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1、承德五中2020-2020学年上学期 命题人 安雅欣 命题时间 2020年10月学生姓名_班级 _ 得分_注:本试卷满分120分,考试用时120分钟卷一(选择题 共85分)听力部分(第一节).听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(5分)( )1.A. flower B. power. C .tower( )2.A. 191. B. 119. C. 116 .( )3.A. this Tuesday. B. next Tuesday C. this Thursday .( )4.A.have a car . B. have a card . C. give a card .( )5.A.Most p

2、eople agree that its healthy to eat fruit and vegetable.B. Most people disagree that its healthy to eat fruit and vegetable.C. Most people agree that its unhealthy to eat fruit and vegetable.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(5分).( )6.A.To toms party B. With Sandy and Jim C.This Sundy .( )7.A. Good luck ! . B. Congradu

3、lations ! . C. Thats a good idea !.( )8.A. Yes,please . B. No thanks . C. Neither I want a cup of coffee .( )9.A. Yes , I have . B.On May 10th . C. Once a year .( )10.A. She was wrongr . B. She hurried to school . C. Last Monday.听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。(5分)( )11. A. Because she overslept . B. Because she was

4、 ill .C. Because she didnt catch the school bus .( )12.A. Tree-Planting Day B. Clean-Up Day . C. Teachers Day( )13.A.For almost three yearss. B. For thirteen years . C. For three years and a half.( )14.A. B. C. .( )15.A. B. C. .听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(10分)( )16.What do English people often do on a bus ?A.

5、They often talk much . B They often eat something .C. They ofyen read books and papers( )17.What can you say when you meet English people ?A.Nice weather . B. How are you ? C. Nice to see you .( )18.How many students did Lin Tao save ?A. Seven B.Two. C. Nine.( )19.What did Lin Tao do during the eart

6、hquake ?C. He carried some students to safety .B.He saved his parents. C.He saved his teachers.( )20.Why did the man want to sell the old car ?A.Because it made noises. B.Because he didnt his car at all .C.Because he has got a new one( )21.Whom did Mark buy the car for ?A.He bought it for himself .

7、B.He bought it for his daughter .C.He bought it for his wife .( )22.What are they talking about ?A.Something about pets . B. Something about dogs .C. Something about protecting animals .( )23.What animal does the woman like best ?A.The cat . B.The dog . C.The parrot .( )24.Which of the following is

8、true according to the conversation ?A. The man has a pet parot . B. The woman has a pet dog .C.The man feels the pet dog every day( )25.What does the man think of keeping a pet parrot ?C. He doesnt like it . B. He gets bored . C.It is fun .笔试部分.单项选择。(20分)( )26. Hey, whose T-shirt is it?You mean the

9、blue one on the chair? It belongs to _.A. I B. meC. myD. mine( )27. On the first day of October 2020, our great country had its_ birthdayA. fifty-one B. sixty-one C. fifty-first D. sixty-first( )28. Whose exam paper is it ?It _ be Jennys. She always forgets to write her name on it.A. cantB. must C.

10、shouldnt D. can( )29. You are speaking too fast, Mr. Huang. We cant follow you.OK, I will speak more _.A. quickly B. easily C. slowly D. clearly( )30. If I _you , I would go and say sorry to her right away.A. was B. wereC. amD. have been( )31. Look! How dirty the river is! But it _ clean before a fa

11、ctory was built.A. used to beB. will beC. has beenD. used to have( )32. Its said that scientists have _ a way to deal with Influenza H1N1.A. caught up with B. come up withC. agreed withD. compared with( )33. I dont like bread. I wont eat it _ I am very hungry.A. ifB. when C. asD. unless( )34. Tom is

12、 very _. He is sure that he will win the game.A. energeticB. outgoingC. confidentD. knowledgeable( )35. The sign on the right tells us taking photos _here.A. is allowed B. isnt allowed C. are allowed D. arent allowed( )36. My parents always make a lot of rules for me. _.A. So my parents do B. Nor my

13、 parents doC. Nor do my parentsD. So do my parents.( )37. I prefer_ at home rather than _to the cinema.A. to stay, to go B. stay , go C. to stay , go D. stay , to go( )38. Beijing is one of the _ in the world today.A. busiest city B. busiest cities C. busy city D. busy cities( )39. Would you like to

14、 go _?A. anywhere relaxing B. relaxing somewhereC. somewhere relaxing D. somewhere relaxed( )40.We know Jackie Chan is very famous and successful in the world .A. who B. what C. which D. whom( )41. They met each other _ a cold winter day fifteen years ago.A. on B. in C. at D. for( )42. The story reminded me _ an experi


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