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1、2019届高考英语一轮写作综合训练23第一节:完成句子 阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。1(更糟糕的是),when we stepped deep into the forest, we lost our way.(make)2It is clear that caged animals(已经习惯了生活)with humans.(accustomed)3(如果消防队员没到)in time, the factory would not have been saved.(suppose)4In area, Australia is approximately

2、the same size as the USA, which, however, has (14倍的人)as Australia.(many)5It was the computer which broke down halfway(该责怪)for the loss of all my files.(blame)6(被解雇)by one company doesnt necessarily mean that you have on way out to support yourself.(lay)7I was on the highway when a car passed me foll

3、owed by a police car. It (肯定一直在)driving at least 150 miles per hour.(must)8A good advertisement often uses words to(人们赋予了)positive meanings.(attach)9The young man was sitting under the tree with(他们的眼睛看着)the apple.(fix)10Not until the teacher explained it again(我们才理解)the sentence.(sense)(3)(25 min.)(

4、2019湖南省衡阳市高三第一次联考改编)下图中描绘的是现在有许多学生不想通过努力,只想依赖网络完成作业的现象。请你根据对该图的理解,用英语写一篇短文。注意:1. 简单描述一下该图的内容。2. 分析导致这种现象的原因及可能带来的影响。3. 词数不少于120。_(4)(25 min.)请根据下面漫画,用英语写一篇不少于120词的短文。内容包括: 漫画内容、提示社会现实及你的感想,题目自拟。参考词汇: 药箱 medicine case_参考答案 (3)One possible version:As is shown in the picture, in front of a computer hap

5、pily sits a teenager, attempting to work on his homework with no efforts, only by searching the Internet for the answers. It does show us that our life has been greatly influenced and changed by the Internet. On the one hand, with the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, we can acquire what we

6、 want from the Internet. On the other hand, as has been shown in the picture, while computers are helping students finish the academic jobs, they are also killing the students creative thinking and exploration spirit. One effect of this keyboard dependence is that the young, nowadays, even can seldo

7、m spell correctly, so let alone the improvement of their learning capacity and skills.In my view, while enjoying the conveniences of the Internet, we should learn how to handle the problems it has caused. Only in this way will the benefits of the Internet outweigh its problems.(4)One possible versio

8、n:Give Them a Free Hand!In this picture, the girl is riding a bicycle, with her father running on the right, her mother with a medicine case running on the left, and her grandmother watching her worriedly. Both her parents give hands to help her, though out of breath.I think this is a true reflectio

9、n of the Chinese society. In each family, there is usually one child, so he becomes the center of the family. His parents, even grandparents do everything for him. So when the child grows to a certain age, and when he knows he should do something, he may ask like the one in the picture, “Could you let me ride all alone?”In my opinion, parents should give their child



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