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1、七彩教育网()资源分享平台,无需注册,无需登录即可下载第1章 专题13省略、替代、强调及其他特殊句式高考体验题组1. (2011 重庆卷,28)1 told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, ?A . could heB. did nt IC. did nt youD. could they答案:B。本题考查反意疑问句。句意:我告诉他们并不是所有的人都和你跑得一样快,是吗?主从复合句变反意疑问句时,反问部分与主句一致。故B项正确。2. (2011 重庆卷,32) Have you seen the film Under the H

2、awthorn Tree?Of course, I have. It was in our villageit was made.A . thatB. whereC. whenD. which答案:A 本题考查强调句型。句意:你看过电影山楂树之恋吗? 当然看过,就在我们的村庄拍摄的。其结构为:It is/was +被强调部分+ that+其余部分。此处强调地点状语。3. (2011 山东卷,23)Find ways to praise your children often ,youll find they will ope n their hearts to you.A. tillB. or

3、C. andD. but答案:C。本题考查连词的用法。句意:找到经常表扬孩子的方法,你就会发现孩子们 就会对你敞开心扉。本句为祈使句+and+简单句,祈使句可转化为if引导的条件句。4. (2011 江苏卷,33)It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine. , wedbetter take it to the garage immediately.A. OtherwiseB. If notC. But for thatD. If so答案:D。本题考查省略。句意:听起来好像是车的发动机出毛病了。如果这样的话, 我们最好立刻把他

4、带到修车厂去。otherwise 否则,要不然”,if not 如果不的话”,but forthat “若不是因为那”,if so “如果这样的话”。由句意可知D项正确。5. (2011 辽宁卷,29)He had no sooner finished his speechthe students started cheeri ng.A . sinceB. asC. whenD. than答案:D。本题考查连词的用法。句意:他一演讲完,同学们就欢呼起来了。nosooner.than., hardly.when.与 as soon as意义一致,表示“一就”。6. (2011 辽宁卷,23)Tw

5、enty students want to attend the class that aims to teachtoread fast.A . whatB. whoC. howD. why答案:C 本题考查连词的用法。句意:有二十名学生要去听如何快速阅读的课。what什么;who谁;how怎样;why为什么。根据句意,C项正确。7. (2011 湖南,35)lts not what we do once in a whileshapes our lives, but whatwe do con siste ntly.A . whichB. thatC. howD. when答案:B。本题考查

6、强调句式,句意:不是我们偶尔而是我们始终如一做的事情塑造了我们的生活。此处构成it is.that强调句式。8. (2011 陕西卷,23)It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we doben efits our work most.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. what答案:C。考查强调句型。句意:不是我们做了多少而是我们向我们所做的投入了多少热忱使我们的工作最受益。去掉It is和空白处以后,句子可还原为Not how much we do buthow much love we put

7、into what we do ben efits our work most ,由此可见本题考查强调句式Itis + 被强调部分 (Not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do) + that+其 他”,所以C项正确。该结构中只有被强调部分是人时才可用who替代that,其他情况得用 that。9. (2010 全国卷 n )Thoughto see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.A . surprisingB. was surprisedC. surprisedD.

8、 being surprised答案:C。考查省略。前半句是 “Though he was surprised to see us的省略形式。一般情 况下,如果状语从句的主语与主句的主语相同,并且从句的谓语含有be动词,通常省略状语从句中的主语和 be动词。10. (2010 安徽卷)It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the villagethe hostess cooked such a nice dinner.A . whereB . thatC . whe nD . which答案:B。考查强调句式。句意:女主人

9、用先前从村庄中买的仅仅几样东西做出了如此美妙的晚餐。被强调部分是 from only a few supplies,句中的 “that she had bought in the village 是定语从句,修饰先行词supplies。句子主干为 the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.。11 . (2010 湖南 卷)Johns success has nothing to do with good luckt is years of hard workhas made him what he is today.A . whyB. whenC. which

10、D. that答案:D。考查强调句型。此处强调第二句的主语years of hard work。句意:John的成功与运气没有关系。正是他多年的努力才成就了今天的他。12. (2010 山东卷)The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, accompanied by an adult.A . onceB. whenC. ifD. unless答案:D。考查连词。句意:校规规定,任何孩子在白天都不允许出校门,除非有大人陪同。所以选 unl ess。13. (2010

11、 四川卷)lf you have a job , A. do devoteC. devoting答案:A。考查特殊句型。本句为“祈使句+ 的强调。14. (2010 江苏卷)So far we have doneisideal.We have to work still harder.A . n ext toC. out of_yourself to it and fina lly you ll succeed.B. don t devoteD. not devotingan d+陈述句”句型;do是对谓语动词 devotea lot to build a low- carb on econo

12、my, but itB. far fromD. due to答案:B。考查词组辨析。句意:迄今为止我们为建设低碳经济已经做出了很多,但是远不理想。我们必须更加努力。far from表示“远非;一点也不”。A项表示“仅次于”;C项表示“离开,出于”,一般与名词或代词连用;D项表示“因为”。15. (2010 江苏卷)I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem , but in vain.Why not consult with Frank ? You see, .A . great minds think alikeB. tw

13、o heads are better than oneC. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushD. it s better to think twice before doing something答案:B。考查习语。答话人建议说话人不要仅仅凭借自己的力量,而应该请教别人,由此可知选B项“两人智慧胜一人”。A项表示“英雄所见略同”;C项表示“双鸟在林不如一鸟在手”;D项表示“三思而后行”,都与所给语境不符。16. (2010 浙江卷)I guess we vealready talked about this before but I a s

14、k you againjust.A . by natureB. in returnC. in caseD. by chanee答案:C。考查短语辨析。句意:我猜我们以前谈过这个问题,但以防万一,我还是要 再问问你。in case以防,万一”;by nature”天生,生性”;in return 作为的回报”; by chanee 偶然,意外地”。根据句意,这里选 C项。17. (2010 浙江卷)According to my grandma , it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold., scientists ag

15、ree with her.A . Sooner or laterB. Once in a whileC. To be exactD. Believe it or not答案:D。考查短语辨析。句意: 一一根据我奶奶的看法,感冒时最好喝鸡汤。一一确实如此,科学家也这么认为的。此处believe it or not表示信不信由你,确实”的含义,符合语境。sooner or later 迟早”;once in a while 时不时,偶尔,间或”;to be exact 确切地说”。18. (2009 江苏卷)What s the matter with Della?Well, her pare nts would nt allow her to go to the party, but she still.A. hopes toB. hopes soC. hopes notD. hopes for答案:A。根据语境



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