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1、Unit 2 Ways to go to school( B Read and write ) 枣阳市琚湾中心小学 杨雪静一、教学目标1. 能读懂Read and write部分的内容,并能回答短文后的问题。2. 了解世界各地学生上学的多种方式。3. 能够掌握句子在发音上的连读技巧。二、教学重难点重点:1.理解不同国家学生上学的方式,如by sled(乘雪橇),by ferry(渡船)。2. 能够独立完成相关练习。突破方法:1.通过搜集课外资料,观看图片等了解不同国家学生上学的方式。2.教给学生方法,培养阅读、听力能力。难点:掌握句子中单词之间的连读技巧。突破方法:教师讲解,学生交流,反复练习

2、,突破难点。三、 学情分析 阅读教学是英语教学中的难点,培养学生具备一定的阅读能力是阅读教学的终极目标。学生通过前几课时的学习,已基本掌握本课时核心词汇及句型,为本课时阅读教学打下基础。课堂上通过引导学生在语篇中找关键词及结合文中图片推理语篇意思,从而正确地理解朗读语篇。 教法与学法引导法,点拨法,小组讨论法。四、教学准备多媒体课件五、教学过程(一)Warm-up1.播放动画Lets sing:How do you go to school2.交通方式T:How do we/you go to ? S: We/I go to on foot/ by bike/by car3.交通规则T:On

3、the way, we will meet the three traffic lights. We must pay attention to the traffic lights. S: Stop and wait at a red light. / Slow down and stop at a yellow light. / Go at a green light.【设计意图:巩固复习学过的短语及句型,为学习新课做好铺垫。】(二)Presentation1.阅读前(Pre-reading) (1)感知新词 T: I want to go to Munich, Germany. How

4、can I get there?S: By plane.T: OK. Lets go to Munich Germany by plane.出示Munich Germany的幻灯片,教授单词。 a.听音 b.慢而清晰地自练5次 c.计次训练 d.一口气训练 e. 同样方法学习Alaska USA ; Papa Westray Scotland【设计意图:巧设情境,并借助图片呈现表示地名的单词,突破难点,为后文学生朗读理解文本作铺垫。】 (2)以旧引新 T: How do they go to work/school? S: They go to work/school 引出新单词 by sle

5、d, by ferrya.听音 b.慢而清晰地自练5次 c.“三最”训练5次d.由词入句They go to school by sled/ferry. He/ She goes to school by sled/ferry.【设计意图:以旧引新,由旧单词引出新单词,用新单词操练句型,从而突破重点,降低后文学习段篇的难度。】2.阅读中(While-reading)(1)第一次阅读T: We go to school by bike or by car or on foot. There are many different ways to go to school. Look and lis

6、ten, then find out: How do these countries children go to school?呈现课本文本,听录音理解文本内容,并从中找出关键词。a.听录音,整体感知文本,找出关键词。b.完成问题:(Listen again and finish) In . Some children go to school . In . Some children go to school . In . Some children go to school . In . Some children go to school .【设计意图:让学生带着任务寻找文本中的关键信

7、息,培养学生在阅读过程中获取关键信息的能力。】(2) 第二次阅读a. 呈现课本第一幅图 T: Where are the children from? S: Theyre from Munich Germany. T: Yes. Its in Munich Germany.Look at these children. How do they go to school? S: On foot.b.由词入句:Some children go to school on foot. Some children go to school on foot in Munich Germany. c. Ti

8、p: If you go to school on foot you must pay attention to what. d.小组合作学习其他文本,试着翻译理解文本意思,并通读熟读文本。 e.同样方法,学生自学其他文本,完成问题。 1. How do the children go to school in Alaska USA? 2. How do the children go to school in Jiangxi, China? 3. How do the children go to school in Papa Westray Scotland? 4. If you go t

9、o school.you must pay attention to what.【 设计意图:培养学生获取文本细节,并通过文中插图及上下文读懂文本的能力,让学生在自学中获得自信和快乐。】(3)第三次阅读a.教师展示Read and write文本,播放课文录音,学生跟读,模仿正确的停顿、语音和语调。b.班级大展示。c.完成课后问题。小组展开讨论:How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? /Does everyone in the text go to school? 选一名小组长组织并记录,最后全班进行汇报。【设计意图:“朗

10、读之星”的评比能提高学生对朗读的兴趣,激励学生从能读、会读走向规范、优美地朗读。】3.阅读后(Post-reading) 补充阅读材料:In China, most students go to school by bike or by bus. Some live near their schools. They often walk to school every day. What about the students in other countries? Do they go to school by bike? In the USA, many students go to sch

11、ool by car or school bus. In Finland(芬兰) and Iceland(冰岛),it snows a lot. The students in villages far from the school have to go by sled. If it snows heavily, the students can study at home. In Venice(威尼斯), the students go to school by boat. What fun it is.Questions: How do students go to school in

12、China? Do the students in the USA go to school by subway? In which country do students go to school by sled? How do some students go to school in Venice?小组合作学习,读懂短文,完成练习;小组内展示;班级大展示。【设计意图:通过补充阅读,加大了阅读量,增加了学生的语言输入,使学生的阅读能力及时得到锻炼和提高。】(三)Practice 1. Pay attention呈现Pay attention幻灯片T: There are many diff

13、erent ways to go to school. So on our ways to school. Please pay attention to the traffic rules. Lets read it together. 2. Tip for pronunciation教师播放Listen, look and say部分的录音,请学生通过跟读录音感知连读现象,然后教师讲解连读技巧,并示范朗读,慢速带读。再次播放Tips for pronunciation部分的录音,学生一边跟读,一边做手势,注意连读的模仿。最后回到文本中找出具有同样规律的地方,用正确的方式朗读出来。a.归纳提

14、示:当前一个单词是以辅音音素结尾,后一个单词是以元音音素开头时,需要连读。b. eg: on foot in; / it snows a lot;/ but in 2009c.快速朗读文本。(四)Homework学生模仿教材文段,写一篇介绍某人上学或上班方式的小短文,并给其提出安全出行的建议。板书设计Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolon foot in Munich Germany.Some children go to school by sled in Alaska USA. by ferry in Jiangxi China. by plane in Papa Westray Scotland.


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