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1、九年级英语下册Module6Lookafteryourself!单元教案外研版Module 6 Look after yourself!I.Teaching goals 模块教学目的S S kill Focus听 Listen to people talking about accidents, asking for advice to stop smoking, rules for a safe and healthy life 说 Talk about accidents, rules and advice for a safe and healthy life 读 Read articl

2、es about rules for a safe and healthy life, letters to get someone give up smoking, passage about ways for health 写 Write health advice to people Language F F ocus功能句式 Talk about accidents1.Whorsquo;s missing?2.Help!3.How do you feel?4.Itrsquo;s nothing serious.5.Show me where he is.6.Irsquo;ll call

3、 for help on my mobile.7.Will he live? 8.Can you move your.? 9.Hersquo;ll soon be OK! 10.Wait a minute.Giving advice1.Be careful! Itrsquo;s dangerous out there! 2.Donrsquo;t be a couch potato!3.Watch your diet! 4.Rest up while you can! 5.Donrsquo;t worry.Be happy! 6.Say no.to smoking and drugs! 词汇 1

4、重点词汇flukneewoundmisstripimprovementoningcouche_pertfit amountweighteffectshockhitgladbreathecancerfi_ 2认读词汇 fevercooker 语法 Tenses: 1.一般如今时 do/does/beII.Teaching material analyzing 教材分析p 本模块以 Look after yourself 为话题,以学习议论安康生活的规那么为主线,介绍了很多平安和安康生活规那么。通过模块学习,学生将重点复习已学根本时态的用法、词汇和功能句;理解平安安康生活规那么,并能运用正确的时态

5、和所学单词或功能句去给别人提出关于安康生活的建议。Unit 1 通过听、读、说训练,初步学习议论事故的问题。其中 Activity 1 相当于整个单元的 Warming up 局部。由于该教材是起点,即学生在阶段已经接触过相关话题,因此这个活动激活学生已有的目的语言;Activity 2 是一听能训练,要求学生听后捕捉细节;这局部的语言描绘与 Activity 1 有很大关系;因此在 Activity 1 中尽量表达与本模块话题相关的语言表达是很重要的;Activities 3-6 是一个整体。可以可看作是对学生的语言输入。Activity 4 是要求学生在听和读的根底上把握 accident

6、 所应包含的要素,从而帮助他们阅读同类体裁的文章;Activity 5 要求学生阅读课文并找出相关细节问题的答案;Activity 6 要求学生在理解课文、一定训练的根底上对课文内容进展概括、复述,综合性要求较高。老师可以在此之前帮助学生归纳总结询问、描绘伤势等目的语言,以便学生可以准确地使用这些语言;Activities 7;8 是新课程标准语音工程表中所要求的,同时也为Activity 9 的 “说”局部做了准备;Activity 9 是一个语言输出局部,要求学生运用目的语言来描绘自己的经历。Unit 2 通过读、写训练,学习议论安康生活的规那么。该单元共设计了 8 个活动。其中Activ

7、ity 1 相当于整个单元的 Warming up 局部,设计该活动的目的在于激活学生与该主题有关的目的语言和经历;同时也是在训练学生有关该话题的表达才能。根据题目要求学生应从三方面来完成:advantage/danger/describe。Activities 2-5 要求学生阅读介绍“平安和安康生活规那么”的短文,完成各种练习。这些活动主要是训练学生的阅读才能,并让学生理解更多的安康生活规那么,为以后的口语和书面语输出做准备。Activities 6-8 写作即书面语输出阶段,要求学生根据以上活动的学习内容写作,该局部应包括以下几个方面:1、从课文中提取 rules 并对每个 rule 举

8、例说明应该做什么和不应该做什么;这里用一般如今时态;2、列举破坏 rule 的经历,用一般过去时描绘所发生的事情;3、用一般将来时态说明应该怎样做才能平安以及安康。Unit 3 对“平安和安康生活规那么”进展综合训练,并在此根底上学习时态。其中Activities 1-2 要求练习时态。因此可以把这两个活动作为一个课时来上,以帮助学生掌握时态。Activities 3-8 要求学生用正确的时态做各种关于“安康生活的规那么”的练习。Around the world 介绍了笑对安康的作用。Module task 要求学生为别人提供安康建议。因此可以把这些局部放在一起组合成一节综合技能课。III.C

9、lass types and periods 课型设计与课时分配Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1)Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2)Period 3 Grammar (Activities 1-2 Unit 3)Period 4 Integrating skills (Activities 3-8, Around the world, Module task Unit 3) d IV.Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 Listening and spea

10、kingLanguage goals 语言目的1.Target language 目的语言a.Words 词汇feverflukneewoundmisstrip b.Key structures 重点句式Whorsquo;s missing? Help! How do you feel? Itrsquo;s nothing serious.Show me where he is.Irsquo;ll call for help on my mobile.Will he live? Can you move your.? Hersquo;ll soon be OK! Wait a minute.2

11、.Ability goals 才能目的Enable students to listen to and talk about accidents.3.Learning ability goals 学能目的Help the students learn how to talk about accidents.Teaching important points 教学重点Teach the students to learn new words and phrases and how to talk about accidents.s Teaching difficult points 教学难点Te

12、ach the students how to talk about accidents.Teaching methods 教学方法Reading, talking, listening and speaking.Teaching aids 教具准备Two tape recorders, word cards and a projector.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I VocabularyTry to make students remember the new words and e_pressions.Ask students to

13、 read the new words after the teacher.After making sure that all the students can read them correctly, give them 5 or more minutes to learn the words by heart.Then ask the students to dictate in pairs.The teacher can play card games with students to help them remember the new words.The teacher can p

14、repare some cards with English words on one side and their Chinese meanings on the other side.Then randomly picks out one card for students to say the English words or their Chinese meaning.Step II TalkingAsk students to look at the picture on Page 48, and talk about questions in Activity 1 in pairs

15、.Encourage the students to try to use the new vocabulary.Before the students talking about this picture, the teacher can introduce some useful e_pressions for the students to refer to.1.see+ sb.+doing 2.first aid: 急救give first aid to sb/give sb first aid: 对人进展急救 3.knock down: 撞倒 4.have a fever: 发烧 5

16、.have a flu: 得了流感 6.have nothing to do with: 与.无关 7.a wound in one knee: 某人 8.bind up: 包扎 T: What can you see in the picture? S: I can see some people.S: I can see a tree.S: I can see a doctor.S: I can see a boy lying on the ground and the doctor is giving first aid to him.T: Yes, very good.Whatrsquo;s happened to the boy? Do yo



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