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1、2022年考博英语-江苏大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of _ standards.问题1选项A.equivalentB.alikeC.uniformD.likely【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. equivalent(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的 B. alike相像;十分相似C. uniform一致的;统一的 D. likely可能的;预料的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据句子可知,most inns are less

2、 costly than hotels(大多数小旅馆比酒店便宜)用到了比较级,而比较通常是在同等的条件下进行,所以空格处应该表示“相同的”,该题选择A项符合句意。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】尽管他们的服务很好,大多数小旅馆比同等标准的酒店便宜。2. 单选题You should have put the milk into the ice box, I expect it _ undrinkable.问题1选项A.becameB.had becomeC.has becomeD.becomes【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. became成为了 B. had become已经成

3、为C. has become成为 D. becomes成为【考查点】时态。【解题思路】根据should have done可知,此处是虚拟语气,表示本应该做却没做,而牛奶已经变质不能喝了,是过去发生的动作对现在造成影响,所以空格处用现在完成时,故该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A、B、D项时态不符合。【句意】你本应该把牛奶放进冰箱的,我想它已经不能喝了。3. 单选题Certainly every school _ high priority to the quality of teaching.问题1选项A.ascribesB.refersC.reconcilesD.accords【答案】A【解析

4、】【选项释义】A. ascribes把归因于;认为是 B. refers提到,谈到C. reconciles调和;和解 D. accords(与)一致,符合【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据high priority(高优先级)和the quality of teaching(教学质量)可知,此句应该表示学校教学质量是高优先级,结合to可知,ascribe to表示“认为是;归因于”符合句意,故该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】当然,每个学校都对教学质量高度重视。4. 翻译题Ive come to appreciate that life has its own t

5、imetable. It takes nine months to make a baby, 2l years to make an adult. It takes a long time to become a good violinist or downhill skier. It also takes time to become a successand even more time to become a success as a person.Perhaps the last thing for controlling impatience is to examine your o

6、wn contribution to it. Are you unwilling to grant children time to learn, or slow people time to accomplish a task? If impatience is only occasional, your annoyance will pass. But if youre almost always irritable and abrupt, you may well feel that youre just too important to ever be kept waiting for

7、 anyone or anything.Youre not, of course; none of us are. If we can accept that the world is ours to enjoy but not made for our convenience, well be better able to move through it equably, more patient with the ordinary vicissitudes of life and a good companion to our fellow human beingsand to ourse


9、,并成为我们人类同胞和我们自己的好伴侣。5. 不定项选择题The Gulf Stream, which runs like a friendly blue river across the cold green Atlantic Ocean, is one of the mightiest powers in the world. By comparison, the Mississippi and the mighty Amazon are but small rivers. Two million tons of coal burned every minute would not equ

10、al the heat that the Stream gives forth in its Atlantic crossing. Without the Streams warmth Englands pleasant green countryside would be as cold as Labrador, which is no farther north than England. If this “river of blue” were cooled as much as 15 degrees, England, Scandinavia, northern France and

11、Germany would probably become a region for the Eskimos.The general course of the blue river has never been known to change. From Florida north the Stream follows the curve of the coast but stays well away from the shore. When the warm waters meet the icy Labrador currents, the Stream loses some spee

12、d and heat, but even with icebergs at its margin it stays warm enough for tropical sea life.As the Stream nears Europe it divides north and south. The northern drift mixed with the Arctic Ocean. The southern drift comes again into the path of Africas hot trade winds, and the waters hurry back to the

13、 Gulf of Mexico, gathering again their store of heat. The complete course of the Stream, therefore, is like a tremendous 12,000-mile whirlpool.Scientists think that it takes three years for the Stream to make a complete trip. Their belief is based on the courses of bottles that have been thrown into

14、 the Stream to drift. These bottles contain papers, printed in many languages, requesting the finders to note the places and dates of finding and mail them back. Government experts on ocean currents have records of thousands of there “bottle papers”.Other oceans have such currents. In the North Paci

15、fic, for example, the Japanese Current makes the climate of coastal Alaska and Americas west coast mild. Science is still not satisfied with what it knows about these currents. But for most of us it is enough to know that the Gulf Stream and similar currents give warmth to countries that would otherwise be very cold indeed.1. The phrase that best expresses the main idea of this selection is _.2. The water in the Gulf Stream is _.3. The effect of the Gulf Stream on England is to _.4. Scientists have used papers in bottle



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