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1、2022年考博英语-昆明理工大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The newspaper did not mention the ( )of the damage caused by the fire.问题1选项A.rangeB.levelC.extentD.quality【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项range“(变动或浮动的)范围”;B选项level“水平,水准”;C选项extent“程度”;D选项“质量,品质”。根据damage可知C选项符合逻辑,表示“损失程度”。句意:报纸没有提到火灾造成的损失程度。2. 翻译题Read the following paragra

2、ph carefully and then translate it into Chinese.When the objects of an inquiry, in any department, have principles, causes, or elements, it is through acquaintance with these that knowledge and understanding is attained. For we do not think that we know a thing until we are acquainted with its prima

3、ry causes or first principles, and have carried our analysis as far as its elements. Plainly, therefore, in the science of nature too our first task will be to try to determine what relates to its principles. The natural way of doing this is to start from the things which are more knowable and clear

4、 to us and proceed towards those which are clearer and more knowable by nature, for the same things are not knowable relatively to us and knowable without qualification. So we must follow this method and advance from what is more obscure by nature, but clearer to us, towards what is clearer and more

5、 knowable by nature. Now what is to us plain and clear at first is rather confused masses, the elements and principles of which become known to us later by analysis.【答案】在任何领域,当研究对象有其存在的原理、因素或元素时,只有通过了解这些事物,才能获得知识和理解。因为只有当我们知道某事物的主要成因或基本原理,并对其组成元素进行进一步分析时,我们才可以称我们了解该事物。因此,很明显,在自然科学中,我们的首要任务将是设法确定各原理之

6、间的联系。这样做的自然方式是从对我们来说更清晰易知的事物开始,然后延伸至本质上更加清晰易知的事物,因为对我们来说,同样事物的可知性并不是相当的,并且也不是没有限制的。因此,我们必须遵循这一方法,从本质上模糊但对自己来说更加清楚的事物,发展到本质上既清晰又易知的事物中去。现在对我们来说,最简单明了的事物对大众来说是十分疑惑,其要素和原理可以通过后期的分析而为人们所了解。3. 单选题The question of salary increase will( )at the next general meeting.问题1选项A.come offB.come upC.come toD.come th

7、rough【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项come off“成功,离开,举行,实现”;B选项come up“发生,被提出,被讨论,走近”;C选项come to“恢复知觉,苏醒”;D选项come through“安然度过,批准通过,获得成功”。空格处为谓语动词,其主语为The question of salary increase(增加工资的问题),故B选项符合语境。句意:增加工资的问题将在下一次大会上被提出。4. 翻译题Read the following paragraph carefully and then translate it into Chinese.A fulfillin

8、g marriage begins when two people make time together their No. 1 priority. If we hope to find love, we must first find time for loving. Unfortunately, current psychology rests on the model of the independent ego. To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness. We must go beyond wha

9、t psychologist Abraham Maslow called “self-actualization” to “us-actualization”. We have to learn to put time where love is. The lasting marriage is never sure of the separate “selves” that make it up. But it has complete confidence that the relationship will grow in a never-ending process of learni

10、ng. There is a powerful healing energy that emanates from loving. Lasting love can learn to sense it, send it and make it grow. We are energized by love if we put our energy into loving.【答案】当两个人都把抽出时间多聚在一起作为他们的第一要务时,一段美满的婚姻就开始了。如果我们希望找到爱,我们首先必须找到时间去爱。遗憾的是,当前的心理学依赖于独立自我的模式。为了维持长久的婚姻,我们必须克服以自我为中心的思想。我

11、们必须超越心理学家亚伯拉罕马斯洛所说的“自我实现”而转向“共同实现”。我们必须学会把时间放在爱上。持久的婚姻永远无法确定组成婚姻的独立“自我”。但有一点可以确信的是,这种关系将在一个永无止境的学习过程中成长。有一种强大的治愈能量来自于爱。持久的爱可以使人学会感知,释放并使这种能量增长。如果我们把精力投入到爱中,我们就会受到爱的激励。5. 单选题The close relationship between poetry and music scarcely needs to be argued. Both are aural modes which employ rhythm, rhyme, a

12、nd pitch as major devices; to these the one adds linguistic meaning, connotation, and various traditional figures, and the other can add, at least in theory, all of these plus harmony, counterpoint (对位), and orchestration techniques. In English the two are closely bound historically. Anglo-Saxon her

13、oic poetry seems certainly to have been read or chanted to a harpists (竖琴师)accompaniment; the verb used in Beowulf for such a performance, the Finn episode (逸事),is singan, to sing, and the noun gyd, song. A major source of the lyric tradition in English poetry is the songs of the troubadours.The dis

14、tance between the gyd in Beowulf and the songs of Leonard Cohen or Bob Dylan may seem great, but is one of time rather than aesthetics. The lyric poem as a literary work and the lyrics of a popular song are both still essentially the same thing: poetry. Whether the title of the work be Gerontion, or

15、 You Aint Nothin. But a Hound Dog, our criteria for evaluating the work must remain the same.The most important prerequisite (先决条件)for both a significant poem and significant lyrics in a popular song is that the writer be faithful to his own personal vision or to the vision of the poem he is writing

16、. Skill and craft for writing poetry are indeed necessary because these are the only means by which a poet can preserve the integrity of this vision in the poem. A poet must not, either because of lack of skill or because of worship of popularity, wealth, or critical acclaim, go outside of his own or his own poems vision on pain of writing o


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