辽宁省丹东七中2015九年级英语下册 Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth! Section A(1a-2d)研学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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辽宁省丹东七中2015九年级英语下册 Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth! Section A(1a-2d)研学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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辽宁省丹东七中2015九年级英语下册 Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth! Section A(1a-2d)研学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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《辽宁省丹东七中2015九年级英语下册 Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth! Section A(1a-2d)研学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁省丹东七中2015九年级英语下册 Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth! Section A(1a-2d)研学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth! Section A(1a-2d)【课前热身】短语充满 不再 把打扫干净 砍到 代替 【学习目标】1.掌握重点单词及短语。2.复习语法,能正确区分和使用以下语法结构:现在进行时,被动语态,现在完成时,情态动词。. 【重难点】:1.能谈论环境污染和环境保护问题.二合作交流1、 预习交流,检查1a 的预习效果。2、 合作学习1.)放录音让学生完成1b, 2.)小组操练,完成1c. 3.)放录音让学生完成2a-2b 3、拓展延伸完成2c讨论句型:4、系统总结 【知识点拨】Were trying to save the e

2、arth!我们正在设法拯救地球!Try是动词,意为“试图,设法”如:我正设法算出这道数学题。动词try还表示“试”、“尝试”,“试用”你试过种药了吗?拓展:try搭配的词组:try to do sth设法做某事;try on试穿;try out尝试,实验;try ones best尽全力;have a try试一下。明天我将尽量早来。他还没有试穿过这件毛衣。我们的老师总是尝试一些新的想法。Lucy将尽力赶上其他同学。让我试一下。2与how 有关的短语:how big多大、how far多远、 how soon多久、how long 多长、how often多少一次、how wide 多宽、ho

3、w manymuch多少这条街多宽?你妈妈多久回来?从车站到超市多远?【夯实基础】选择1. Lets turn the radio down. Your father .A .is sleepingB. sleptC. sleepsD. is sleep2.Where is Bob?He to the library.A.is goingB.has beenC.wentD.has gon3.How long may I your bike ?A.lendB.borrowC.keepD.get4.The animals are made in the zoo A.liveB.to liveC.l

4、ivingD.to living提高题1. There used to be river in front of the city, ?A. did it B. usent it C. didnt thereD. did there3.Another zoo in the city .A.builtB.has builtC.is being builtD.will being built3I dont know when he ,but if he ,Ill call you .A.comes,comesB.will come, comesC.comes,will comeD.will come,will come【课后作业】A组:1.Copy new words2. Write two dialogues like 1cB组:1. Copy new words2. Make up their own dialogues like 1c【教师反思】【学生反思】1


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