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1、第二讲 动名词+听力练习一.目的展示。仔细观测下列句子,注意划线部分的用法。1. r. Lienjscollectig h. She prctises layingth piano every monin. Ming fished dingi homewrkat 9 .m4H adtted steing his own vase.The uggetedoingto the cema.二.构造动词原形+ing(既具有动词性质又具有名词性质,可作主语但不能作谓语)e.g. Smokng y usecance.三.用法1 作主语 .g. Sing s bliving2. 作宾语 e.g Dd ami

2、 breakg te vae?3.作表语 e. M j sacing4. 作定语 eg.aahig bii四常用接动名词作宾语的动词enjy 爱慕 fnis 完毕 keep保持ind 介意 prctie练习 sid 考虑suggest 建议 adit承认 deny 否认feeli 想要 be busy 忙于 have fun玩的开心eorth值得 ok frard t期待 what/howabu怎么样e. He fel likeoing otearkwit e.It is rth redingte boo.五接不定式和动名词均可,且含义相似的动词like/love/hate/eer/begi/

3、starteg. He e ig/ing六.接不定式和动名词均可,但含义不同1.rmber/orgtrret to sth. 记得/忘掉/懊悔去做某事(事情尚未发生)rember/frgtrre oin sh 记得/忘掉/懊悔做过某事(动作已经发生)egRembr to etun m boo e tmorw.I amr, but I remmbered retrni o te bo estdy.try to s. 设法做某事(努力做某事)tr dng sh. 尝试着做某事eg. Ill tyto finhit tday.Lets tr nog at te ba doo.stop oigs. 停

4、止做某事stop to o h. 停下来去做另一件事egtop gso uc nie. ws ird,ltstop to hae rs.cahel in st. 禁不住去做某事canthl t dot.不能协助去做某事eg He ant hl crng whn he hrt bd newsThe mdiinecant hel get ri o yorcold.5.goon doig th. 继续做同一件事情goto d sth. 继续做此外一件事情eg. wen on workig all the gt.He wet n doihis homworafer fiish eating sup.七

5、动名词用积极形式表被动含义need/want/equir 三个表达“需要”的动词后既可接 o o,也可接ig, 含义相似,接 din时是用积极式表被动含义。g.The room needs cleanin=h romneedstoe cleaned课堂练习一、用所给动词的合适形式填空。. lie _ (read) Englis in te mrnig.2.ts time fo us o learn sso lase s _ (al). Seas il so sh didnt fel lie_ ()anything. Do you mind _ (pen) the windw?.She noys

6、 _ (istn)omuic. He islookingfrward o _ (is)hia.7. xcuseme fo _ (com) lt8. My favourie oby is _ (ply) ches9. Remembe not_ (b) ateagain. Yushud practice_ (ie)11. ca fini _ (rd) he nol ina hou.2 The octor sugests _ (eat) less fast fd.13.Y have pomised_ (help)me. Shjst happened _ (mt)you.15. Dontstp, kp

7、 _(ve)二、单选。() 1.Whotaugt you c?Adiing B. to rive C. riding . o ride() 2T e use machiesu o mt ofour orkA.o help B. hep hling D.elped( ) 3. will ever frgetyo or thefirst time. to mt meet C.eting . meet()4.Idin spend al th one _ the oos. uy . ave boght C. buyig D. boght( ) 5.Dont be fraidofmtkewhen you

8、 len EngishA. ake makin C mke D. made( ) 6. The dco was bsy on tboa th im. operat B. operting .ooeating . ope( ). Return he boo to he ibrary assoon you finis iA. to rd radin .rea .haveread( ) 8 -l yu n myet dog whenImout?- Srry,cant Ihave to stdy fr my tt his wek.A. akecae of B. tig cae of C.oae are

9、 of D ak are( ) 9.Hep there without anbdy.A. sig; a B. t it; to ta C. sittn; taing D i; tking( ) 1.It sn ue theory ihotatice.A.to le . learnig .earn Dleared三、翻译下列句子。1.为什么不向教师求助呢?_.我看到她们正在那边打棒球. _3.我妈妈正忙于做家务。_4.我期待去参观长城。_. 你介意打开窗户吗?_四、完毕句子。1 我们累了,让我们停下来休息一下。W re tired. ets _.2.请记得为我买一本书。Please _ boofor me.3 孩子们忙于做作业。Techidrn arbusy _ hmewo.4 你介意我抽烟吗?Doymind me_ hee?5 说起来容易坐起来难。alking is asirthan _五、语法填空Yumay havtroube (1)_ (lear) a laguge. He re a few (2) _(ida) to helpyou lrn a languaee. rning thepronciioof aanguage i (3)_importa partfyur lag



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