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1、四级听力指导汇总解决做题会出现的三种情况:1. 听不懂1音的问题 美音和英音区别:A. 美音中元音开口特别大,而英音开口特别小;B. 辅音浊化:美音中清辅音在两个元音夹击下那么变为浊辅音;C. 儿化音:美音中如果字母加上 r 那么产生儿化音 重读和弱读,语音和语调2语速的问题 连读常见的连读方式:A. 辅音+元音:在一句话中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头,两词处于同一义群且语速较快时就发生连读。B. 辅音+辅音:在一句话中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以辅音开头,后一个辅音发音,前一个不发音。2. 听什么?1小词2短语3一词多义3. 听懂了但做不对题1场景两大固定场景: ca

2、mpus life校园生活;daily life日常生活2技巧和规律六个技巧:听前: 快速阅读选项;预测内容和题型听中: 理解大意,抓住主题;注意小词和短语听后:选择相近的选项;争取去找对立的选项如何正确阅读选项?阅读选项的技巧:scan,关键要抢时间扫读、略读。阅读扫描的技巧:找异同点,先纵读再横读“莫非法那么:凡事要向不好的方面去思维If anything can go wrong, it will.出去玩儿一定会下雨。汽车、火车、飞机、轮船根本都是晚点。男生VS女生,女生样样比男生好注意两点: 勇于放弃,要果断选择答案一般情况下不要轻意地改动自己的第一选择一、根本介绍对话主要涉与人们日常

3、生活中的话题。对话中的句子结构、成分、主题一般都非常简单。一般来说每个对话的字数在40 - 50之间。语速根本稳定在每分钟150 - 160个单词。问题一般都是特殊疑问句,常见的疑问句开头单词:what, when, where, who, why, how.二、小对话的分类小对话常见的十种题型1、数字价格计算题2、时间加减运算题3、对话场景题4、人物职业、身份、关系题5、人物意图题6、态度评价题7、动作行为题8、因果关系题9、推断题言外之意10、意义解释题1、数字价格计算题注意:1. 十几、几十的读音2. 分数的说法3. 小数的说法4. 大数字的说法5. 钱的问题1打折discount, d

4、iscount rate, on sale, 50% off, clearance2北美货币体系单位cent, nickel, dime, quarter, fifty cents, dollar, buckM: How much are the tickets?W: They are ten dollars each for the general public, but student tickets are half price.Q: How much will the man pay for the two general tickets and two student tickets

5、?M: Id like to buy these four thanksgiving cards. Are they ten cents each?W: Three of them are, but the smaller one is only a nickel.Q: How much would the cards all together?-2、时间加减运算题注意:1、超前earlier, ahead of time, in advance2、准时be on time, be on schedule3、推迟behind schedule, late, delay, put off, po

6、stponeM: Im sorry, Madam, the plane is somewhat behind the schedule. Take a seat. Ill inform you as soon as we know something definite.W: Thank you. Id rather look around and Ill be back in several minutes.Q: What can be concluded about the plane?1997年6月1. W: Good morning, Im here to see Mr. Addison

7、.M: Mr. Addison went to Washington last Monday for a conference, and will be back on Thursday night. If you like, you may come again on Friday morning.Q: When will Mr. Addison return?3、对话场景题两大类场景:campus life校园生活;daily life日常生活1. campus life校园生活1上课、选课、听讲座、听报告2作业3考试4图书馆2. daily life日常生活1餐馆 2医院3银行 4邮局5

8、旅游 6打工7机场、车站8宾馆9 10购物4、人物职业、身份、关系题 1995年6月8. A Customer and salesmanB ColleaguesC Employee and bossD ClassmatesW: Hi, Jack, I just came back yesterday. Anything new while I was away?M: Congratulations, Susan! Its said you will be promoted to manager and become my immediate boss.Q: Whats most probabl

9、y the relationship between the two speakers at the moment?1994年1月6. A Customer and salesperson.B Teacher and student.C Boss and secretary.D Guest and waitress.M: Please make 20 copies of this and deliver them to the chief executive and heads of departments.W: Certainly, sir. They will find it on the

10、ir desks tomorrow morning.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?1995年1月3. A A teacher.B A psychologist.C A librarian.D A publisher.W: Im looking for textbook for my Psychology course. Its called Introduction to Educational Psychology. Do you have it?M: Yes, we do. Youll find

11、it in Section 24 on the top shelf.Q: Whats the mans occupation?2000年6月7. A At a book store.B At an art museum.C At a newspaper office.D At a gymnasium.M: Mary is in charge of the art and music section; and Charles, the sports page. What about you?W: Im responsible for the editorials.Q: Where does th

12、e woman work?2001年1月7. A an auto mechanic.B An electricianC A carpenter.D A telephone repairman.W: This is Mrs. Starched, my heater is not getting any power and weatherman says the temperature is to fall below zero tonight. Could you get someone to come over and fix it? M: This is the busiest time o

13、f the year, but Ill speak to one of our men about going over some time today. Q: Who did Mrs. Starched want to come over? 4、人物职业、身份、关系题 1995年6月8. A Customer and salesmanB ColleaguesC Employee and bossD ClassmatesW: Hi, Jack, I just came back yesterday. Anything new while I was away?M: Congratulation

14、s, Susan! Its said you will be promoted to manager and become my immediate boss.Q: Whats most probably the relationship between the two speakers at the moment?1994年1月6. A Customer and salesperson.B Teacher and student.C Boss and secretary.D Guest and waitress.M: Please make 20 copies of this and deliver them to the chief executive and heads of department


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