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1、九三小学六年级期末英语试卷 听力部分:(30分) 一、 听音选出你所听到的单词(5分)( )1、A. near B. ear C. hear ( ) 2、A. peace B. pleased C. place ( ) 3、A. city B. copy C. tidy ( ) 4. A. week B. weekend C. awake ( ) 5. A. different B. difficult C. dancing二、 听音,选图(4分) A、 B、 C、 D、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听音,打“”或打“”(8分)SwimRide a horsePlay the Piano

2、Play footballSamDamingAmyLingling四、 听音,选择合适的短语(5分)1、 is your classroom? Its 8 metres long.A. How old B. How long2、 this picture!A. Look out B. Look at3、Do you want to the UN building?A. come out of B. go inside4、Its Hainan Island.School Class ,Grade NameA. photos of B. a photo of5、The food Chinese f

3、ood in China.A. is different from B. was different from 五、听音,判断图片是否正确,正确的在图下打“”,错误的打“”。(4分)1、 2、 3、 4、 ()()()()六、听音,选择恰当的答语(4分)( )1.Yes, please. ( ) 2. No, they dont. ( ) 3. Im putting my new stamps into my album. ( )4、Yes, I have. 笔答部分(60分)一、 根据提示写单词(10分)1、I havent got any (邮票)。2、Lets dance (一起)。3、

4、Dalian is a beautiful (城市)。4、Hes got some (筷子)。5、Pandas love (竹子)。6、Its my new (电脑光盘)。7、Our school (结束) half past four.8、Do you want to be my (笔友)?9、We give (礼物) and send cards.10、I (经常) read stories to my little brother.二、单项选择(10分)( )1、Weve got of very tall and very big buildings in China. A、lot B、

5、lots C、much( ) 2、What do you like ? I like dancing. A 、do B、does C、doing( )3、Its to drink this way. A、fun B、funny C、happy ( ) 4、Only drink water! A、clear B、clean C、drank ( ) 5、We are Chinese. We our country. A、loves B、like C、love( ) 6、I have a friend China. A、at B、in C、for()7、She from America. A、am

6、B、is C、are()8、She to play football. A、want B、wanted C、wants()9、You can make album this book.A、a, in B、an, with C、an, in()10、You can write in English.A、in B、on C、for三、连线(5分)1、What are you doing? A、Im from Shanghai.2、Do you watch TV? B、Im playing.3、Where are you from? C、I swim very well.4、What do you

7、do well? D、Im going to send an email.5、What are you going to do? E、No, I dont.四、连词成句(15分)1、building / want / you / the / visit / to / do / ? 2、can / her / write / you / English / to / in / . 3、yesterday / to / went / a / I / library /. 4、Chinatown / New / York / a / in / is / there / . 5、is / long /

8、 the Great Wall / how / ? 五、 按顺序默写26个英文字母(15分) 六、 阅读理解(5分)Do you know Beijing? Its the capital of China. Beijingis a very big and very beautiful city. Its got a very longhistory. Many dynasties(王朝,朝代) capital was in Beijing, too. So there are lots of famous places of interest in Beijing. For example

9、, the Great Wall, Summer Palace, Ming tombs, Forbidden City(紫禁城,故宫) etc.Thousands of people from different countries come to visit Beijing every year. In August, 2008, the 29th Olympic Games(奥林匹克运动会) will be held in Beijing. All the people in Beijing are trying their best to build it more beautiful.( )1、Beijing is the biggest city in China.( ) 2、Beijing was the capital of many dynasties.( )3、Forbidden City was for the emperors(皇帝)。( )4、Many foreigners come to visit Beijing every year. ( ) 5、The 29th Olympic Games will be held in May,2008.



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