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1、 Lesson 1【授课年级】二年级【授课时间】40分钟 【教材分析】学生已经学会了26个英文字母,并且已经懂得英文字母的书写要求。从本课起,学生要在原有基础上,学会句子的书写方法,要明确句子的书写要求。因此,从本课开始,教师除了让学生能够“四会”即听说读写句型外,还应布置大量的句子让学生练习抄写。这样,才能使学生尽快实现从汉语拼音书写过渡到英文句子书写的转变,在英语句子书写要求中,对于大小写及标点符号的使用与汉语拼音句子书写不同,教学中要格外注意。Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:1. Enable the Ss to use the sentence pattern

2、s freely in real life: Today we have two new students./Im from .2. Enable Ss to understand and speak the characters names and the countries: Tom, Takuya, Yuan Yuan, Joker, England, Japan, Australia.3. Make sure students can listen, speak, read and write the new sentence patterns: Im Helen./Im in Cla

3、ss1.Ability aims: 1. To develop the studentsabilities of speaking and listening.2. To train the students ability of working in groups.Emotion aims:1. To improve their culture feelings about other countries by learning the flags.2. To develop the studentsinterest in English.Important points and diffi

4、cult points:1. Make sure Ss can not only use the sentence pattern “Im Helen./Im in Class1.”freely, but also write them correctly.2. To train Ss express the countries correctly by using the pattern “ Im from .”3.To make Ss understand the differences between student and students.Teaching aids: PPT pho

5、tos recorder tape flags Teaching methods:1. Student-centered teaching2. Task-based learning3. Communication through learningTeaching procedure Step1. Lead in1. Make greetings.T: Hello, children. How about your holiday? Do you have a good time?Ss:Yes!T: Do you miss me?Ss:Yes!T: Really?(夸张语气)Ss: Yes!(

6、声音十分响亮)T: Me too. Nice to see you again, Group1!G1: Nice to see you, too.T: How are you, Group 2?G2: Im fine, thank you.T: Glad to see you, Group 3!G3: Glad to see you, too.T: Good morning, Group 4!Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.2. sing a song: Letter SongT: Would you like to sing a song with me?Ss: Yes.

7、T: Thank you . OK. Letter Song.3. Free talk.T: Today is our first class. So well learn LessonSs: One.T: Great. Lesson One.(板书)Step 2. Presentation, drills and consolidation1. Listen, Read and WriteT: Do you remember the old friends about Fun With English? Now lets visit them.Who is she?Ss: Linda.T:

8、Good memory. Who is she?Ss: Yuan Yuan.T: Thats right. Now look at me.(老师带上头饰扮演Yuan Yuan) Im Yuan Yuan. Im in Class 3. Im from China.Can you translate them into Chinese?S1: “我是圆圆,我是三班的,我来自于中国。”T:Wonderful. Give your group 1 mark. Weve learnt the patterns before. But we dont know how to write. Today l

9、et me introduce how to write the sentences.1. 开头字母要大写,第一人称单数“I”永远大写。2. 句末要有标点。英语中句号为“.”即实心点,而汉语则是“。”空心点。3. 像class 这样的单词,当后面有具体数字表达具体班级的时候要注意class的大写状态,并且数字相当于大写字母,要求数字与class 中的大写字母“C”要写一样大,既高矮一样。4. 强调单词之间要保持一个小写字母“a”那样大的距离,以保证在辨认上不相混淆。5. 以四线三格为基本书写格式。T:Now you can have a try to write the sentences l

10、ike me. Let me see which group is the most careful.T: Oh, I have to give every group 1 mark. You are all careful. Today we have two new friends. New friends, old friends. Do you understand? They are from other countries. Would you like to make friends with them?Ss: Yes.T: For the distance, we cant m

11、eet them, but they sent e-mails for us. Lets read together. Base on the passages to answer my question . Is she (图片)from England?/ Is he (图片)in Class 1?Let me see which group is best?Ss: Yes.Passage1Hello, Im Takuya.(Send a photo.) Im in Class 1. Im from Japan. (Send a picture of Japanese flag.) Wel

12、come to Japan. Passage 2Hello. My name is Tom. (Send a photo.) Im from England. (Send a picture of English flag.) Im in Class2. Welcome to England. T:Now look at the screen and answer my question: Is she (图片)from England?/Is he (图片)in Class 1?S2: No.T: Youre right. Give your group 1 mark. Follow me.

13、(出示头饰卡片) Tom, Im Tom. Im in Class 2. (出示班级卡片)Im from England. (出示国旗) Takuya, Im Takuya. (出示头饰) Im in Class 1. (出示班级卡片) Im from Japan. (出示国旗) Im Yuan Yuan. . (出示头饰) Im in Class 3. (出示班级卡片) Im from China. (出示国旗)(repeat again)Drills: 让每小组长带上头饰领读Consolidate the new words and patterns1. Look at the cards

14、 and flags, then read.2. Lets have a match. Each group has a set of cards, you should put ones information together with your group members. Look, which group is the quickest? T: Oh, Group 4 is the quickest. Add 1 mark.3.T: Now shall we play a game?Ss: OK, lets.T: Who wants to come here and guess wh

15、o it is? You should face to Ss when I show a picture on your head. You can ask two questions like this: Are you from Japan? Are you in Class 2?Other Ss should answer “Yes” or “No”. Clear?Ss: Yes. T: Which group is best?Ss: Group 3.4.T: I agree with you. OK, give this group 1 mark. Can you introduce the two friends on your notebook like this: Im Yuan Yuan. Im in Class 3. Ss: Yes.T: Try your best to do it.T: Now who wants to be the new friends, and introduce yourself to every one?S3: Im Tom. Im in Class 2. Im from E



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