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1、(冀教版)六年级英语下册教案 unit2 lesson13Lesson 13 Exercise教学目标:1、Students can read,write,say and accurately understand the vocabulary:minutes,hours,exercise 2、教授歌谣“Everyone, Everyone, Reach up High” 使学生能跟着节拍边做动作边说歌词。 3、通过本课教学,使学生了解健康的生活方式应加强体育锻炼。教学重点:1、掌握本课四会单词: minutes, hours, exercise 教学难点: 1、如何在实际中灵活运用 How

2、much/How many/How often是难点。教具、学具:一个带有分针的钟表、录音机、课文录音带。教学过程:一、 Class Opening and Review: 1、Play“ What Time Is It” to review how to say times.T : hello ! now look , What is it ? S : watch .T : It is a clock . What time is it now ? S : IT is .二、Key Concepts:1、Introduce: (1) Demonstrate “minute, hour” wi

3、th a big clock . (教师用手拨动时针,正好经过一个小时) T : How many minutes does it past ? S : . T : One hour . Hour , say it . S hour . T : Now ,think . How many minutes make an hour ? Minute , say it and guess what it means here . S : minute . (教师可以用钟来提示学生 minute 是什么意思。同时教师还可以扩展秒,年,天。) T: Yes , sixty minutes make a

4、n hour . say it S : Sixty minutes make an hour . T : How many seconds make a minute ? S : . T : Now look ,What time is it now ? it is time for exercise . What does it mean ? Guess .(2) Play“Simon Says” to review actions and phrases such as:ride a bike, walk to school, run, jump ,play ping-pong, play

5、 soccer , play basketball 等。 Some volunteers. Ask each volunteer (in a whisper ) to perform an action(use the actions recommended for “Simon Says” above.) Ask the class to guess what he or she is doing. Then ask all the volunteers to perform their actions at the same time and lead a dialogue:T: Look

6、! They are exercising!(Point to each volunteer) Riding a bike is exercise. Playing ping-pong is exercise. Walking is exercise. What else is exercise?(Point to the next volunteer.) _ing is . S: exercise. T: Right! (Point to the final volunteer.) And _ing is S : exercise. T: Very good! (3) 游戏 规则 : 两个同

7、学上前面来 , 一个同学面向大家,另一个同学 用事先准备好的单词大卡片对着同学,让同学们做动作,前一位同学猜 ing is exercise . (安排这个环节主要是为了巩固刚刚学过的句型和单词exercise. 为下面的学习做准备。)2、Use the Student Book and Audiotape:(1)教科书第一部分 T:Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong.出示问题:What is exercise? How much exercise do you need? 学生边看书边听课文录音,同桌讨论后回答。回答第一题引出动名

8、词短语作主语这一知识点,板书:Riding a bike/Walking to school/Running/Playing ping-pong is exercise. 回答第二题时引出How much 与 How many 的区别, 并利用钟表演示使学生能回答: How many minutes are there in an hour?/How many minutes make an hour?(2) Ask a volunteer . T : How do you go to school ? V : ride a bike . T : Riding a bike is exerci

9、se ? How often do you exercise a day ? V : T : How many minutes do you exercise a day ? V :.学生分组进行对话练习,然后找同学进行检查。 (给学生实践的机会,让学生联系自己的生活实际进行英语学习,加强学生对语言的驾驭能力。)教科书第二部分 出示问题:How many minutes dose Danny exercise? How often dose Danny exercise? How many minutes dose Danny walk to school? 听课文录音小组讨论后得出结论:Da

10、nny needs to get more exercise. 采取多种方式操练:同桌对话、小记者采访的形式询问同学们的锻炼情况,在活动中复习并巩固句式的运用,深刻领悟锻炼的重要性。3、Practice: T: Now ,lets do some exercise together . Ok ? Teach “Everyone, Everyone, Reach up High” in Number 3 of the student book.(1) Play the audiotape, the students follow words and pictures in their books

11、.(2) Teach line by line, students to repeat.(3) Finally play the audiotape again, students chant along and do the actions.(4) 各组选派一名台前表演。三、Class Closing:Homework:(1) 画出一些动作或尽量用动作表演出来来练说:_ing is exercise. (2) 课余将所学chant 带动作表演给家人或朋友。 (3) Make a chart : 了解身边人的锻炼情况。板书设计: Lesson 13 Exercise Sixty minutes

12、 make an hour! Riding a bike Walking to school is exercise Running Playing ping-pongExercises :一、Fill in the blanks. 1、_ helps make your body healthy and strong. 2、Sixty m_make an h_.二、根据答句补全问句: 1、_exercise do you need a day? I need about twenty minutes of exercise a day. 2、_minutes do you need to w

13、alk to school? I need about five minutes to walk to school 3、_do you play ping-pong? I play ping-pong three times a week. 三,连线 1. What do you do after supper ? Twice . 2. What are you doing now ? On foot .3.How do you do ? Yes, please .4.May I help you ? Im coming .5.Time for supper . its Friday today. 6.How do you go to school everyday ? I often go for a walk with my sister7,How often do you eat breakfast at home ? I often go for a walk with my sister . 8. What day is today ? How do you do :?



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