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1、新概念ILesson103&104同步练习题(附答案)Lesson103&104A Card from JimmyWords and expressi ons1 n.考试2 v.及格,通过3 n.数学4 n.问题5 a.容易的6 ad.足够地7 n.考卷8 v.未及格,失败9 v.回答10 n.分数11 n.其他的东西12 a.困难的13 v.讨厌14 a.低的15 v.振作,振奋16 n.家伙,人17 n.上方,顶部18 a.聪明的19 a.笨的20a.便宜的21a.贵的22 a.新鲜的23a.变馊的24a.低的,矮的25大声的26a.高的27a.硬的28a.甜的29a.软的30a.酸的二

2、Fill in the blanks according to the text.(根据课文内容填空)(每空一词)G:was the exam, Richard? R: Notbad.I thi nk Iin En glish and Mathematics.The questi ons wereeasy.How about you, Gary?G: The En glish and Maths papers were nt easyfor me. I hope I have nt.R: I thi nk I failed the French. I could an swer sixtee

3、n of the.They were very easy.But I could nt an swer the.They weredifficultme.G: French tests are, arent they? R: Ithem.Im sureve got a low.G: Oh,up!Perhaps we did nt do too.The guy to me wrote his n ame at thetop of the paper. R: Yes?G: Then he sat there and lookedit for three hours! He did nt write

4、word!Language points exam n.=examination 考试 midterm exam 期中考试 final exam 期末考试entrance exam in ati on 入学考试 pass v.及格,通过 pass the exam 通过考试pass in + 具体的某一科要通过She thinks she passed in En glish. question v. 审讯,质问; n.(具体的一个)问题 The policeman is questioning the thiefproblem (抽象)的问题 issue国际争端,分歧 fail v. 失败;

5、 及格 He failed his French paper because it was too difficult. v.(身体等)衰退;变弱;凋谢 My eyesight is failing.我的视力正在衰退。The flowers failed for lack of sun shi ne.花因缺少阳光而凋谢。 v.(后接不定式)不,不能 He failed to persuade me.他没能说服我。I failed to save the boy from the river.我没能把小孩从河里救出。语法too与enough的用法1、 一般的程度副词放在形容词或副词的前面,但是e

6、nough必须放在形容词或副词的后面。 在形容词或副词之后 使用 lean drive quickly en ough. 在名词之前 使用 He didn t buy the car because he didnenougtihmioney.他没买那咅B车,因为他没有足够的钱。 可以用在 enoughfor sb./ sth和enoughtodo sth.结构之中She has n t gotough money for a holiday.She s not old eno ugh to live alone.2、too的用法 表示 过于 ” She couldn t answer the

7、 questions because they were too difficult for her. 可以用在 too for sb./sth结构之中 This skirt is too big for me. 可以用在tooto do sth.(太而不能)结构之中The wall is too high for them to climb over.这堵墙太高了,他们无法攀越过去。The poet says flowers push the door of spring open.l want 36 thanksgiving can push the door of life open.l

8、f you see the world 37 a thankful heart,you will find the world is very 38 .Now we are leaving school.We should thank those people who helped us.Weshould give thanks to our parents39 they give us everything.When we areill,they spe nd time40 us.They tell us we are41 and we can make adiffere nce.We sh

9、ould also give tha nks to our teachers.They give us kno wledge and they teach us 42 to face difficulties in our lives.They should43 byus.Every day,we study with our classmates.We help each other and study 44 .When we re in trouble,they can also give us some45 and help us out.()36.A.say B.says C.said

10、 D.to say()37.A.withB.for C.toD.of()38.A.wo nders B.wo nderfully C.wo nderful D.wo nder()39.A.soB.or C.whether D.because()40.A.take care ofB.look after C.looking after D.tak ing care()41.A.differe nt B.shyC.differe nee D.lazy()42.A.how B.whatC.whyD.where()43.A.remember B.be remembered C.tha nkD.be h

11、elped()44.A.hardly B.hardC.difficult D.careful()45.A.advice B.advise C.suggesti on D.suggest书面表达:新年快到了,同学们一定有很多想法。请以 My New Year Plan ”介绍自己在学 习、身体、家务劳动、旅游等方面的计划,并针对自身的不足之处,说说你打算怎么做。要求:1.意思连贯、符合逻辑;2.词数不少于80词。参考词汇:study hard,read,healthy food,exercise,help,chores,at home,travelDACDC AABBAMy New Year P

12、la n:l have a new pla n for the new yearam going to study hard andget good grades .I am going to read more books and practice spoke n En glish more.Asfor health ,I am going to eat healthy food .I am also going to do more exercise .Iwantto help my mom to do more chores at home .I will cook meals on weeke nds.l love traveling.lam going to the SummerPalace if possible.But I amtoo shy and too quietto be good at con versati on s,so I am going to make more friends this year.# / 3



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