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1、新概念英语册期末测试题(课)、单项选择(分)1. We hadnt met for nearly 20 years, but I recognized him _ I saw him in the street.A) at once B) the moment C) at first D) right after2. You can borrow my tape-recorder _ you return it to me tomorrow.A) unless B) as soon as C) until D) provided3. I couldnt help but _ that it w

2、as a mistake to let him go alone.A) think B) thought C) to think D) thinking4. Mrs. Parks, who lost both her husband and son during the Second World War, is now in poor health and expects to _ care of.A) be taking B) have taken C) take D) be taken5. Emily wrote to _ of her parents last week, but she

3、 has written to _ of them this week.A) both, either B) both, neither C) neither, both D) either, both6. We havent seen our neighbors for over a week. They _ on a trip abroad.A) could B) must go C) may have gone D) should have gone7.When do you usually every morning ?At 6:30 and then have breakfast .

4、 A. get up B. gets up C. get together D. got up 8Which of the twins will succeed?The one works harder, I think.A.whom B.who C.which D. whose9. Tom is taller than Tim but not so tall as Bob. Which of them is ? Bob, of course.A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest 10.He bought English book not Chines

5、e one.A.a, a B.the ,a C.a ,an D.an ,a11. useful information it is for me!A.What B.What a C.What an D.How12. If you _ the book tomorrow, you will be very happy.A. will read B. will reading C. will be reading D. read13.Excuse me, would you mind passing me that English-Chinese dictionary?Sorry, its my

6、reach.A.over B.within C.far away D.beyond14The movie was very_ she was really _ in it.A. interest; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interest; interests15. Jean spent fifty hours _ the book.A. reading B. to read C. in read D. read16. There is _ milk in the bottle, b

7、ut there is _ fly in it.A. a; a B. some, a C. some, a D. any, a17. He _ TV when his father came in.A. was watched B. watching C. was watch D. was watching18. Helen arrived _ London airport _ the morning of June 7.A. in, on B. at, on C. at, at D. at, in19. We are not _ touch that machine.A. allowed B

8、. allowed to C. allow to D. allowing20. To _ he won the match at last.A. my surprised B. my surprising C. my surprise D. my surprises、完形填空(分)Mr. White works in an office. He liked 1 in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his eyes and now he has near sight. But he wouldnt like anybody else to k

9、now about _2_and he never wears a pair of glasses, and it often _3_ him some trouble.One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business. He _4_the bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to _5_ there. The road to the village wasnt smooth(平坦). He fell over some times and it made his cl

10、othes dirty. When he_6_ got to the village, it began to blow and it got _7_. He was looking for the school while his _8_was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldnt get it. He couldnt understand why his hat ran into a house as if it had _9_. And he ran into the house, too.A woman stopped h

11、im and shouted angrily, _10_are you running after my hen for?1. A. reading B. dancing C. singing D. writing2. A. these B those C. them D. it3.A. follows B takes C. brings D. carries4. A. took off B got off C. got on D. come on5.A. ride B drive C. walk D. fly6.A. At first B .At home C. At times D. At

12、 last7.A. hotter B. warmer C. colder D .cooler8. A. clothes B. bag C. hat D. glasses9. A. legs B. hands C. shoes D. arms10. A. What B. Why C. Which D. Who、阅读理解(分)()Some ants make their homes under a stone. If the weather is warm, you may see many ants under the stone. If the weather is cold, many an

13、ts will be in their house under the ground.Most of the ants are workers. They are very busy. They look for food and take care of the young ants. Each family of ants has a queen ant. The queen ant doesnt work. She is important because she lays eggs. Those eggs will become baby ants.There are many kin

14、ds of ants in America. One kind of these is very strong. People are afraid of it, and animals are afraid of it, too.These ants move in groups. They eat all the animals on their way. They can kill and eat elephants, and they can eat wooden houses. When the ants come near, people leave their homes. But people are sometimes glad after the ants pass through, because they will see no other insects or snakes.()1. Where can



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