九年级英语下册 Unit3 Asia 导学案 牛津版

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1、9B Unit3 Asia 导学案Welcome to the unit 【背景知识】北京 在现在北京城址上的第一座城市新建于1267年,时逢元朝。是当时的都城。明朝前两个皇帝曾将南京作为都城,但第三个皇帝重新定都北京。从那以后知道1928年,北京就一直是中国的都城。1928年至1949期间,国民党政府定都南京。1949年,中华人民共和国宣布北京为新中国的首都。桂林 几百万年前,现在的桂林市一片汪洋大海。在海床上积累了厚达几千米的石灰岩曾。地壳变化时海水退去,石灰岩逐渐露出海面。石灰岩历经几百万年的风雨侵蚀,形成了现在的地貌, 即高耸的山峰和复杂的岩洞。 2000年前,桂林以其重要的战略位置而

2、成为一座重镇。秦始皇下令开凿了一条连接湘江和漓江的运河-灵渠。随着越来越多的人到桂林旅游,它的美丽也为更多的人所知晓。除了自然美景之外, 桂林还有许多史前遗迹,明代陵墓以及石雕和石刻。Tiananmen Square is one of the largest city squares in the world. It lies in the heart of Beijing. Tiananmen was built in 1417 and was the entrance gate to the Forbidden City. Now the square stretches(延伸)880

3、meters from north to south and 500 meters from east to west. The total area is 440,000 square meters. Thats about the size of 60 soccer fields, spacious enough to accommodate half a million people. The Forbidden City (紫禁城) is the Chinese imperial(帝国的) palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Q

4、ing Dynasty and it s also the worlds biggest palace. It lies in the middle of Beijing, China, and now houses the Palace Museum. For almost five centuries, it served as the home of the Emperor and his household(家人), as well as the ceremonial(仪式的)and political(政治的)centre of Chinese government.The Grea

5、t wall In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the

6、world, the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture.Beijing National Stadium (Birds Nest/Olympic Stadium) (鸟巢) The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the birds nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to t

7、he Opening and Closing ceremonies. Lijiang The poetic and picturesque(如诗如画的)Li River originates(发源)in Mountain Maoer (Cat) at Xinan county (县) about 80 km in the northeast of Guilin. It winds and meanders (蜿蜒而流)its way for 170 kilometers, passing through Guilin, Yangshuo to the outlet of Gongchen ri

8、ver in Pingle county and then joins the Xi River, which is the upper reaches of Pearl River.【自学探究】一、 预习P40P41,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。1.长城是令人惊奇的 2.那儿有太多的山3.你是如此之懒 4.休息一下5.叫醒我6.在你回来的路上7.中国结8.中国戏剧9.中国剪纸 10.筷子11.舞龙12.外滩13.尽管有很长的路要走,我们最好坚持到底。二、完成P41, Parts A、B练习。三、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1. Im by what you say to me ! (a

9、maze) 2.It was _ that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly (amaze)3. Are you _ after a long walk with you parents? (tire)4. It is very _ to climb the Great Wall step by step. (tire)5. Before reading the book, you had better _ yourself if you have the time. (问)6. If we _to destroy forests

10、 to build roads, animals wont have suitable homes. (继续)7. He didnt _ up until eleven oclock in the morning. (醒来)8. _ your way back home, please buy me a bottle of milk. ( 在)9. Have a rest means _ a rest. (休息一下)10._ many difficulties are still ahead, we decided to make greater achievements (尽管)三、查找资料

11、,了解更多的亚洲国名和中国风格的事物的名称。 Countries in Asia Chinese things1. _ 1. _2. _ 2. _3. _ 3. _4. 4. 【教案】教学内容9B Unit 3 Asia 课型新授课教学目标1. 学习对话,初步了解although 的用法2. 谈论亚洲不同国家的风景名胜3. 谈论中国风格的事物,简单介绍其情况4. 重点谈北京和桂林教学重难点1. 用英文简单介绍北京的一些风景名胜2. although 的用法教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充STEP 1 Talking about the places

12、 of interest In Beijing 1. Show some pictures to the students. Get them to guess what it is . 2. Encourage the students to be creative and try to make different kinds of guesses. 3. Get the students to listen to the tape and find out what happened. 1)What happened to Hobos feet?2)What was he doing t

13、hen?3)What did Hobo advise Eddie to do ?4)What was Eddies decision?(For weaker classes, get the students to talk about each picture.)4. Read after the tape and then complete the short passage.One day, Hobo and Eddie _ the Great wall .Hobo thought it was _ to climb the Great Wall, but Eddie felt very

14、 _. Hobo encouraged Eddie to _ to the end , but Eddie decided to _ a rest. 5. Get the students to read and practice the dialogue and then act the dialogue out. (Encourage the students to add something to make the dialogue funnier.)STEP 2 Make sentences with “although”1. Say “ Although theres still a long way to go, wed better continue to the end.” Can you use the sentence structure to make more sentences?2. Ask students to make sentence



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