We make technical c

11、larification for workers before work commence so that operators grasp the design requirements, norms, technical requirements for construction, stre ngthe n the sense of quality4.2 沟槽开挖 trench excavation421大面积沟槽开挖采用机械与人工相结合的方式开挖,以机械开挖为主,人工修整为辅。较小的沟槽开挖和不宜采用机械开挖的用人工开挖。As for large area trenchexcavati o

12、n, we adopt machi nery and man power comb in ati on of excavati on. As for relative small tren ches, man power is suitable for making excavati on.4.2.2管沟开挖示意图 excavation sletch/堆十区. J回填土砂回填至管顶铸铁排水管100厚砂垫层混凝土版下埋地铸铁排水管沟回填示意图4.2.3沟槽的开挖质量应符合下列要求:trench excavation quality should conform to following stip

13、ulation:槽壁平整,沟槽中心线每侧的净宽不应小于管道沟槽底部开挖宽度的一半。槽底高程的允许偏差为士 20mm。Trough wall formation, a trench on each side of the centerline of pipeline trench net width should not be less than half the width at the bottom of the excavation. Bottom elevation of the allowed deviation of 士 20m4.2.4 土方开挖过程中严格控制基底标高,严禁超挖。人

14、工修整后及时进行地基验槽。 开挖过程要保持施工现场的干态性。若有潮湿土,及时进行排水处理,以防浸泡。Be strict with pit bottom elevation control while doing earthwork excavation. During excavation process,we maintain construction site of the dry states. If wet soil, in time to deal with dra in age to preve nt water sunk.4.3 土方回填 backfilling4.3.1开挖后的

15、土方,除用于现场回填平衡之外,余土及不能作为回填的土运出,弃 放在业主指定的堆放点。为保证沟槽不受堆土的影响,回填土不堆放管沟近处。其 堆放形状符合上图规定,保持现场条理性。After excavation of the earthwork, in addition to filling the balance for the scene, the remaining soil and the soil can not be used as backfill out, jumped on the owners of the desig nated dump area. In order to en sure the impact of a trench from the bulldozers, back filling is not piled up near the trench.4.3.2管道施工完毕并经检验合格后,沟槽应及时回填,且不得带水回填。After pipe line installation and get through inspection and acceptance,trenches must be backfilled time



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