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1、(M8第一页) M8知识要点总结一、 重点单词(单词表)appear出现、显露disappear消失环绕,围绕,在周围=around(例:sit round the table围桌而坐)转到一边round the corner转角附近大约(round nine oclock九点左右)in the corner of(在的拐角处)(在物品内部的角落里,比如在教室内部的一个墙角)(例:There is a table in the corner of the room)on/at the corner of(在的拐角处)(指物体外部的转角处)(但at有特定位置范围的,就是指的拐角上那个点,位置小而

2、且特殊,on只要是在拐角无论在什么位置都可以说on)(例:There is a bus at the corner of the building )glad/happy/pleased高兴的in time及时on time 按时,准时pay attention to sth.(注意/留心某事) pay attention to doing sth.(注意/留心干某事)(例:Please pay attention to your health/Please pay attention to listening to the teacher carefully)bite sb. in/on t

3、he +部位(咬了某人某个部位)(例:The dog bit me on the hand这条狗咬了我手/The child often bites her mother in the face这个小孩经常咬她妈妈脸 )in (great) pain处于(巨大有)疼痛中/处于苦恼之中(He is lying in pain)(I have a pain )bad/badly/illworseworstget worse 变得更糟/坏/严重medicine药、药物(不可数)take some medicine服药fall off =fall down from(从跌落/从掉下来)(例:The g

4、irl fell off her bike=The girl fell down from her bike.)*单词练习 (一)翻译 Suddenly he_(出现)in front me just now There is a table in _ _ _ the room在这间屋的拐角处有一张桌子 Please go home_ _(按时).The bus stopped_ _(及时) Please_ _ _ (留意)your hands She is lying in bed_ _(痛苦地) 他正在服药He is taking some _ Tom_ _(从掉下来)the desk y

5、esterday= Tom_ _ _(从掉下来)the desk yesterday(二)选词填空 There is a bus_(in/on )the corner of the street.I am glad_(to meet/meeting)you again.We should pay attention (to/不填/for)these things .Please pay attention to_(look/looking)after your childHe played football_(bad/badly/worse/worst)than meHe is the_(ba

6、d/badly/worse/worst)boy in our class.You must take some_(medicine/medicines)(三)变同义句 Please be careful ,everyone .There is a hole in the road=Please _ _ ,everyone .There is a hole in the roadHe is falling down from the bridge.= He is _ _ the bridge. 二、(一)单元重点短语,句子等look pale看上去苍白的,看起来苍白的(look +adj.形/看

7、起来(look young/look tired) Are you all right?你还好吗?all right好吧;好的;行;好了Im OK我很好How are you?Im Ok/Im very well/Im fine/Im all rightan accident一次交通事故on the road在(公)路上wait to do sth.等着干某事(Im waiting to have a piano lesson)*wait for sb. to do sth等着某人干某事(例:I am waiting for him to go home .)* change to red变成

8、(到)红色round the corner拐角附近,拐角处on通过,使用,借用on TV/on the radio/on the computer/on the Internet在上on the desk/on the wall靠近,在旁on the left/on my left处于状态/进行中Im on holiday我在度假向前(移动)go on 往前走/go straight on直走继续go on walking继续走 on Sunday/put on穿上/turn on打开/be glad to do sth.乐于干某事(例:I am glad to see you again.)

9、in time 及时(表动作在规定时间内或提前完成)(例:I hope you return回来in time)on time按时,准时(例:The train came in on time)fall off=fall down off(从跌下来/掉下来)(例:He is falling off his bike=He is falling down from his bike.)the risk of(的危险)when you are on your bikeWhen you are riding you bike当你在骑自行车时pay attention注意,留心pay attentio

10、n to sth/doing sth(注意/留心干某事)(例:Please pay attention to your health/Please pay attention to listening to the teacher carefully)at the red lights在红灯时anything else别的一些东西else别的其它的(放在修饰词之后)(What else do you want?)other(当形容词时)别的其它的(放在修饰词之前)(例:You had better最好ask some other people.)all the time一直,始终,时时刻刻(常

11、放句末)(He is singing all the time他一直在唱歌)(21)on the corner of(在马路的拐角处)(22)at traffic lights在交通灯处(23)sometimes有时(例:Sometimes I go to school on foot)(24)cross the road穿过公路sometime某个时候(例:Ill go home sometime next week)some time一段时间(例:I want to stay here for some time)some times几次,几倍(例:Please repeat重复 it s

12、ome times几遍)*助记词*sometime(s)与some time(s)用法歌诀(分开“一段”时间,相连是“某时”,分开“s”是倍次,相连“s”是“有时”)(25)at an accident scene 在事故现场(26)walk along(沿着走/散步)三、(二)单元重点短语,句子等 use sth to do sth用来干(例:I often the computer to go online)call people给人们打电话call up=ring up给打电话(例:Please call me up tomorrow)play播放play music播放音乐演奏,弹奏,

13、吹奏(乐器)play the piano/play the violin/play the guitar玩,打,踢(某一球类)play football/play the computer games戏剧,剧本(例:TV play电视剧/go to the play去看戏take photos照相a few days earlier几天前in a box of bananas在一盒香蕉里climb out爬出来climb out of(从爬出来)(例: The cat is climbing out of the hole)try to do sth尽力干try doing sth试着干try

14、 ones best (to do sth)尽最大的努力(干)(例:I will try my best to finish the work)pick up把捡起来/拾起来(pick it/them up)hurt badly受得很严重/疼得很/厉害hurry to somewhere匆忙去hurry to do sth匆忙做某事hurry up 赶快in a hurry匆忙地,急于地,匆忙地As当the doctors were checking检查him,the pain got worse as作为,以身份(He is famous as a writer)as 原级as (和一样)(

15、例:I am as young as you )asas possible =as as one can/could尽可能/尽某人所能(例:You should come here as early as possible =You should come here as early as you can )get worse变得更坏/更严重/更糟what kind of(哪一种/类/什么类型的)in (great/a lot of)pain (处于(巨大的)痛苦(疼痛)中)sent sth to sb=sent sb sth(发送给)as soon as (一就)(例:I will tell you as soon as he comes back)the next day第二天(过去某一天的第二天)show sth to


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