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1、用所给词旳合适形式填空。nit 11. Iamake (riend) nline.2. He us mah He is a (teac)3. W wat om (muic) ohe scool show4. leasecoe and ho (w) yor hoto.5. lly s usy (do)er howork.6. Imamic teachr .an (help) (teach) mui .7. he ic s (interet )nd (ea).8. n (peopl)write_(stor)bout obot.9. m very ood at_(pay)socer.10. I wa

2、nt_(o)th_(swi)club.Uit21. He_ (gt)_(s)quickl verymornin.2. Ton_(do)his homwork ate_(ake) a walk veryening 3. Eiher ymotror y siter _ (lean ) the ro everyornn.4. e gos to school ter h eat beakfast _ (quck ).5. granpares have a _ (healt) life 6. Liy brhshr_(toot) afterhe getsup every mrning7. Te ake t

3、es_(well). I ateatnoh pice8. My hr asls of _ (wor ) to do oday.9. I inka th peopl lovethei_ (lif).10. My ather otendos _(xerise)to keep elthy.nit 1. Its dificulto mn from houth_(ride) a se wel.2. Soliers must go on the pway _ (crss)th river.3. Thy a to_ (ke) teplant getn th ciyfa awa.4. Allte _ (vll

4、age) wtt have aice ridge.5. It usallytaksthemhalf nhur _ (nih) teiromeok fter chool 6. The little girl_(et)tosool ybie every dy.7. Wae oing o e at fo the ovie Peae e _(qick).8. There reve _ (hunrd)stdts i ou chol.9. need ten minutes _(et) home from co.10. hebu ride _(tak) abt 0 minutes. Unit 41. Ali

5、ce ha t_ (lern)_(play) the piano afteshol.2. _(no eat) in the hallwas.3. Cn we _(tak) hebooks utid heibrry?4. veyoe must_()o tie fr te eeig5. _(put)your hands up if you know h anser.6. Moly like dointhe _(s) for hermotheatemals.7. De Li ong_(have) t g hre by ike?8. t shool, sudents e_(noie) or eatcl

6、ass.9. Th schol maes losof rules _(lp) sth ursudis10. Lily ofen pratices_(writ) tsixonSundy.11. leaeeember_(o) our hoeor first12. Thre_(e) manyrule o folw in myhom13. On schl _(igh), studtshave to o o d by 9;00.14. Its bes _(iit) Sigpre nut. Unit 51. Tere are ny _(kid) o anilsin he zoo.2. Why does h

7、e lie_(tge)?Bcase he tink thyare ver _(interes).3. h littl boy gesito he fet aone d gets_(los).4. Dot orget _(lear)our rm fte yo gt u5. Todaylots ofnims are in eat _(daneos). We must do somethin to save tem.6. To protect elephnt, e mustntbuy anything _(make) o iv o hing loolike ivory. 7. Rememern pl

8、aces t fd and wer cn_(help) te liv8. Terea may _(grff) n he zoo.9. m i one of myod _(friend).10. Whon you _(lp) your mother do h dishs?Ui61. All the _(chld) re _(Americ)2. The _(an) in te_(live) oom re_(rink)tea now.3. y mther_(make) sou in thkitchen no.4. Whats sh doing?Se_(wah) her clothes.5. Look

9、!Yourfather_(rea)a ewsaer o o.6. Doyu ant_(joi) me forte lunch?7. le b uite. Thestents _(have) an exa8. Its ix clck h Gree mily_(wac) TV at home.9. This phot isnt like any oter _(hoto).10. Mar _(exrcise) Sunday ith h do.11. My ounger rothr wises _(b) a supr star.12. My moter i_(shp)in te supearket.U

10、nit71. favorite _() Sun L.Shis beautul.2.The_(hg)of thebuldig s bout100 metr. They_(o)o hanghaby rai ext wee.4. s favrie_(s) i Lu Han. at to e an_(at) en Igroup.6. My friend, Tia _(lok) limy iter eryuch.7. iffent peopletk about i_(differet) .hestan manwears_(glass) _(jea)v day. Tpolic try tir best o fidwher th_(rime) ie.10. e hasstaight har. He i_(real) hansomUt 81 Thr_(be) a bk d to parsin he iy2. Tehosia is _(css) fro the postofice.3. Kidsenjo _(pay) ontestret.Ilin a_(noie)tree 5. nt wor.Youcand thehse_(ey)6. _ (get) to the bank,I ned o tae No.2 us.Li



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