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1、 英语新起点三年级下册词汇和句型Unit 9 My School重点单词: 1.library 图书馆 puter room 计算机教室 3.washroom 洗手间 4.clinic 诊所 5.office 办公室 6.music room 音乐教室 7.gym 体育馆 8.art room 美术教室 9.science room 科学教室 10. first 第一,second 第二 11. third第三1. Where is +人?。在哪儿里? He/She is in the library.他在图书馆。2. Where is the+ 地点?。在哪儿里? Its on the fi

2、rst/second/third floor.它在三楼。3. Do you have a gym in your school?你们学校有体育馆吗? Yes, we do. / No, we dont.Unit 10 My Class重点单词:1.Chinese汉语 2.English英语 3.math数学 4.PE体育 5.hard难的 6.easy 容易的 7.fun 有趣的 8.boring 无趣的,单调的,乏味的 9 interesting 有趣的 10.Monday 星期一 13.Tuesday星期二 14.Wednesday 星期三15.Thursday 星期四 16.Friday

3、 星期五 17.favourite喜爱的 18.why为什么1. Do you like computers?你喜欢电脑课吗? Yes, I do. Its interesting. / No, I dont. Its boring.2. What classes do you have on Wednesday?你周三有什么课? I have math, art, English and PE.我有数学,美术,英语和体育。3. Whats your favourite class? 你最喜欢的是什么课?PE. 体育。/ My favourite class is PE. 我最喜欢的是体育课。

4、/ I like PE best.4. Joy likes science. Its interesting. She doesnt like math. Its boring.5. What class do you like? I like English. Unit 11 After School Activities重点词汇:1. after school 放学后 2. activity 活动 3. club time 课外活动时间 4. play the drum 敲鼓 5. sing songs 唱歌 6. draw pictures 画画 7. play chess 下棋 8.

5、do art projects 做手工 9. Saturday 星期六 10. Sunday 星期天 11. play soccer 踢足球 12. dance 跳舞 13. be going to计划。;打算。 1. What do they do on Monday?他们周一做什么? They play the drum on Monday.他们周一敲鼓。2. What are you going to do after school?放学后,你打算做什么? I am going to play the drum on Tuesday.周二我打算去敲鼓。3. Xiao Hua is goi

6、ng to do art projects on Thursday. Yaoyao and Andy are going to dance at 5:20. 4. What is Lily going to do after school? She is going to sing songs after school.5. That sounds interesting. That sounds like fun.6. Where is everyone?Unit 12 Revision句型:1. Do they have a clinic? Yes, they do. / No, they

7、 dont.他们有诊所吗? 是的,他们有。/不,他们没有。2. What are you going to do on Sunday morning? I am going to 你星期天上午打算做什么? 我打算去看see my grandpa and grandma.望我的爷爷和奶奶。Unit 13 My Home重点单词:1.living room 客厅 2.dining room 餐厅 3.kitchen 厨房 4.bedroom卧室 5.study 书房 6.balcony阳台 7. garage车库 8.armchair扶手椅 9.telephone 电话 10. own 自己的 1

8、1.desk 书桌 12.teddy bear 玩具熊 13.closet壁橱句型:1. Where is the cat?猫在哪里? Its on the balcony.它在阳台上。2. Is there a bedroom in your home?你家有一间卧室吗? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.3. In Lin Mings home, there is a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom and a bathroom.在林明的家里有一个厨房,一个客厅,一间卧室,一个卫生间。4. There are some ch

9、airs and a table in the kitchen.厨房里有一些椅子和一张桌子。Unit 14 My Family重点单词:1.family 家,家庭,家庭成员 2.people 人,人们 3.grandfather 祖父 4.grandmother祖母 5.uncle 叔叔,舅舅 6.aunt 婶母姑母 7.father父亲 8.brother兄;弟 9.sister 姐;妹 10.cousin 堂(表)兄(弟)姐(妹) 11.cook 厨师 12.waiter服务员 13.dentist 牙医 14.nurse护士 15.manager 经理 16.taxi-driver 出租

10、车司机 17.policeman警察1. There are five people in my family.我家有五口人。 This is my 这是我的。2. Whats your fathers job? 你爸爸是做什么工作的?He is a manager.他是一名经理。Unit 15 Family Activies重点单词:1.feed the fish 喂鱼 2.wash clothes洗衣服 3.water the flowers 浇花 4.cook the chicken烹饪鸡 5.talk on the phone打电话 6.watch TV看电视 7.listen to music 听音乐 8.walk the dog 遛狗 9.grandparents祖父母句型:1. Whats Lilys mom doing?Lily的妈妈正什么? She is cooking.她正在做饭。2. What are they doing at home?他们正在家做什么?They are making jiaozi.他们正在家包饺子。



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