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1、高考英语基本知识复习 名词性从句能力测试在复合句中的作用相称于名词的从句就叫名词性从句。它涉及主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句与同位语从句。考生应高考资源网注意的知识点为:(1)如何判断名词性从句的类别;(2)连词tht和wha的用法与选择;()wheter与if的区别;(4)同位语从句和定语从句的区别;(5)名词性从句必须采用陈述语序;(6)it可以充当形式主语和形式宾语;( 7)词尾加-eer的连词和不加-eve的连词在语义上和用法上的差别。1Are you stillthkig bot yes rda am?Oh,that_.what kesmefel excitd.wavrI fe xci

2、ted bou how I fel bout .when fel ecited2 ra eeling in me_wll nver kno wat aUFO iso ever.tatBwic .f whic Dwht3.Peseane isa id qalityd tats_t takest d anyig well.A.what .ha whch why4._ knoledge cms fm paciceis known tl.AWat B.Where .I D.Tt5._is kon t athat WT stans r Wrld Tre Oraniati.AWhc BWhat s .Th

3、e act_sh works hars wlknwn to usll.A.t Bwa C.why D.which.The ountainso lnge_itsed to be.A.whih B.tat Ca D.ha8We knolttleouthe young lady xcep_yu told me.A.what B.ta C.ow .不填9.Iknow in abouthrecep_she s frm aadaA.how .wen C.tha D.y10._ pe that my advceisrght.A.Itwill happen tha B.at has hapened C.Wha

4、 has happned .Wheit hapened11.What t_is_udt arvbyayight.there;becuse Bit;t C.he;whe .ta;12.Theqution e asked as_heelectrical quipet shol be tored.Awht B.whic C.ere .becu13._w antge seems beter th_we hae.A.hat;what B.Wht;tat Tat;that DTht;at1._ well o aming tmordeend on th wthe.A.If Wheter C.Tha D.Wh

5、er15.Fahermade a proie_I pasedh examinatio he would uy me a ewdictionath B.i Cwhthe D.tat f16.h ren_she ga for o ing pres ws_the heavy sno preveteh comin.A./;becaus .why;beuse C. ;tat D.why;hether1._ is hemst uefulivetio?.D outhinkwhich o theseB.Whichoftes do you thnk C.ic ofthese yo thinkDYoutinkwc

6、h ofthese1.Thisiste ncest htel_I have ver sayd so farA.that B.where C.which D./9._ hre i ifeon antherplat isalmos impssible.A.ow .That h Dhth0Its notyet lar_o tose i beco o dthe joA.that whm Chch D.wose.t spbable_hetld her evrythn.A.ho B.which C.why Dtht22._ inhenespr hatheaaese inser will rive n Md

7、y.A.t ays B.I is sai C.It has said D.H i ad3.Th osiblity_the maory o te labo orce wl wok at homeisoftn iscsse.A.which B./ C.hat D.wat24._ you g stay t om wontmkeany ffrene.A.If .Wen Chat .WhetherItoen matter_es or notA.if .whether Cthat .when26He oesnt now_s_he as r.A.that;her .tha;ht C.whre;hat D.w

8、t;whe2_ i ill secretwhe th prsidentwill make a pulc speechA.That BHe C.What D.It28.It orie her bit_er hairwas turing gra.Awhile B.that C.if D.hether2._bak the lw should bpushed.No mater wh Woever CAl D.Who.Thsephotograph wll so y _A.what ou village loks lieB.wha does our villge lok like ho orvllae l

9、oskD.hw doesur villalook lke31._s to practce sinEnih often.A.hat ou soul doBWhc youshold do C.hayou shoul dD.Watever should o do2 belive_yov done your bstd_thngs willmpove.Thkyou.A.tat; /;/ .wha;tat D/;that3.Plas givethe book to_wins thefirst prze.A.wo B.ho woever Dwhomeve34.The re stryed_wasin he u

10、ilng.Al B.wh C.tha Dwhich35Itos_he is unhap tday.A.tt B.if C.as if Dhethe36.After onh of resrch thre wlittle hope_t los armit beond.A.that Bwhch C.hen D.how37he resss ell, te trobl i_thelothes h is wearn dot go wit eac ohe eywe.A.evn i Bwethr Ctat Di38The ggestin_stuents houl ern som pactical knledge worthconsiderig.i Bich .不填 D.hat39._ hy dont ie is r cear.AWhat B.ha



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