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1、爱仕达集团品牌战略研究 2012 届硕士研究生学位论文学校代码:10269学号:51109602342爱仕达集团品牌战略研究 院 系:MBA教育中心 专 业:工商管理研究 方向:营销管理姓 名:王涛 指导 教师:蓝发钦 教授 2012 年 3 月完成 Master degree graduate thesis by 2012 School Code:10269Number:51109602342East China Normal University Research on Brand Strategy of ASD GroupCollege: MBA Education CenterSpec

2、iality: Business AdministrationInterests: Marketing ManagementName: Wang Tao Preceptor: Prof. Faqin LanMar 2012华东师范大学学位论文原创性声明郑重声明:本人呈交的学位论文 爱仕达集团品牌战略研究 ,是在华东师范大学攻读硕士/博士(请勾选)学位期间,在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 年月日华东师范大学学位论文

3、著作权使用声明 爱仕达集团品牌战略研究 系本人在华东师范大学攻读学位期间在导师指导下完成的硕士/博士(请勾选)学位论文,本论文的研究成果归华东师范大学所有。本人同意华东师范大学根据相关规定保留和使用此学位论文,并向主管部门和相关机构如国家图书馆、中信所和“知网”送交学位论文的印刷版和电子版;允许学位论文进入华东师范大学图书馆及数据库被查阅、借阅;同意学校将学位论文加入全国博士、硕士学位论文共建单位数据库进行检索,将学位论文的标题和摘要汇编出版,采用影印、缩印或者其它方式合理复制学位论文。 本学位论文属于(请勾选) ( )1.经华东师范大学相关部门审查核定的“内部”或“涉密”学位论文*, 于 年

4、 月 日解密,解密后适用上述授权。 ( )2.不保密,适用上述授权。导师签名 本人签名 日期: 年 月 日 * “涉密”学位论文应是已经华东师范大学学位评定委员会办公室或保密委员会审定过的学位论文(需附获批的华东师范大学研究生申请学位论文“涉密”审批表方为有效),未经上述部门审定的学位论文均为公开学位论文。此声明栏不填写的,默认为公开学位论文,均适用上述授权)。王涛硕士学位论文答辩委员会成员名单姓名 职称 单位 备注 欧阳令南 教授 上海交通大学 主席 吴信如 教授 华东师范大学金融与统计学院叶德磊 教授 华东师范大学商学院 摘 要 国内炊具行业经历了20多年的发展,已逐渐成熟,企业之间的竞争


6、为国内炊具行业的龙头企业,公司要成为国内消费者更高生活品质的缔造者。在这样一个同质化程度很高的行业里,爱仕达要想继续的发展壮大,实现宏伟的企业发展目标,就必须有正确合理的品牌战略作为支撑。品牌在当今市场竞争中是企业的重要竞争手段,它是企业文化和企业精华的集合体。 本论文分五章展开研究:第一章为绪论,主要介绍了论文的研究背景、意义、品牌概念的界定,给出了论文的研究方法与基本框架,以及论文的创新之处。 第二章对爱仕达品牌战略环境的分析,其中包括爱仕达品牌的战略背景,爱仕达品牌的战略微观环境,以及爱仕达品牌竞争对手的分析。 第三章是爱仕达品牌战略制定,包括品牌战略目标,品牌定位描述,品牌战略制定。

7、第四章是爱仕达品牌战略的实施策略,包含产品策略,定价策略,渠道策略,整合营销传播策略。 第五章是结论和爱仕达品牌战略实施的一些思考,从坚定打造国内炊具顶级品牌的远景目标、加强企业文化建设与发展和在企业内部建立学习型组织三个方面进行阐述。关键词:品牌战略,品牌定位,品牌延伸规划,爱仕达IAbstract The domestic kitchenware industry has been developing for over twenty years and is gradually maturing. Competitions among the corporations are fierc

8、e and product homogeneity has become increasingly obvious. The industry is undergoing a process from quantitative growth to qualitative growthMaterial oriented competition has been shifted to spirit oriented competition as is exemplified by the change from competition of price to competition of prod

9、uct, service quality and corporate brand strength. Brands which are the first to win the psychological cognition of the consumers will take up an advantageous position in the market competition. Brand plays a crucial role in the management and development of a company. In the kitchenware industry, w

10、ith the rise of domestic brands and product homogeneity, brand has become increasingly important. Brands are wings to the company which provide incessant driving forces in the market competition. Brand is the symbol of company and product as well as the outward manifestation of the corporate competi

11、tive advantage. Besides, during the marketing campaigns of the companies, brand also plays an important role. It helps the consumers to identify the products, protects the consumer and companies interests and helps to expand the market share. As the leader in the domestic kitchenware industry, ASD a

12、ims to become a provider of better life quality for domestic consumers. In an industry where product homogeneity level is high, ASD must rely on the right and reasonable brand strategy as a support to seek expansion and achieve ambitious business goal. Brand is an important means of competition in m

13、arket competition today and is a combination of corporate culture and quintessenceThe dissertation consists of five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction which introduces the research background and significance, the definition of brand concept, research methods and framework and the innov

14、ation of the dissertationThe second chapter analyzes the strategic environment of the brand ASD, including the analysis of this brands strategic background, strategic micro-environment and its competitorsThe third chapter describes ASDs brand strategy formulation, including brand strategy goal, bran

15、d positioning and brand strategy formulationThe fourth chapter discusses about ASDs implementation of the brand strategy, including product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy and integrated marketing IIcommunication strategyThe fifth chapter consists of the conclusion and a few thoughts on the implementation of brand strategy of ASD. This part will be explored from three aspects, namely, ASDs determination to become top domestic kitchenware brand as its long-term target, strengthening the construction and development of corporate culture


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