2022年高中英语阅读理解 第三部分 名人故事(二)练习

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1、2022年高中英语阅读理解 第三部分 名人故事(二)练习约翰施特劳斯,奥地利的轻音乐作曲家、指挥家、小提琴家。出生在维也纳的一个音乐家庭,与父同名。小施特劳斯从小非常热爱音乐,耳濡目染受到父亲的音乐熏陶。他最著名的作品有美丽的蓝色多瑙河、艺术家的生涯、酒与女人之歌、维也纳性情、维也纳森林的故事、维也纳糖果和春之声等120余首维也纳圆舞曲,被誉为“圆舞曲之王”,其父老斯特劳斯被誉为“圆舞曲之父”。Johann Strauss was born in Vienna in 1825. His father, a well-known musician, was a strange and moody

2、 man. He did not want any of his children to be musicians. He whipped young Johann because the boy insisted he should study music. At last, Johann left his family permanently. He felt sad about leaving the family because the wonderful music he always had with him at home was gone forever. The only g

3、ood thing about the family separation, it seemed, was that young Johann would be free to study music.The dance called the waltz developed from a peasant dance in three-quarter time. The waltz became popular in Vienna, so it was only natural that Johann would be attracted to it.The orchestra Johanns

4、father had directed was prepared to break up when the elder Strauss suddenly died. Young Johann offered to take his fathers place. Most of the musicians questioned that a young man would expect to fill the shoes of a famous father. They did not take into consideration that the son already had an orc

5、hestra of his own which was being well known. Finally, one of the members persuaded the others to let the two orchestras be bined. Their first performance was a memorial concert played in his fathers honor.Soon Vienna was paying tributes to the son. He wrote such famous waltz as Tales form the Vienn

6、a Woods and the Beautiful Blue Danube, and his music is still played today. His waltzes are as beautiful and timely as when Strauss first wrote them.prehension Questions:1. Johann Strauss left home permanently because _A. he felt sad.B. the wonderful music he always had at home was gone forever.C. h

7、e wanted to study music freely.D. he didnt want to learn music from his father. B. most musicians didnt believe that young Strauss feet were as big as his fathers.C. most of the musicians thought he was unable to do so. D. most of the musicians considered him able to do so.4. Johann directed the fir

8、st performance of the newly bined orchestra _ A. because people didnt believe his ability. B. because one of the members persuaded the others to let him direct the orchestra. C. in memory of his father.D. because he could enjoy the honor of his father.5. Tales from the Vienna Woods is _A. a collecti

9、on of stories written by Johann Strauss.B. a piece of famous waltz by Johann Strauss.C. as good a story as The Beautiful Blue Danube.D. a piece of beautiful waltz written first by Johann Strauss.(CBCCB)7. Charles Chaplin, King of the Film World查理卓别林电影之王查理卓别林,英国电影演员,导演和制片人。1889年4月16日生于伦敦,1977年12月25日卒

10、于瑞士科西耶。从1919年开始,卓别林独立制片,此后一生共拍摄80余部喜剧片,其中在电影史上著名的影片有淘金记、城市之光、摩登时代、大独裁者、凡尔杜先生、舞台生涯等。这些影片反映了卓别林从一个普通的人道主义者到一位伟大的批判现实主义艺术大师的过程。More than one hundred years ago, in 1889, Charles Chaplin was born into the world. When a poor boy, he was often seen waiting outside the London theatres, hoping to get work in

11、 show business.His dream came true in the end. Chaplin became world-famous and almost a king in the world of the film.People everywhere have laughed at Chaplins film until tears ran down their faces. From his very first appearance they know what to expect from the little man with a black moustache,

12、wide-open eyes, a round black hat and shoes too large for his feet. He will fight men who are twice his size and fall in love with women who hardly noticed him.”prehension Questions:1. Where do you guess Chaplin was from? _ A. The USA. B. England. C. France. D. Canada.2. Why did Chaplin wait outside

13、 the London theatres? _A. Because he wanted to see some plays.B. Because he was asked to do something in show business.C. Because he wanted to find work in show business.D. Because he wanted to be a film star.3. What did Chaplin like to do in films? _A. To act as a poor man.B. To get into trouble.C.

14、 To make stupid mistakes.D. To make people laugh.4. What should we do if we want to succeed according to Chaplin? _A. We must have a secret.B. We have to learn a lot of performing skills.C. We should trust ourselves.D. We should tell others how to succeed in life.5. Charles Chaplin was considered to

15、 be _ A. the king over the world. B. a very funny actor in the film. C. the best actor in the film world of his day. D. the best film producer of the world.(BCACC)8. Louis Braille, the Man Who Made It PossibleFor the Blind to Read and Write路易斯布雷尔他使盲人读写成为可能At first people did not believe that the system of Louis Braille was possible or practical. One day a girl who had been blind since she was born played the piano beautifully at a concert. Everybody was pleased. Then the girl got up and said that the people should thank Louis Braille,



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